Chapter 131

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I ran to my parent's room where my mother sat in a chair scrolling through her phone. I burst through the door and ran over to her. Her eyes widened as she unprepared to become a human jungle gym. "MOM!" I shouted. "Yes?" She asked. "Can I go to the Quarter?" I asked her. "Depends on whether or not you're going to scare the tourists again by setting their pants on fire." She stated. I groaned rolling my eyes. "That was one time, Mom." I told her. She raised an eyebrow. " was more than once." I stated. "9 times to be specific." She stated. "You actually counted?" I asked. "Still am." She added. "On that note...until you apologize to those people. No. You can't." She said. I groaned walking out the room and closing the door. I waited in the hall and thought for a moment.

A smirk grew on my face as I ran down the hall and down the stairs, into the living room where my dad was talking to Uncle Cassius. "Dad?" I asked running over to him. He looked over at me  "What's up, Ollie?" He asked. "Can I go to the Quarter?" I asked him. "Sure. I don't care. Did you ask your mother?" He asked with a shrug. "Yeah." I said. "What did she say?" He asked. "No." I replied. "If she said 'No.' Then why are you asking me?" He asked crossing his arms. "Because...I know she's not the boss of you." I said scratching the back of my head. Cassius let out a laugh looking at Dad. "Drink your whiskey, you twit." Dad said smacking Cassius in the back of the head. He looked down at me. "And you." He said squatting down beside me. He looked over my shoulder. "Are a bloody Mikaelson, that's for sure. Mischief practically runs through your blood." He said before sighing. "Later. Not right now. Cassius and I are meeting up with your Aunt Freya and Vincent at Rousseau's. Maybe...Just maybe I can convince your mother to bring you along. IF you promise me that you won't become the Mikaelson Arsonist again." He said. I smiled widely. "I promise." I said giving him a hug and running out the room and up to my bedroom.

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