Chapter 93

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I stared at the 7 foot wide blood stain on the stony floor. "Why is he so mad?" I asked. "This is the first time...that Stiles has died and stayed dead for more than just a day. It was 7 days since he died." Elijah explained. "So he's like Lucien now. He's more dangerous than he was before." Freya said. "Where is he?" A girl asked. I turned around to find Lydia. "Lydia! What are you doing here?" I asked. "Where is he?" She asked again. "What the hell happened here?" She asked looking at the stain on the floor. "He's upstairs." Cassius told her. She ran up the stairs and knocked on the door. "Lydia?" Stiles asked. The impact of a face slap was heard. "You're alive?!" She shouted. "And you didn't bother to tell us?!" She added. "I'm sorry. I...just came back a couple of hours ago." He said. "How are you back? I thought you died. You were cremated and turned to ashes." She stated. He pulled her into a hug. "I missed you." He told her. "I missed you too, Stiles." She said. We all looked up at the third floor with interest. "Stiles?" A gruff voice asked. Stiles looked down over the railing. I found Scott and the pack in the estate. "Scotty?" Stiles asked. He sped down to the ground floor and pulled Scott into a hug.

"We all thought you were dead

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"We all thought you were dead. For good. How many times are you going to die and come back to life? Because I don't think I can take that anymore." Scott said. Stiles shook his head. "No. Never again. Nothing can kill me now. Not anymore." Stiles said smiling. "Wanna explain how the hell you're back?" Derek asked as Malia was the next to hug Stiles. "Yes...I've been wondering that myself." Klaus said.

"Well...after I soul was sent somewhere. But it wasn't the Other Side. It was literally a pit of darkness with no one around me. Except for one person. I woke up to a voice that I had forgotten and it was toying with me. Telling me what was happening to me in riddles. But it wouldn't tell me its name. It wasn't until a flash of light when I saw who it was." Stiles explained taking a seat in a chair.

"I was in a hallway...and a figure was at the other end. It was me...until it teleported to me and was looking straight into my eyes face to face. It was my shadow. It was me but with features I didn't the time. Multiple fangs and glowing blood red eyes. At first I thought it was the Nogitsune. But he said he wasn't. He was like Derek and Lucien. But he was me...Only better." Stiles said looking at us. "Wait. Me? How?" Derek asked. "That was what he was trying to tell me. He was me...but evolved. I was talking to myself the entire time. Trying to convince my mind of what was happening to me in the voice and body of the Nogitsune. I had become like Lucien. An Upgraded Original or something like that." He stated.

"After I had my little chat...I tried to get out but I couldn't. I couldn't break out." He continued. "Your soul didn't have anything to return back to." Klaus said. "Exactly. I had to use all of my magic to break out and to also regenerate my entire body back so I could return to it. Not easy to break out when you get ambushed by 8 different supernatural creatures including the Nogitsune himself." Stiles said. "Finally I broke out but it took me at least 5-8 minutes for my entire body to fully regenerate. When it did...I came out of the harbor as an Upgraded Original. Drained someone of their blood and noticed that my senses were dialed up to 1000. I could also walk in the sun without bursting into flames. Then I went to the woods...and here we are. With the crushed skull of Lucien and his skin hanging on the wall." Stiles said looking down at his hands. I sat next to him and grabbed his hand and squeezed. "I should kill Aurora for killing Camille the first time and Tristan for killing Jackson." He said eyes flashing. "Even if we let you...we have no idea where Tristan is and Aurora...well...Aurora is downstairs." I told him. Stiles shot to his feet. "What do you mean she's downstairs?!" He exclaimed looking at Klaus. "Calm down. She's in no position to hurt anyone. Since she's practically comatose." Elijah said. "Yeah. Like that's supposed to make me feel better." Stiles said sarcastically speeding away in the blink of an eye. I glanced at Elijah and Klaus. The three of us sped down after Stiles followed by Scott and his pack.

We stood in the Garden to find Stiles with a modified stake in his hand. His hand wrapped around Aurora's throat. She was bleeding from a bite that Stiles had just given her. "Stiles! Stop this ridiculous acts of violence! Immediately!" Elijah yelled. Stiles snapped his head over in our direction. "And if I don't?" He asked. "If you hadn't already noticed I can't be stopped anymore." He added. "Don't test us." Freya said. "You gonna kill me like you killed Davina?" He asked as he adjusted his grip and brought his hand behind Aurora's neck. "Perhaps it would be more satisfying and just if she was awake. Don't you think?" Stiles asked smiling. "Stiles. Don't." Scott said. "I don't know what's been going on or who she is. But you just told me that you skinned a man while he was alive. This isn't you, Stiles." Scott said taking a step towards his friend. "You're absolutely right, Scotty. This isn't me. But if that means killing someone who caused my family pain and torture. I don't really care." He said. "Stiles, please." I pleaded. He looked at me with red eyes. "She shouldn't be allowed to live, Hayley. She kidnapped Rebekah, killed Camille, stole the last piece of White Oak and turned it into bullets. She shot Elijah AND Freya, and played a part in the de-linking of Klaus's sire line. Now you just expect me to NOT kill her?!" He shouted. "No. I expect you to do the right thing. You don't have to do this. You're better than them. They know that. You don't have to kill her to prove that. So just be better." I said. He looked down at Aurora and the stake in his hand. He looked at me and back at Aurora. He dropped the stake and Aurora's body and collapsed to his knees. Elijah and Klaus sped over and snatched the body and stake. I ran to Stiles and pulled him into a hug. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He said in tears. "It's okay. It's okay. Shh." I whispered as he rested his head in my neck silently sobbing. I looked up at Klaus and Elijah. They shared a glance with each other and sighed.

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