Chapter 17

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  Stiles POV

     I stood in the in the middle of street listening. I smelled blood all over the town. Veins appeared under my eyes in hunger. I sped back to the house. "Scott." I said. He turned around and looked at me. "What's up?" He asked. "I'm gonna go get a....snack." I said. He furrowed his eyebrows. "Oh. Don't kill anybody." Scott said deadpan. "Got it!" I said speeding away.

     I walked the school and heard a familiar voice. "Well find a way to bring me the head of Scott McCall or else I will have your head...why are you still standing here?!" A woman exclaimed. Three men ran out passed me. I ran behind them and spoke. "Where you three going?" I asked leaning against the lockers. They spun around and leveled their guns at me. I smirked and ran at them and tore their hearts out. I dropped them to the floor and decapitated them. I picked up their heads and walked to the room they ran out of. I kicked the door open and walked in. "You wanted them to bring you a head. I brought you three." I said dropping them in front of the woman. The woman turned around. It was no other than Monroe. She looked at the heads on the desk. "Stiles Stilinski." Monroe said with a smirk aiming a gun at my head. I walked to her. "That's not my name." I said. I walked to her and grabbed her by the throat and lifted her into the air with one arm. I smirked. I looked up at her. "Turn around Stiles." She spat. I glanced behind me to see about 10 men armed. "I'd surrender Stiles. We all know you can't win. You're just a human." She said. "That's where you're wrong." I said dropping her. I stalked to the men. I grabbed a man's assault rifle and snapped it in half and stabbed him in the chest and tore his head off. I ran at the 9 other men and tore them to pieces. I turned back to Monroe in my vampiric appearance snarling. I walked to her slowly. "Think I'm human now?" I asked speeding to her and pinning her to the nearest wall. I roared thunderously. She fired into my chest until she emptied the gun. I looked at her. "That was disappointing." I said jamming my hand into her chest and grabbing ahold of her rapidly beating her heart. She looked at with wide eyes as blood poured out her mouth. I smirked. "This is for Kira and Jackson and Hayden and Sheriff. Have fun rotting in hell." I spat yanking her heart out. She gasped as I dropped her. "Also I'm supernatural, bitch." I said crushing her heart in front her. I turned around to see the pack behind me staring at me in horror. My eyes still glowing purple. "Stiles...what did you do?!" Scott asked. "I dealt with the problem. Monroe killed Stilinski. I returned the favor. No one kills family and gets away with it. Especially MY family." I snarled gesturing to the dead bodies around me. "She didn't deserve to die, Stiles." Scott said. "Scott...if she had killed your mom, what would you have done, huh? Sat down and talked to her and negotiated? I don't think so." I said flipping a table with one hand. "You wanted my help. You got it. Sorry if you didn't like my method. It got the job done and saved the lives of millions of supernaturals. You're welcome. Now I have an unborn niece to protect back in New Orleans and a king to dethrone." I said walking past Scott and the pack. "Derek I need to talk to you about something before I go." I said before speeding away.

2 hours later

     "This tattoo. It looks familiar." Derek said looking at the tattoo on my back. "Do your siblings know about this?" Derek asked crossing his arms. "No. But the weird thing is the mother of my niece has a birthmark just like the tattoo on her shoulder." I said. "She supernatural?" Derek asked. "Werewolf." I answered turning back to him. "But I'm different than other werewolves. I turn into a wolf that's 8 feet tall. I'm faster and stronger." I stated. "An 8 foot tall wolf?" Derek asked. "Yeah. It's a painful process." I said with a sigh. "I'll try and see what I can find." Derek said. I nodded. I gave him a hug and sped away into the night back to New Orleans.

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