Chapter 24

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     I sat at the compound while Elijah and Oliver searched a "mystery". I say mystery because I didn't care. Klaus was gone doing his usual thing. Hayley and Marcel were also away doing something. I sat in silence lost in thought when I heard something. I stood up quickly. A gust of wind sounded nearby. I sped to the sound and stood in the middle  of the compound, searching for the source of the sound. The metallic creak of the entry door sounded. I sped outside the ancient building and looked around in darkness. I growled. I was hit from behind and was sent flying through the air into a light pole. I crashed to the ground. I looked up to see a man standing before me with a wooden stake. "Hello you pathetic abomination potluck." The man said. My eyes widened in fear as I tried to speed away. The man appeared before me. "Where do you think you're going?" The man asked grabbing me by the throat and slamming me to the ground. "Where's the fighting fox in you?! FIGHT BACK, BOY!!!!" Screamed the only thing I feared in the world. The one and only thing that I wanted to stay dead, permanently. The thing that is supposed to be dead. Mikael. The Vampire Who Hunts Vampires. Alive and pissed.

     My eyes flared bright purple

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     My eyes flared bright purple. "There he is." Mikael said before I threw him off me. I threw a punch at him and heard a distinct crack as my knuckles connected with his jaw. I grabbed him by his shirt and threw him away. Before I speeding to him and snatching away the only thing that could kill an Original vampire. The White Oak Stake. I tried to slam the stake into him but Mikael escaped. Not before slamming a metal fence spike into my chest. I screamed painfully as I yanked it out. I looked around fearfully looking for my father. "MIKAEL!!!!" I screamed. My voice echoed across the Quarter as I sped throughout it looking for him to no avail. I did however find a group of humans Mikael compelled to subdue me. They didn't stand a chance against me.

    I stood amongst the vast amount of dead bodies searching for anything of use. "Would  you look at that? You're useless alive AND dead." I said searching the body of a cute girl I compelled once. I stood up when my phone rang. It was Elijah. I declined and sped towards the smell of more blood. More blood means more bodies. More bodies means Mikael. And I really don't want to know what comes after Mikael. Hopefully it's his head on a white oak stake...and not mine. I don't know about you but I very much happen to like my undead immortal head that rests on my shoulders.

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