Chapter 29

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I sat bound to a chair by powerful magic. "Now, Stiles, I am going to show you the reason I want you to rid yourself of this demon body and become a mortal." Esther said. "I happen to love my body. Thanks though." I said sitting back. "Also, you don't get to decide whether or not if I will be purged from my body. Just because you failed in life as a mother doesn't mean you can come barging into my life trying to turn me into something that I am not. And have not been for a millennium." I said. "That's funny. You think you have a choice. I only offer the deal to make you contemplate your options. You have no say in this." Esther said before blasting me with magic. I screamed bloody murder. "I made you what you are today. I created the infamous monster behind the black door." Esther said. "What do you plan on doing to me?" I asked spitting blood. "I'm going to destroy the monster. Even if it means killing you." Esther said. She conjured multiple dark objects and attacked me with them. I let out a scream of agonizing pain as Esther beat me senseless. "Accept the offer, Mieczy. Reunite your family. Make the Mikaelson family whole again." Esther said. "I'd rather kill you...again....permanently this time." I spat sarcastically. "Fine. Have it your way." Esther said stabbing me in the chest with a dagger. I screamed. "You might remember this blade. After all, it is Papa Tunde's blade." Esther said saying an incantation. Millions upon millions of my memories behind the black door flooded my mind, overwhelming me. Pain equated to the amount of memories that were flooding in.

"You see Stiles. Your Ripper mode, Jack the Ripper, is both the physical and mental embodiment of your monster behind the black door. The black door was a way for you to hide all of your victims." Esther said. I sat in the chair frozen like a statue in agony. "There was a time when you weren't the beast before me. When you were a bright intelligent boy without the demons inside haunting you until the end of time." Esther said. I sat helpless as I watched everything that I've done. Everyone I've killed. Allison, Aiden, Donovan, the people in the hospital, the officers at the police station, and the millions of people I slaughtered to quench my insatiable desire for human blood. I groaned struggling to break free of the blade's hold over me. "There's no point in fighting, Stiles. You WILL accept the deal. You WILL rid yourself of this body and you WILL do so without any opposition." Mother said. "If you don't. I will unleash the very monster you wish to keep locked behind the black door. I will release Jack of you don't do as I say. And if I have to make you kill everyone that you hold dear to get you to see the monstrosity you have become. Believe me Stiles, I will. So, what'll it be Stiles? Deal or Jack the Ripper?" Esther said. Let me have control, Stiles. If you don't, bad things will happen to your family because of you. I heard the Nogitsune say in my thoughts. "I think I'll choose option C." I told her. "There was no option C." Esther said. "Of course there was, option C was this." I said letting the Nogitsune take control. I broke the indestructible binds holding me down. I stood up taking Tunde's blade out of me. Esther took a step back. "How is this possible?" Esther asked. "You never knew did you? You think the demons came after I was turned into a vampire? Nonono. I was born a demon." I said walking to my mother slowly, wagging my pointer finger in the air, smirking as my eyes glowed purple with fury. "You were wrong all along mother. I am not a Tribrid. I am a Chimera. I am a werewolf, a vampire, a witch, and an immortal fox demon called the Nogitsune. That has been bonded to me permanently since I was born. It feeds off chaos, pain, and strife. A perfect match for a guy like me, don't you think, mother?" I said as veins appeared under my eyes and fangs elongated in my mouth. She blasted with my dark magic but it was no match for the demon fox. She started an incantation but it was cut short when I said my own. She began to choke, struggling to breathe. I threw her across the room with magic. She whispered something and I felt blood trickling down my nose. I snarled as she whispered again. I felt pain in my mind as the memories returned. "You pathetic witch bitch!" I shouted. I felt my legs snap involuntarily. I let out a scream. It echoed throughout the building. She flung me through a wall as the memories became stronger. I groaned pressing my hands to my head. I stretched my arm out and Esther went to her knees screaming. I got to my feet bloodied, bruised, and broken. I limped to her. "I would kill you right now but I think Klaus would want that opportunity for himself. Don't you think?" I said spitting out blood. She waved her hand and 3 metal spikes slammed into my chest simultaneously. I let out a scream as I fell to the floor. "I only want what is best for the family!" Esther said. "No! You only want what is best for you! You don't like the monsters that are your children that YOU made us into and now you wish to take us out of our bodies and place us into pathetic mortal ones and destroy our immortal bodies because you fucked up at being a mother! Because you don't like the idea of your children living for eternity. Living longer than you ever will because you are a mortal witch. You can't fool me, mother. I am a fox. Foxes are intelligent creatures. I won't be a victim of your stupid attempt to get your children back because you don't like what they are." I said before speeding away to the compound.

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