Chapter 85

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I entered the compound. To see everyone in tears. "What happened?" I asked looking at Klaus. Tears were streaming down in his face. Cassius sped into the building. "Something's wrong." He said panting. "Stiles' sire line." Freya stated with wide eyes. "What are you--" Cassius started before his eyes landed on the body on the couch. "Not again." Cassius said shaking his head. "I believe this time is for good." Elijah croaked. I stumbled over to Stiles' pale body. "Is he actually?" I asked. "I believe so, Hayley." Klaus whispered. "This can't be happening...Not again! No. NO!" Cassius said. "I already lost him once. I'm not losing him again!" He said. I sped out of the compound and landed at Rousseau's in tears. 

"Hayley? What's wrong?" It was Marcel. Cami, Davina, and Vincent were with him. "It's Stiles...he's dead. And he's not coming back." I said. "What are you talking about?" Cami asked. "It was Lucien. He's something else. He has the venom of the seven packs. Making his bite capable of killing Originals...including Stiles. Finn died as well." I said. "No one cares about Finn after what he did to Kol." Davina said. "How's Cassius holding up?" Marcel asked. "He's manic. He's worried that he'll g.o at any moment." I said. "Damn." Marcel said with a sigh. He gave the five of us a glass of whiskey. "A toast. To Stiles. May he find peace in death." He said before downing the drink. "I thought...Stiles couldn't die?" Davina asked. "We all thought that...but now he's dead. Because of that monstrosity Lucien." I spat downing my drink. "I'm gonna go kill him." I said standing up. "Hey! Whoa! Whoa! If Lucien was powerful enough to kill Stiles. He'll tear you to pieces!" Marcel said standing in my way stopping me from leaving. "You need to calm down and grieve. You just lost Jackson and now you lost need to slow down and stop." Marcel said. I stared at him before breaking down. "I just got him he's gone." I sobbed. "Knowing Stiles...I wouldn't count on him staying dead for long. I don't think that demon inside of him would allow it." Marcel said. "Wait. What demon?" Vincent asked. 

"Stiles harbored a demon fox spirit called the Nogitsune inside of's immortal. It's the reason Stiles can't--couldn't die." Marcel said. "So we're just gonna act like that's something normal thing to say?" Vincent asked. Cami sighed. "At least...he'll know peace." Davina said. "Why?" Vincent asked. "The Ancestors are pissed." He added. "Not at Stiles." Davina answered. "He's the one Mikaelson besides Freya that they actually like." She explained. "Wait...if the Ancestors tolerate Stiles...then we can bring him back. Right? We can consecrate him in the Lafayette Cemetery." Marcel suggested. "Not anymore...The Ancestors hate both me and Davina." Vincent said shaking his head. "Well...we can't just let Cassius die." Cami stated. "I'm telling you. I wish we could bring him back. But we can't. We physically can't. Not with magic. As of right now...I'm the Ancestors human witch puppet." Vincent said. "They're shunning Davina for siding with vampires and Freya just had both of her brothers die in front of her. And the most powerful witch of all just died." Vincent argued. "ENOUGH!" I yelled. "I can't deal with this right now!" I shouted before speeding out of the bar. 


F O L L O W I N G   D A Y

I stood inside my guest room of the Mikaelson Estate and waited for perpetual doom. I've holed myself inside waiting for it happen. But it hadn't come yet. I looked like a mess, my phone was blowing up with messages from my human friends back in California. My co-stars that I'll be working with on my upcoming Marvel movie. I looked at my phone to see messages from RDJ and Mr. Evans. The two of them were wondering where I've been since filming starts in a couple of months. The lines had to be rehearsed. I dropped my head and sighed. I shoved my phone into my pocket and exited the room. I walked down the set of stairs and reached the ground floor. "Cassius." Klaus called out. "Not now, Niklaus. I have somewhere to be." I said. He appeared in front of me. "I don't think that's a wise decision, old friend. We don't know what will happen to you within the next 24 hours or when you will go." He said. "Then let me save you the time. I'll go kill myself to save me the trouble of having to go through the pain and agony." I said brushing passed him. He grabbed my wrist and stopped me. "Not on my watch you won't." Klaus said pinning me to the nearest wall. "What did I tell you last time?" He asked. "Face it with dignity. The way Stiles would want me to." I told him. "You think he would want you taking the cowardly way out to avoid the pain that he endured before dying? I don't think so." He said. I sighed. "I don't know what you're expecting from me, Niklaus. I'm not Stiles." I countered. "You think I don't know that? You're the first of his sire line. He chose you for a reason. Not because he felt like it. He didn't go around turning people recklessly over his thousand years of being a vampire. He only turned the people he thought deserved a better life than the one they were currently living in. Take you for instance...he saved you from certain death in the 11th century. You don't get to cop out of this." He explained. I sighed. "I'm terrified." I said my lips trembling. "There's nothing to be afraid of, Cassius. You think Stiles was afraid of dying?" He questioned. "I don't know." I answered. He sighed. "No. He wasn't. He quite literally smiled as he laid there dying. If I didn't know any better...I might even go as far as to say that he laughed at death's cold embrace." Klaus explained smirking. I chuckled. "Well obviously...Stiles would never go out afraid of death...given his reputation." I stated. "Don't you think you owe it to him to go out the same way?" He asked me. I grew silent. "What the hell? It's not like I'm going to die exploding in the most horrific way possible." I said shrugging my anxiety off. "That's the Mikaelson spirit." Niklaus said smiling. "I need a bourbon...neat." I said sighing. "Sounds like a splendid idea." Klaus said walking to the estate bar with me. 

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