Chapter 35

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"I can't believe I missed it! Again!" I said sitting in the house across from Klaus and Elijah while Hayley sat with Hope. "Sorry you missed it, brother. Esther is currently contemplating the decision of whether she wants to be a vampire or die." Klaus said with a smirk. "Don't transitioning vampires die in a day if they don't feed?" I asked. Klaus's smirk grew wider. "Indeed they do, Little Fox." Nik said. "So," Klaus said turning to Cami. "Here's the plan. Hayley, Elijah, and I will head back home to deal with our wayward brother. And Stiles will stay here with you. He's been experiencing some side effects since his ordeal as our mother's captive. Best he stay and convalesce." Klaus said looking at me. I raised both arms into the air offended. "I happened to lose control one time in a bar and slaughtered everyone and I never get to hear the end of it." I said.

"Well, Cami has a way with minds plagued by demons, brother

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"Well, Cami has a way with minds plagued by demons, brother. You two can bond." Klaus said with a smile. I squinted my eyes at him which he smirked. "You're enjoying this aren't you?" I asked pointing at him. "I resent that. I'm just looking out for my little brother." Klaus said. I rolled my eyes as Klaus and the others stood up. "Well, if you'll excuse me I best be on my way. Rebekah should have woken up in the body of Angelica Barker. Once she has cut the ties of Miss Barker's former life, she'll make her way directly here. You should expect her shortly." Klaus said before leaving.

I looked at Cami who had a look in her eyes. "Look Cami. I'm not going to hurt you. I promise. Like Elijah...I take my word to heart. I don't break my promises easily." I said reassuring her. "But...if I do try anything. I want you to hit me as hard as you can wiiiith this." I said bringing out a metal bat. "I don't think a bat is going to do anything, Stiles." Cami said looking at the bat. "Well not if you use it correctly." I said tapping the bat to the side of my head. She grabbed the bat and smiled uneasily.

45 Minutes Later

I sat in a chair flicking claws out one at a time and retracting them back and repeating the process. "Bored, are we? I thought you were supposed to be the fun Mikaelson?" Cami asked. I chuckled with a smile. "You're not wrong. You don't get to be permanently bonded with an immortal demon fox for eternity and not get to have fun with it." I said looking at her. "'re four things?" She asked. "Guilty as charged." I said. "That thing we saw a couple of says ago...that was one of them?" She asked. "Indeed. That cheery thing you saw the other day was the Nogitsune. of it anyway. You'll never physically the fox. You'll only get to hear it and see its personality." I said. "So...booze and board games?" Cami asked holding up bourbon and Trivia Pursuit. "What is this?" I asked squinting my eyes. "Keeping you occupied so you don't try to kill anybody so...what was the name of Don Quixote's horse?" Cami said reading a card. I raised a brow. "This is ridiculous." I said taking a seat. "Fine...we'll talk about something else. Let's talk about Hayley. What's up with you? You two have seemed close." Cami said taking a drink. I looked her not answering. "Rociante." I said. "The horse's name was Rociante." I said downing my drink. Camille smiled behind the glass of her drink.

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