Chapter 140

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I sat in the back seat of Caroline's suv while Klaus sat up front next to her. " two have obviously gotten closer." I said. "Who says I can't achieve happiness?" Klaus asked. "Right. Sorry." I said looking out the window and saw a house accompanied by a car nearby. The three of us got out of the car and headed towards the house. I heard a collapse and immediately dodged a flying piece of wood. I saw Elijah. "You are not going anywhere near my family." Elijah said. "Your family?! YOUR FAMILY IS STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!!" I screamed running at him. I grabbed him and threw to Klaus, who caught him. Klaus slammed him to the ground when Elijah kicked him off and sped to his feet. I ran to Elijah and threw my fist into his face. He grabbed me slamming me into one front columns of the wooden house when hail started to fall. Klaus rushed Elijah smashing into the side of him. I pushed off the pole grabbing Elijah and slamming my fist into his face multiple times. He maneuvered out of my iron grip, grabbing Klaus and kneeing him in the face before snapping his neck and throwing him into the house. He looked at me. "You're next." He told me. My eyes flashed red. "Like bloody hell it is." I spat curling my hands into bloody fists. Elijah sped towards me and rammed his head into my gut. I let out a yell of pain before slamming my elbow into his back multiple times as he sped up into the house, pinning me to the back wall. "You're becoming an annoyance, Mikaelson. I'll enjoy killing you." Elijah whispered into my ear gripping my throat with crushing force. "You're're not my brother anymore. You're a bloody traitor and don't deserve the Mikaelson name!" I shouted grabbing his wrist and snapping his arm. He let out a scream of pain. I seethed with rage as a slammed my foot into his gut sending him flying across the house. "Stiles!" Hayley shouted. She had been pinned to the wall by Greta. "Greta! You bloody bitch! I should've killed you when I had the chance!" I shouted when I felt a sharp pain enter my back and out my chest. I fell to my knees watching as Elijah stood before me. "Like I said. I'm going to kill you." He said snapping my neck.

"Wake up! Wake up right now!" Jack screamed in my head. "If you don't get up right now! Hayley. Will. DIE!" Jack shouted. Hayley. My eyes snapped open glowing bright red as black smokey tendrils enveloped me. I sped to my feet faster than an Original could comprehend. I grabbed Elijah's head. "Surprised?" I spat before slashing his throat with my claws and snapping his neck. "Karma's a bitch, isn't it Elijah?" I asked before watching Hayley break Greta's daylight ring off. She grabbed Greta and ran outside. "NO!!" I screamed grabbing Hayley in the knick of time to yank her out of Greta's grip and into the safety of my arms...inside the house. Hayley looked up at me. "Stiles?" She asked. "You thought you could get away from me that easily, sweetheart?" I asked smiling as I watched Greta's burning corpse blaze on. "I'm not a hybrid anymore." Hayley cried. "What?" I asked. "They took away my werewolf gene." She said. "I'm just a vampire now." She said. Klaus walked over to us with anger written all over his face. "Elijah's gone." He announced. I looked at where Elijah originally was to see it was gone. Hayley's head was pressed against my chest...her eyes closed...breathing shallow. I got to my feet and picked Hayley up after giving Hayley my own daylight ring and placing it on her finger. "What about you?" She asked. "Sunlight is just an annoyance to me now. I only wear to make people think that I do." I said carrying her outside. I felt my skin start to tingle and burn but I didn't burst into flames like I normally would have. Perks of being an Upgraded Original Chimera. Nearly immune to the power of the sun. "Let's get you home." I said gently placing her inside Caroline's car and closing the door. I got into the back passenger seat and sat next to her while Klaus sat up front next to Caroline. Hayley nuzzled up against me with her eyes closed already asleep. I smiled pressing my lips to the top of her head.

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