Chapter 18

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2 Months Later

Back in New Orleans

      I stood next to Hayley as she sat in the armchair with her hand on her stomach. "Stiles. Are you okay?" Hayley asked grabbing my hand. I was busy staring out the window to answer. "I have a feeling that something terrible is going to happen and I can't make it go away." I said. "What are you talking about? What bad feeling?" Hayley asked. "I don't know." I said. I stared at Hayley. "You got your people back and you're sitting here with a 1021 year old Original vampire/werewolf/witch/demon fox abomination." I said looking at the werewolf. "I happened to like you better than the rest of your family excluding Elijah." Hayley said with a smirk. "Elijah is never not liked." I stated with a scoff. "Plus, I'm here to protect this miracle kid from the witches." Hayley said. "Hopefully this plan should work and the witches will die." I said. "You're worried." Hayley said. "Obviously. I'm trying to protect everyone from the Guerrera family." I said. "That's not your job Stiles." Hayley said. "It feels like it. I'm the biggest weapon in our arsenal and I'm sitting here doing nothing. I need to be out there with Elijah and Klaus. I need to quench this feeling." I said standing up running a hand through my hair. I could hear the voices of the wolves outside the compound. "Plan is motion. Grab the werewolf girl and kill her." I heard. I spun around to Hayley and grabbed her. Hayley looked like she was pain. "Hayley we need to go now-What's wrong?" I asked her. She screamed. "It's happening!" She shouted. "Oh bloody-" I started before the doors to the room slammed open and three girls walked in. I felt an invisible force grip my neck and snap it. I fell to the ground.

     I woke up to a destroyed bedroom and bloodstained bedroom. I sat up. "Hayley! Hayley!" I screamed speeding around the destroyed compound. I found Elijah surrounded by dead bodies. "Where is she?!" I asked him. "Who? Where's who?" Elijah asked. "Hayley! Where's Hayley?!" I yelled. "She's not here!" Elijah asked. "Three witches came in when Hayley went into labor and snapped my neck. I woke up and now she's gone." I said. "They are going to try and kill the child." Elijah said. "St. Annes." I said. We sped to the church to find Hayley in Klaus' arms. My eyes went wide. I sped to him. "What happened?" I asked taking Hayley from him. "The Harvest witches." Klaus said. My eyes glowed purple as tears fell from my eyes. I sped away to cemetery furious. I walked in and searched for the soon-to-be witches.

    I fell to my knees and couldn't breathe. A punched the ground multiple times. I let out a scream of anger. I felt two hands grabbed my shoulders and pull me up. I looked to see Elijah and Klaus. Elijah pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry. Stiles. I'm sorry." Elijah said in my ear. "I couldn't protect her. I'm the most powerful person on the planet and I couldn't do anything to save her." I said walking away.

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