Chapter 118

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C  O  U  P  L  E     M  O  N  T  H  S     L  A  T  E  R

N  E  W     O  R  L  E  A  N  S

"Astral Projection." Freya said. "That's it?" I asked. "That's how we can have them all in one place. Of course, I wouldn't recommend making any contact with them." Freya explained. "How did you come upon this?" I asked her. "Davina." She said. "Ah." I said. "Are the others on board?" I asked her. "Of course they are. They just hope that it actually works." She said. "However, Davina and Marcel will be there in person." She said. "How do we bring all four....three here?" I asked. "Well...Three witches that Vincent trust is dealing with them." She answered. "Now...would you please go? Hayley needs her beauty sleep and I have to go get my dress ready for tomorrow. You need to go get Hope." She said. "Beauty sleep?" I asked peering at the sleeping figure on the bed. "Like she isn't already the most beautiful person I know." I said. "Beautiful and will kill you if you wake her up. Now leave." She said smirking as she closed the door to the room. I sighed before leaving the compound to get Hope. 

H O U R S    L  A  T  E  R

I arrived at the school and got out of the car. I walked into the school immediately ran into Caroline. "Caroline." I said with a smile. "Stiles. As much as I love our get togethers. Why are you here?" She asked. "I'm here to pick up Hope. For a wedding." I said. "Who's getting married?" She asked. "Me." I answered with a sigh and a smile. "Oh! Well...Congratulations!" She said giving me a hug. "Thank you. The only downside is not having my brothers there. It would've been nice to have them there in person." I said sadly. "I'm sorry to hear that. My experiences with your family...which is a lot if I may say so myself. You guys don't like being separated from each very much." She said. "Very true...well...Everyone except Kol. He's the only one that's actually happy to get away from Niklaus." I said jokingly. "Stiles?" A young girl asked. I turned around to see Hope in a school uniform. "Hello love." I said with a wide smile. She had her suitcase. "From the look of things I can only assume that Aunt Freya sent you super secret magic message telling you that you that a really cool immortal guy was coming to pick you up." I said smirking. She ran over to me and gave me a hug. "Yeah. Well...that and you're marrying my mom." She said looking up at me. "Only with your permission of course, milady." I said picking her up and holding her at eye level. She furrowed her eyebrows before grabbing my face and looked me up and down as Caroline watched on with a smile. "Permission granted. However, you need to take a shower you smell like a wet dog." She said waving her hand in front of her nose. I laughed with wide eyes. "Oh really?! Is that what you think?!" I asked. Hope wore a smile on her face. "Don't make me bring out the Claw." I said raising a brow. Hope went wide-eyed. I raised my hand into the air and wiggled my fingers towards her stomach. "NO." She said immediately protecting her stomach. "As you wish...milady." I said setting her down. "Where's the wedding?" Caroline asked as Alaric walked over to us. "New Orleans." I said. "You two are welcome to come if you want." I said. 

"Why didn't you tell me that Stiles and Hayley were getting married?" Caroline asked smacking Alaric in the arm with her hand. "Ow." He said rubbing his arm. "Must've slipped my mind." He said. "Well...if you do decide to come...a certain Mikaelson will be happy to see you." I said hinting to Klaus. Caroline nodded her head. "I figured." She said. "That's only if the Astral Projection spells work like they are supposed to." I said. "Astral Projection?" Hope asked. "It's like a video chat but in person. But the person is actually there. They're like a ghost." I said looking down at her. "Oh." She said. "Anyway. I don't..." I started looking down at my watch. "...Have much time. So, Caroline. Alaric. Hayley sends all her love your way. Hopefully, you two will show." I said before grabbing Hope's hand and leaving the school to the car. "Will Uncle Scott and Derek be there?" She asked climbing into the car. "Kid, if your Uncle Scott doesn't show up you can bet that I will drag his alpha werewolf butt to New Orleans myself." I said smiling looking back at her as I got into the driver's seat. "I'm sure Uncle Derek could do that for you." She said. "Kol was right. You are miraculously well-adjusted." I said smirking. "What can I say? I'm a Mikaelson." She said smirking back at me. "Indeed you are, darling." I replied pulling away from the school and driving back to New Orleans. 

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