Chapter 155

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I watched as Uncle Nik and Elijah walked Aunt Freya down the aisle. Dad appeared next to Mom holding her hand. "Where have you been?" She asked him in a whisper. "I'll tell you later." He whispered to her before placing a kiss on her head. I watched as Uncle Kol did his speech but I wasn't listening... my mind was elsewhere. Thinking of my family afterwards. I looked around before watching Aunt Freya and Keelin kiss one another. I clapped my hands smiling.

It was night and I was sitting at my table watching everyone celebrate the wedding. Hope was dancing with Keelin while Kol was dancing with Davina next to them. Rebekah was talking with Marcel. Aunt Freya was talking to Klaus. And Mom was dancing with Dad. Elijah was by himself watching everyone. I looked down at my glass of champagne, putting my head in my hands. This wasn't going to last very long. I wasn't going to last very long. I stood up out of the chair and grabbed the glass, finishing the alcoholic drink. My vision blurred for a split second. I shook my head walking over to the bar to get another drink. I walked passed Aunt Rebekah and Marcel who were next to the bar. "Hey kiddo. How you doing?" Marcel asked with a smile.

"Never been better." I said smiling after taking taking another swig of my fourth glass of champagne. "Take it easy, Ollie." Rebekah said with a smirk. "I'll try." I said before my hand slipped and the glass fell to the ground. My eyes fluttered as I lost my balance. I fell forward into Marcel who instinctively stood up and caught me. "Whoa! Ollie. You alright?" Marcel asked standing me upright. I looked at him with a drunken smile. "Why wouldn't I be alright?" I said swaying back and forth. "I'm only a host to magic that's killing me, right? Nothing to worry about. I'll be fine in a couple days." I said grabbing another glass. "Oh I don't think so, Little Fox." Bekah said smiling the glass from me.

"I think you've had one too many drinks." She said. "I think I'm one short." I argued. "What's wrong?" Mom asked walking over with Dad. "He's fine. He's just had too much to drink." Marcel said sitting me down beside him. "I can speak for myself. Thank you very much." I said waving my finger in the air before poking Marcel in the arm. "I'm sure you can." He said. "And I also think that I'm perfectly capable of being alone." I said. "Like hell you are." Dad said. "We've got him. We'll watch him." Marcel told Dad. "Make sure he doesn't drink anymore." Mom said. "Of course." Rebekah said. "But Mom...I'm a Mikaelson. I can handle a few glasses of champagne." I said. " can handle it just as well as your father can." Marcel quipped. I crossed my arms pouting as I slumped into the chair. Marcel put his hand on my shoulder. "You're gonna be just fine." He said before I fell the side and leaned on his shoulder passed out.

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