Chapter 76

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After the Christmas extravaganza...I sat in the leather chair staring at the lit Christmas tree. My chin rest on my hand as I lost myself in the lights and decorations. It was the middle of the night and everyone had either gone to sleep or went to get a drink at Rousseau's. Most of the pack had gone back to Beacon Hills. They had wanted to stay but California needed protection. Rebekah had moved on and was now free as a kite. Hayley is probably happily enjoying Christmas evening with Jackson. Gross. Elijah was God knows where. Klaus and Camille were upstairs..."exchanging presents". Freya was out at Rousseau's with Cassius. The only person with nothing to do was currently staring at a tree. Yeah because Stiles Mikaelson knows how to have fun. The longer I stared at the white lights the heavier my eyelids got. I hadn't slept in weeks, I've only closed my eyes a few minutes before waking up. I'd realize that I was drifting off when I should've been trying to prevent the prophecy. 

I had nearly fallen asleep when I heard a scream. "NO!!" I sprung to my feet and sped up the stairs to his bedroom. What I saw was heartbreaking. "Camille." I whispered staring at Camille's dead body on the now bloody mattress. Klaus had trashed his room clearly heartbroken. "What the hell happened?!" I screamed running over to Camille. "We we're talking...fell asleep...and I woke up to this." Klaus said in tears distressed. "How in the bloody hell do you just wake up to this?!" I shouted gesturing to the bloody massacre. "I don't know, Stiles. I don't know!" Klaus argued falling to his knees. I sighed staring at my older brother. It pained me to see him in such torment. I walked over to him and helped him to his feet. "Brother. It pains me to see you like this. You're supposed to be the strong one." I said grabbing his shoulders and looking him in the eyes. "Don't use me on me." Klaus grumbled. "You just happened to be a smart man, brother. Take your own advice." I said turning to Camille. "Live your life while it lasts. You never know what the hell life will throw at you." I said running a hand through my hair, instantly regretting it when I saw blood was smeared on my hand. "Everything we love burns to ash. And you know sucks. I bloody hate it. We should be able to love woman whether she's human or not and have it last. Why does everything have to end with a murder or death or arguments or fights? Why can't we just love like normal people?" I asked looking at Niklaus. "I don't know, brother. Maybe it's the world telling us that we are destined to be alone." Klaus answered as we stood motionless staring at Camille's dead body. 7 women lost.

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