Chapter 129

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I laid on the couch under the covers. It was late at night and Stiles was asleep on the floor against the sofa. His head was resting against the cushion next to my feet. I smiled at the sight and listened to the sound of his breathing. My eyes drifted to my stomach and I rested my hand atop of it gently. I looked away and found Scott and Isaac knocked out in separate chairs. They must've been on watch duty. After a while, I fell back asleep listening to the powerful beat of Stiles' heart.

S    T    I    L    E    S

I haven't left Hayley's side for a month. People might have said that I was being very protective and paranoid. That's for a good reason. That last time she was pregnant...she was killed under my watch. I'm not letting that happen again. "You to be her new gargantuan guard dog?" Cassius asked. "Yes. I'll bite if necessary." I answered smirked. "Oh I don't doubt that." He stated chuckling. "How are you doing, Fox?" Cassius asked. "I'm nervous." I replied with a sigh looking at the sleeping Hayley on the couch. "I might not be an expert at this particular subject...but that's kinda normal. If a man is means they're worried that they won't be a good enough father for their child." He explained. "For someone who claims to not be an sure have a way of not showing it." I told him. "I've had some secondhand experience at work." He answered. "Really? How's that?" I asked. "Robert's character becomes a father to a little girl and he tries to do everything he can to make sure the world is safe for her." He said. "Got it." I stated nodding my head. Hayley stirred on the couch and let out a small whimper. I grabbed her hand and gently squeezed it. She calmed down after I leaned over and kissed her cheek. "You're absolutely right. I will do anything to protect Hayley and our child. By any means necessary." I said looking at Cassius.

H    A    Y    L    E    Y

I was on a video chat with Rebekah talking about the highly unrealistic pregnancy on Twilight. "Well...obviously. Of course it doesn't make sense. He's dead and so is everything else. There would be no way for them to have a child. Vampires can't procreate." Rebekah stated smiling. "How was Stiles able to?" I asked her. She pursed her lips before smiling widely, obviously uncomfortable with this subject. "You're asking me how my younger immortal brother who defies the laws of the supernatural and everything else could possibly have a child. The answer is in the question, darling. He's Stiles. He finds loopholes in everything. He's living, breathing proof of the impossible, love." Rebekah explained laughing. "Right." I said smiling. "Speaking of the mischievous's he holding up? I assume becoming a father was something he didn't think he'd be checking off his bucket list anytime soon?" She asked smirking. "He's doing alright. This is the first time in nearly a month that he hasn't been by my side." I told her looking across the house at the man while he conversed with his friends and family. A smile was plastered on his face as he laughed at something Scott said. He looked over at me and smiled. I returned it and looked back at the phone. "Cassius told me that Stiles is nervous." I told her. "Stiles? Nervous? Never." I said. "It's true. That's why he's never left my--" I started before I felt an extreme pain in my stomach. I groaned letting out a brief yell of pain clenching my stomach. "Hayley? Hayley, what's wrong?" Rebekah asked concerned. More pain washed over me and I let out a scream. Stiles appeared my side immediately holding my hand. "What's wrong, love?" He asked as he knelt down. I answered with a painful scream. "There's your answer, mate." Cassius told him. I let out a growl as my Hybrid eyes glowed brightly towards him. He raised his hands into the air in surrender. I breathed heavily sweating. I looked up at Stiles who wore a worried expression on his face. "It's happening." I told him between breaths. His eyes widened. "MELISSA!!! KEELIN!!!" Stiles shouted. The two women came running into the room and sat next to me. Keelin sat opposite of Stiles while Melissa positioned herself in front of me. "Hayley, I need you to breathe for me. Can you do that?" Melissa asked calmly. I nodded my head quickly clenching my jaws as I screamed through my teeth. "Here we go." Stiles said with a smile as I gripped his hand tightly. "I'm sorry." I told him. He looked at me confused. "For what?" He asked. "For when I break your hand." I said with a smirk. He shot me a smirk. "Figured." He stated. "Alright Hayley...on the count of three, I'm gonna need you to push. Okay?" Melissa asked. I let out a scream as Melissa started the countdown. "1...2..."

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