Chapter 16

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Stiles POV

I sat in the driver's seat of my old jeep that I gave to Scott. "This sure brings up memories." I said looking over at Scott with a smile. We spent the last few hours driving back to Beacon Hills. "It does. Only difference is that you're four supernatural creatures in one. And over a 1000 years old." Scott said. "Alright alright. I get it. I'm different. And old as shit." I said sarcastically. "And also the most powerful person on the planet." Scott added with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and scoffed with a smile. "I missed this. Us." Scott said. "How old are you now?" I asked looking at him. "26? 27?" I added. "Close. 28." Scott answered. "God. Really? You look like you're still 18." I said. "Werewolf perk I guess. Satomi was as old as Kira's mother." Scott said. "Was?" I asked. "Satomi's dead. She died in the first war with Monroe. Her entire pack was killed." Scott said. "That sucks." I said. We passed the Beacon Hills sign and heard howling of wolves. "The pack is still alive...right?" I asked a bit worried. "Yeah. Lydia and Malia are still alive if that's what you're worried about." Scott said with a chuckle. I sighed with relief. "We lost a couple of people." Scott added. "Who?" I asked. "Sheriff Stilinski, Kira, Hayden, and Jackson." Scott said. "Noah is dead?" I asked shocked. "Yeah. He died in an explosion caused by a Monroe." Scott answered. "What about Kira? And Jackson? And Hayden?" I asked. "Died fighting." Scott said quietly. I pulled into Scott's driveway. I got out the car and closed the door. I walked up to the front door and listened. I heard multiple heart beats. I looked at Scott who smiled. He opened the door and walked in. I followed him. Scott walked into his living room. "Scott! You're back. Where did you go?" I heard Derek ask. I furrowed my eyebrows. Why would he ask that? "I brought some help." Scott said. I walked in. "Stiles!" Lydia exclaimed standing up with a smile. I smiled. "Hi." I said. Lydia walked over to me and kissed me. "What are you doing here?" Lydia asked. "Scott told me about Monroe." I said. "Right. But I thought you were dealing with family issues in New Orleans?" Lydia asked. "I was. I mean I still am. I'm just not needed at the moment. Also I needed to get away from my bloody sister." I said. "Sister?" Argent asked. "Oh. I forgot I only told Scott, Lydia, and Malia." I said. "Um...I'm not who you think I am." I started. "What are you talking about?" Derek asked crossing his arms. "My last name isn't Stilinski." I said. 'What is it?" Peter asked. "It's Mikaelson. My full name is Mieczyslaw Stiles Mikaelson." I said in my native British accent. "When did you develop an accent?" Isaac asked. "A millenium ago." I said looking down at my hands. "You've been alive for over a thousand years?!" Derek exclaimed. "Yeah." I stated. "How old are you Stiles? Actually what are you?" Theo asked.

"I'm not human. Okay. So I was born in Mystic Falls during the Middle Ages. In the 10th century, I am 1021 years old. I have 6 other siblings. Finn, Elijah, Klaus, Kol, Rebekah, and Henrik. I only have 3 now. My younger brother, Henrik, was mauled to death by werewolves. My eldest brother, Finn, was turned to ashes when he was stabbed by a hunter with a stake. My brother, Kol, died the same way a couple of weeks later. The ones left are Elijah, Klaus, and Rebekah." I said. "Your brothers turned to ashes getting stabbed? What the hell are you Stiles?" Derek asked. "Isn't it obvious?" Mason asked rhetorically. Derek looked at him. "He's a vampire!" Mason exclaimed. Everyone backed away from me except for Scott, Lydia, and Malia. "Okay before one of you makes the biggest mistake of your life and tries to kill me. Let me tell you what I am. My siblings and I were turned into vampires, we weren't given the choice. My father, who also became a vampire and later on became known as the Vampire that hunts Vampires, made us into these things so we could defend ourselves against the werewolves. We were the first vampires to walk the planet. We call ourselves the Originals. We're immortal beings that are super fast, super strong, our senses were turned up to a 1000. We could compel people to do what we wanted. We were the most powerful people on the face of the earth. More powerful than the werewolves that killed my brother. Although Originals are immortal, we can just isn't easy to do. We'll always come back, vengeful. There is only one thing in the world that can kill us. A stake of a certain tree. But, my brother Klaus and I are different than my other siblings. The two of us were born from another father. We were born something else we weren't aware of until we were made vampires. Our first killing of an innocent as vampires activated our curse. The Curse of the Werewolf." I said. "You're a werewolf too?" Argent asked.

