Chapter 67

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I dumped the 4 bodies into the river and looked at the horizon. "What bothers me is the whole idea that the prophecy is coming. The fact that I can't do anything to stop it brings me a feeling that I'm not known for expressing." I said sensing a presence behind me. "And what feeling is that?" A voice questioned. "The unrelenting fear of death." I answered. The sound of footfalls followed and I notice Niklaus standing beside me in a black wool coat. "Hearing this come from the unkillable Original...worries me." Nik said. "I know I may come off as the brother that is fearless and too cocky for his well-being but..." I started dropping my head shaking it. "I meant what I said back there. Sometimes I fear that one day when I walk into a fight...someone has found the way to end my life." I said. "You needn't worry about such things Mieczyslaw. The entire world knows that the Void One is truly immortal. The wolves know it, the witches know it, the vampires know it, and your family knows it. If someone has it in their right mind to think they can kill you then they have another thing coming." Klaus explained looking me in the eyes. "You are MY brother. That means I will do anything to prevent something bad from happening to you or the rest of our family. No matter how immortal you are. I will stand by your side no matter what to ensure that we overcome this." Klaus said. I raised a brow. "When did you get so good at inspirational speeches, Nik?" I asked smiling. He smirked. "Camille." He answered. "Ah. How is Camille?" I asked. He tensed. "Got it. Touchy subject." I said knowing not to press any further. "Are you and Hayley on speaking terms yet?" He asked. I let out a breath. "No. We're not. You and me can't seem to hold on to them...can we?" I asked. Klaus smiled. "Perhaps it's in our nature. And for the best." I added. "What's that supposed to mean?" He asked. "Everyone we love...either end up dead or hurt. No matter how hard we try...something always happens to end it. For 1000 plus years...with Tatia, Katerina, Miralina, Aurora, Caroline, Camille...and Hayley. Notice anything in particular about those seven women?" I asked. Klaus thought for a moment before looking at the ground with a sigh closing his eyes. "Six of them are dead." Klaus breathed. "Esther murdered Tatia, Katerina...not that I liked her very much...died trying to escape the sacrifice. Aurora committed suicide to be like us. Genevieve murdered Mira in cold blood to draw me back to New Orleans. Caroline is a vampire because of Damon Salvatore...who is part of your sireline. Then there's Hayley...who was killed by bloody Harvest witches that were hellbent on murdering your daughter." I explained. "I'm not letting anything happen to Camille. Not matter how hard she pushes me away. If she's ever in danger I'll be there to save her." Niklaus stated. I looked at him and pulled him into a hug. "What's this for?" Klaus asked a bit confused. "No reason. I'm just lucky to have you as my brother." I said. Klaus returned the embrace before pulling away. "Likewise, Stiles. You are my blood brother through thick and thin. We stick together no matter what." He said putting a hand on my shoulder with a smile. I put my hand on his and smirked. "Always and Forever, right?" I stated. "Always and Forever." He repeated.

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