Chapter 121

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We left Hope with Scott and the pack who went back to Beacon Hills. We were currently on a private jet going across the pond to Europe. I sat across from Hayley. She stood up and walked over to me sitting on my lap and leaned her head on my shoulder as we stared out the window of the plane. I looked up at her grabbing her hand kissing the top of it tenderly before rubbing my thumb along her knuckles gently. I leaned up to her face and planted my lips to hers. She straddled my legs as she continued kissing me. "If we do this on the plane, what will we do on the island?" I asked. "Island?" She asked pulling away. "I didn't tell you? Oh yeah. We're going to Isle Mira." I said. "Let me guess. After Miralina?" She asked. "Possibly." I said. "Might have to buy a new island and name is Isle Andrea." I said with a smirk before kissing her lips again. We looked at each other for long "Queen," I said handing her a glass of champagne. "Anymore champagne, I might be drunk." She said. "Well lucky us....our bodies are highly resistant to alcohol. Unless you think you can drink me under the table." I said. "I can drink a lot more than just alcohol under the table." She said. My eyes widened as my face went red. "That was a joke." She said. "Was it?" I asked a bit nervous. "Afraid?" She asked. "I don't do afraid." I said. "Unless you're being hunted by Mikael." She said. "That's just cold." I said squinting my eyes grabbing her and pulling her off her feet towards me. She fell on me laughing. I smiled as she adjusted her head onto my legs and closed her eyes. A few minutes later, she had fallen asleep as I combed my fingers through her luscious brown hair staring out the plane. 


I woke up a few hours later and found myself in the mattress under the covers. I looked around to see Stiles in a seat writing in a leather book. He looked up from the book and out the window. I got out the bed and felt the soft carpet of the flooring between my toes. I ran a hand through my hair walking over to him. I slung my arms around his chest and placed a kiss on his cheek. "What time is it?" I asked. "3 in the America. Right is currently...some time o'clock in Europe." He said with a smile. "In other don't know." I said. "Yeah." He said with a nod of his head. I scoffed as I shook my head. "Good news. We're about to arrive." He stated. "Already?" I asked. "Yeah. You've been out for hours." He explained getting to his feet. "You're beautiful when you sleep." He said placing a hand around the back of my neck. He brushed his thumb across my cheek as he smiled. "I could watch you sleep for hours. No matter how weird that sounded it's true." He said chuckling. "Not that weird. I've watched you sleep before. You look peaceful and younger when you're asleep." I told him before I kissed his lips. "You're right. It's not that weird." He said laughing.

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