Chapter 64

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Mystic Falls, A Few Years Ago

I stood on one side of the street watching two men accompany a young woman. One was tall with black hair and the other was slightly shorter with brown gelled hair. I caught a smell and looked around spotting a young woman with long brown hair. I turned away and followed the two men and woman from a distance. I smiled knowing what I was now capable of since the night my werewolf side was unlocked. I've been keeping an eye on my older siblings since then. For now...I'll have to settle for the two brothers before me accompanying the newly made vampire. One of the brothers turned around and I disappeared out of view before I was noticed. "What's wrong?" The tall one asked. "We're being followed." The other said. "By who?" The girl asked. "One of the Old Ones obviously." The one named Damon Salvatore answered sarcastically. "There's more than Klaus and Elijah?" Elena asked. "Yes. But Wolf King is hiding his other siblings." Damon stated. "We should've known that Elijah would side with Klaus the second he knew his younger siblings were safe. They do anything for family." Stefan said. 

I walked from out of the shadows making my appearance known to the three vampires. "Actually...they're all alive and well shying away from prying eyes." I stated from behind them. "Stiles." Damon stated running at me. I moved to the side and grabbed the back of his jacket collar pulling him backwards. I spun him around and held him up in the air by his neck. "That about go how you expected it would?" I asked smirking. I caught a flanking Stefan from the side by his own neck. "Huh. You're a lot stronger than I'd thought you'd be for an Original." Damon croaked. "That's because I am, you bloody idiot." I countered squinting my eyes. "My siblings may be nasty selfish people that happened to be the most powerful vampires being led by what they believe to be the most powerful person to walk the planet, Niklaus Mikaelson. But they forget...I can rip them to pieces with a flick of my wrist if I wanted to." I said looking over at Elena. "Ah. Elena." I said smiling looking her over. "I have to look rather ravishing since your transformation." I said. "Let them go, Stiles." She said. I raised my brows looking at Stefan and Damon. "She definitely reminds me of someone, don't you think gentlemen? I haven't seen a face like hers in centuries. Since 1492...with Katerina Petrova. You two just couldn't steer clear from this one, could ya? If you did...well you wouldn't be caught up in this whole Mikaelson family business. It's only a matter of time until she becomes another Katerina. Now that her on the brink of collapse." I said smirking mischievously. I kneed Damon in the face and snapped Stefan's neck. Stefan dropped to the ground and Damon ran at me again before I flicked my fingers and pinned Damon to the wall as I ran at Elena. 

I grabbed her and looked into her eyes. "How did it feel to wake up and realize that you were dead? Forever to live the life as a being you never wished yourself to be." I said as she stopped fighting to stare into my eyes. "Elena. Did you want to be a vampire?" I asked. "Don't fight it, Elena." I said smiling. "I didn't want to." She said. "I didn't think so. How would you like to forget the entire thing, love?" I whispered. "Stiles! Don't! If you turn off her humanity then it'll be harder to get her back!" Damon yelled. "Damon...That's the fun part. Fight for what you love." I said rolling my eyes. I felt a metal rod go through me and I looked behind me at Stefan with dark eyes and fangs in his mouth. "Get. Away. From her!" He yelled. "Wow. 10 out of 10 for the face. Want to see mine?" I said morphing. My fangs came out and my eyes shone a bright violet as veins shot up towards my eyes. I looked at Elena one last time before I began to dodge both Stefan and Damon's attacks. "You two never learn do you?" I asked them as I threw Stefan into the brick wall behind me. I blocked Damon's punch and slammed my foot into his chest and sent him flying into the wall opposite of Stefan. I looked back at Elena. "Now. I'm tired of this. You're lucky I'm feeling generous and allowing these two to keep their heads and limbs." I said pointing at the Salvatores. " tried to kill me after the whole sacrifice ceremony debacle. You're lucky you even get to live." I said grabbing her by her throat and tightening my grip. "I'm gonna ask you a question, and I suggest you answer it truthfully. Do you like what you've become?" I asked searching her eyes. "No." She croaked. I nodded as I let go. She looked at me shocked. "I understand the feeling. It's not easy being something monstrous. I had to get used to it after a millenium. I had to accept this thing that I've become. My only advice to you is that you don't do the same thing, Ms. Gilbert. Listen carefully, little one. The next time either you or your friends try and end me...let's just say Klaus won't be the scariest thing you've ever met. Trust haven't met terror until you get on my bad side. Believe me...NOTHING escapes me." I said speeding away. "But if you need anything...don't be too afraid to reach out and call me. Even if it is to take down my siblings. That would be fun actually. Imagine their faces when they find out that I'm still alive." I said chuckling. Elena nodded as Damon and Stefan stood next to her. "Why would we want your help?" Damon asked. "Because...I'm the most powerful being on the planet. Also...I'm the only one that knows how my siblings work. That and I really need friends that aren't pack of misfit supernatural creatures. I want friends that have the ability to live past a couple of centuries. Give or take a few. It's troublesome being the only one of your kind. There's no one else like me. So I get why Klaus is....being Klaus. He's a Hybrid. The only one of his kind. After he ran me off...he had to come up with a solution that would fill in that void. Like I should've been doing for the last 1000 or so years." I said looking down at the paved ground. I sighed. "I don't mean to bore you with my troubles. Please...enjoy the rest of your night. I'm sorry for the outburst of violence." I said walking away after giving them a smile. "Stiles wait..." Stefan called out. I turned around with raised eyebrows. "Yes?" I asked. "If you ever need anything...just give us a call." Stefan stated. I nodded silently. "I appreciate that. Thank you, Mr. Salvatore." I said before disappearing into the night.

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