"Yeah. Everyone that has met my brother, Klaus and lived to tell the tale, has called him the Original Hybrid. Which he is. He can do the one thing that no other vampire in history can do. He can procreate. He can create Hybrids. Both of us can. That's not the only things I am. My family is also known for their witchcraft my mother being the most powerful witch ever known. She made us into vampires. She suppressed the dormant werewolf gene in my brother Klaus and I when we killed someone. We forgot all about it. I defy the natural law of the supernatural. I'm four different creatures. One, I'm an Original vampire. Two, I'm a werewolf of an unknown pack. Three," I stated. "Wait what? You don't know what your pack is?" Derek asked. "Yeah. The first person I killed gave me this weird tattoo on my back." I said lifting the back of my shirt showing them. "Whoa. Murder gave you a tattoo." Liam said. "Anyway, I'm also a witch. And four. I'm the Nogitsune." I said. "You're the what?!" Derek exclaimed morphing. "Derek calm down! It's fine. For now anyways." Scott said glowing red eyes. "What do you mean 'Calm down'? Stiles is still the Nogitsune!" Derek said. I looked at Isaac. "I was born the Nogitsune. I never knew about it until I thought I was possessed by it 12 years ago. It's bonded to me permanently. It can't die. Meaning I can't die. Don't worry. I don't act like I did when I was "possessed" the first time." I said making air quotes around 'possessed'. "Really? Because I just fought you in New Orleans while you were the Nogitsune." Scott asked. "You what?" I asked looking at him confused. "You don't remember?" Scott asked. "No. I don't. The Nogitsune takes over my mind when he gets in control. I have no recollection of a fight with you." I said. "Okay. So, let's hypothetically say that you're good with the demon in your body. What does everyone call you if you're a vampire, werewolf, witch, and Nogitsune?" Isaac asked. "I'm the Original Chimera. I'm also the Original Ripper." I said. "What's a Ripper?" Liam asked. "It's a type of vampire that can't control themselves when they feed off humans. They'll usually feed off them, tear them apart and continue doing that same routine." I said. "You tear people apart?" Peter asked with a slight smirk. "Only in Ripper mode. Or if I get pissed enough." I said. "You know the legend of Jack the Ripper?" I asked them. "Everyone does. It was a psychotic man who killed five people." Lydia answered. "I'm Jack." I stated. "I meant a hot man." Lydia said blushing. I smirked. "You mean to tell me that Stiles is one of the most powerful person on the planet? No you're not." Peter said. "Not ONE. I AM the most powerful person on the planet. You wanna meet him?" I asked appearing in front of him in the blink of an eye. My eyes glowed bright purple as veins appeared under my eyes and my fangs elongated. "Who knows the riddle of Jack the Ripper?" I asked morphing back into my normal self, satisfied with the terrified Peter. "Anybody?" I asked. "Rip. Rip. Rip. Heads from necks, limb from limb, and hearts from chests. All Jack does is rip. Rip. Rip. No one escapes the Ripper that is Jack!" I said. "Why Jack?" Theo asked. "Because no one wanted to say Mieczyslaw or Stiles the Ripper." I said sarcastically squinting my eyes at Theo. "What color are your eyes? Don't supernatural creatures have an eye color?" Scott's mom asked. "Usually. Witches don't. Mine are purple." I said making them glow. "That's cool." Isaac stated with a smile. I scoffed before looking at Theo. "So, Theodore. The next time you feel like betraying Scott. Remember this, I can beat the shit out of you to the point that people won't even recognize you." I threatened looking at Theo. "There's no need for that, Stiles." Lydia said putting a hand my chest. "Yeah. Theo has been a big help against Monroe and her army." Scott said. I nodded. "Threat still stands for future reference. Am I understood?" I said. He nodded. "Never going to betray anyone if it means Jack is going to come and tear me to pieces." Theo said. I laughed. "Does that mean Stiles now qualifies for the Senior Discount?" Isaac asked with a chuckle. "And Bingo Night?" Derek added crossing his arms with a smirk. "Hilarious. The only thing I qualify for is where my face can get me. That and the compulsion." I said with a sigh putting my hands into my pockets.

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