Chapter 157

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"They fit fine. A bit dusty, but..." I said walking to Caroline after being given a change of clothes. "Well, the previous own died a decade ago, so... He chose not to warn me before sacrificing his life, either." She said. "Caroline." I started. "Don't. Why didn't you tell me the truth? Did you think that I wouldn't let you go through with it?" She asked. "Well, perhaps I didn't want to know either way. weren't the only to not know my true intention with the Hollow. My siblings and Hayley simply think we're here to have your daughters siphon the Hollow into something magical." I said. "Where do you even get a fancy magical dagger designed to kill you?" She asked me. "Nearly a decade ago...when my eldest sister, Freya created this to kill my brother's adoptive son, Marcellus. The only other person in the world that is an Upgraded Original like myself. He took control of New Orleans and we wished to take it force. Well, it was never used and handed it to Marcellus for a truce." I said looking at the knife. "I was going to destroy it after I evolved into an Upgraded Original, myself, but...the weight of immortality was heavier then." I explained. "Maybe we can buy you some time." Caroline said. "The magic in Hope and Ollie is rooted too deeply. Tonight, when they're trapped in that space between human and beast, that's when your daughters can remove it from them." I said. "Are you sure that there's no other way?" She asked. "There's always another way. Because I'm the one that always finds them. Somewhere, written in some forgotten language, in some city lost in lava, likely lies buried the secret to having everything I want all at once. But I'm not gonna find it today, and today is all I have." I said. "I'm going to convince Ric to let our girls help you out with this. Because you are being a good father. And you are being a good person, and how could I tell you not to do that when that is all I have ever..." She ranted. "Oh, this would be so much easier if you and your brother just...stayed the evil fox and the big bad wolf." She said. "Just wait here." She said before walking away.

H   O   U   R   S      L   A   T   E   R

I stood in the old mill hearing footfalls running towards me. I turned around with furrowed eyebrows. "Stiles!" I heard Klaus yell out. I sped outside to see Oliver in his arms and Hope in Elijah's. "They just collapsed." Elijah said. "Simultaneously." Klaus chimed in. "I don't know--" Elijah started. "Shut up!" I told him looking Oliver checking his pulse. My eyes went wide. "No heartbeat. Please. Please. Oliver! Hope!" I yelled checking her as well. Hayley fell to the ground in shock. "Oliver!" I shouted. "Hope!" Klaus repeated looking down at his daughter. "Get Caroline. Tell her to bring her girls. Go!" I yelled looking at Elijah. Elijah sped away. "Please come back to me. Oliver!" I exclaimed doing chest compressions. "Please, Oliver. Please. Please. Please. Please! Come back!" I whispered before Oliver and Hope awoke at the same time with a gasp. Oliver sat up. "Ollie." I breathed. "Dad." He said. "You're okay. You're fine." I breathed again as Oliver pulled me into a hug. "Dad. Dad, I don't want to die. I don't want to die." He said. Hope and Niklaus were hugging one another with Hayley. "I know." I told him. "Don't let me." He said. "I know. You're not gonna die. Buddy, you're not gonna die. I found a way to save your life. And everything is gonna be better in the morning. I promise you. Both of you." I said looking Oliver and Hope. "I promise." I repeated pulling them both into a hug.


"Look, I know it's not an ideal evening, but the timing is right." I said walking alongside Klaus, Hope, and Oliver. Elijah and Hayley were sitting on bench talking to one another. "Once you two are mid-transformation, the Saltzman girls will be able to siphon the magic out of you." I explained. "Are you sure about this?" Hope asked. "Yeah. I'll dispose of the magic later." I said. " about you two." I said looking at Oliver and Hope. "I'll be right back." Hope said walking over to Elijah and Hayley. "Uh...I'm gonna go dance." Oliver said pointing his fingers over at the festival. "Alright." I said watching him leave. "So...that's the plan? Siphon the magic out of them and throw it away?" Klaus asked. "That about sums it up, I guess." I said with a shrug. "Then how come a part of me doesn't believe you?" Nik asked. "Because that's just who you are? I don't know." I said. "You mean to tell me...that you don't have some other plan up your sleeve?" Nik asked. "If I did...I would've made it to where you wouldn't suspect anything was up. Now do you really think I would have a ulterior motive in saving our children's lives?" I asked. Nik sighed. "Sorry." He said. "You're worried. I get it." I said. Klaus was looking over at the festival. "Something wrong?" I asked. "'s the opposite. I believe young Oliver has taken a liking to a someone." Klaus said. I looked over at Oliver to see him talking to a boy. But his body language...was communicating flirtation. "He was quick to explore his options." I commented. "Explore indeed, brother. Who's to tell who he brings home late at night?" Klaus joked smirking at me. "Ha ha. Hilarious." I said shoving him watching Oliver flirt with the boy. "Ollie's not the only one to have taken a liking to someone." I said looking over at Hope who was dancing with a boy. "It seems as if both our kids found someone." Klaus stated. "Found someone indeed, brother." I said mocking him with a smirk before walking away.

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