Chapter 72

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"She was fine. Hayley healed her." Jackson said as Cassius sat next to Freya. What's gotten into Spider-Boy? "The scratch is not healed. This is poison." Cassius announced looking at Freya's neck showing a wound to the rest of us. I examined my eldest sister's bleeding wound. "This is an assassination attempt." I spat venomously looking at Elijah. "The Sireline War...enacted by your bloody Strix." I said standing up and stalking over to the compound door. "Where are you going?" He asked. "To talk with Tristan." I said leaving the building. "Stiles! Wait!" Elijah called out. I froze and turned around and looked at him. "Nobody messes with MY family and gets away with it." I fumed. "Guys! She's waking up." Hayley said. I turned my attention to my poisoned sister. "You okay?" Cassius asked her. "I feel weak." She breathed out. "Those vampires must've stabbed her with something." Jackson said. "So, the Strix are fond of the slow acting poison. There is an antidote. If I can get my hands on it." Elijah said pulling out his phone and walking away. "And for this, I'll need a pure silver knife, some white muskroot." Freya listed looking at Rebekah's wrist. "I'll get the knife." Hayley said looking at Jackson, not bothering to look at me. "I'll track down the root." Jackson said walking out of the compound. "Freya, you can barely float a feather right now, let alone save the world." Hayley told her. "I'll channel Finn." Freya answered. I let out a laugh. "That'll smooth over nicely." I said sarcastically. "You're delusional if you think that I'd let the fate of our sister be in the hands of our mentally unstable psychotic brother who we have trapped in a necklace." I explained completely serious. "I'm sure he's just leaping to help." Rebekah added sarcastically. "I never liked Finn. Of the few times that I have met the deranged man...there wasn't a single time where I didn't hate him." Cassius stated staring off into space with squinted eyes. He fiddled with the thick black leather wristband that mirrored the one he wore on the opposite hand. "Well, he's the only other powerful witch here." Freya said. "And you and I are out of options, sister." Freya said grabbing the cursed stake. "Okay...first of all...Ow. That hurt. And second of know....there happens to be another more charming, more intelligent, and powerful witch in this family. Ooh...and did I mention that he isn't a deranged lunatic that is stuck in a piece of crystal." I said offended pulling the stake out of Freya's hand and putting it into mine with magic. I twirled the piece of wood around my fingers. "I'm sorry...did I offend you?" Freya asked clearly not in the mood. "Do I look like I am made out of porcelain, sister? No. I don't. However...that doesn't mean that I am a stone cold bastard that my reputation makes me out to be. Dead people have hearts too you know?" I ranted before heading upstairs with the stake. "Too bad." Freya said as the stake disappeared from my hand and back into Freya's. "You are stubborn." I told her. "Of course I am...I'm a Mikaelson." Freya said walking away to another room as I was left sighing from the third floor. 

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Since Freya was busy reversing the cursed dagger. I occupied myself with an old promise. I stared at the jar of Kol's ashes and the dozen remains of the previous attempts at the resurrection spell. I leaned against the table and dropped my head in frustration. I have tried most spells in my massive collection of ancient grimoires. It was a quite simple spell. But...some of the most simple spells are some of the hardest to do. "Let's try this again, shall we?" I said to myself as I closed my eyes trying a different spell. I felt power travel up and down my body like a shock. I repeated incantations as I shuddered from the sheer amount of power I was drawing from. I gritted my teeth, concentrating as I tried to focus the spell onto the ornate jar of ash. I felt cool liquid slowly traveling down my face. I heard loud overlapping noises in the background and pushed them out of my mind as I took in a quick breath and exerted more energy into the spell. Work dammit! An ambrosial scent overloaded my acute sense of smell. Blood. To be more was mine. Every feral instinct of my Ripper told me to stop and hunt. I heard objects breaking within the room. I growled in frustration as I put more effort into the resurrection. "Why isn't the bloody spell working?!" I shouted through my now vampiric set of fanged teeth. I sensed an anomaly within the spell and my focus wavered. I snapped my eyes open in time to see a glowing ball of bright purple light in front of me. Before I could react, the glowing ball of light blasted me in the chest and sent me careening out of the room. I yelled out in anguish as I flew across the third floor of the compound. I flipped head over heels as I slammed my head onto the stair banister on the other side of the building and crashed through the table on ground level. 

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