Chapter 37

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Stiles POV

I paced back and forth in the house. "Could you stop? You've been doing that for the last 30 minutes." Cami said. I looked at her. My eyes glowed purple and veins appeared under them. I took a step forward towards her clenching my jaws. I stopped in front of her and sped away when her eyes were closed. I couldn't stand being cooped up anymore. I sped to the compound and found a fight breaking out. I smelled blood and my head snapped to the right as I saw vampires stare at a man. A couple of men ran at him and tackled him to the ground. I appeared behind them and snapped both of their necks. I turned around and looked at the large group of wolves and vampires amassed. I saw Josh looking at the werewolf. "Don't even think about it, Josh." I said trying to control my own urge. He took a step forward and I stopped him. "Stiles? How did you get in here?" Klaus asked. I looked at him. "I...walked through?" I answered furrowing my eyebrows keeping Josh away from Aiden. My eyes went wide as I looked at the entrance. I let go of Josh and went to the barrier and looked at Kol and Davina. "Did you guys perform the spell yet?" I asked. "No. We were just about to. Wanna join in?" Kol asked. " is my spell Blondie." I said. "We're not doing that spell." Kol said. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "Disruption spell." Kol said. "That'll only give them 60 seconds to get out...without their daylight rings." I said. "I know." Kol said. I shrugged closing my and saying the spell. There was a gust of wind and I opened my eyes. "Where the hell have you been?" Kol asked. "Playing Trivia Pursuit." I said with a smirk.

"Stiles you need to leave with the others." Klaus said putting a hand on my shoulder. I gave him a nod and sighed. The wolves looked at the vampires and vice versa. "Hey! Fidos! Get out! 60 seconds! Go! Go! Go! Go!" I said. Jackson and the wolves left as the vampires stayed behind. "Stiles. You too." Elijah said. "Oh don't thank me. I'll just go and sit in silence being bored of questions about who wrote Count Dracula or who the 3rd Egyptian Pharaoh was." I said sarcastically. Klaus stared at me. I nodded before leaving unhappy.

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