Chapter 84

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I was brought into the compound and put down on the sofa as I rattled off nonsense. "Get away from me, demon!! You won't trick me into killing again! Let go of me!" I shouted. "What's wrong with him?!" Freya asked. "It's the werewolf toxin. It's making him hallucinate." Elijah explained. "But Stiles is part werewolf. I thought he was immune to werewolf bite toxin?" She asked. "I'm not so sure that this was a normal toxin." Elijah said as I struggled on the couch to get to my feet. Elijah pinned me down as best as he could before Kol walked in. "What the bloody happened to him?!" Kol exclaimed. "Lucien happened." Freya said. "He bit him." Elijah said as he kept his iron grip on my shoulders. Finn was busy struggling as well. "So...Lucien is a bloody hybrid now." Kol said. "We don't know what he is. His venom works twice as fast." Elijah said. "That's good. Maybe it'll work through his system twice as fast." Freya said. "Or it's twice as lethal. Now if Niklaus doesn't get here in time, he might die, with a bit of luck." Kol said. "Kol, you're a sick son of a bitch." I spat sane for a few seconds. "I wasn't talking about you, brother. I like you. I was talking about Finn." Kol said. Freya slapped him across the face. Kol reeled back and snarled at Freya. "What is wrong with you?" She asked him. "Behave yourselves!" Elijah shouted. "Sibling squabbling. How familiar." Klaus stated entering the room. "Although the teams seem to have changed. Someone care to tell me why?" Klaus asked calmly. "Our brothers need us." Elijah said. "Stiles is quite capable of healing himself." Klaus stated. "Brother. This isn't any regular werewolf bite...this is...different." I said before letting out another scream. Klaus sped over to the both of us and gave us his blood. "How are you feeling?" Elijah asked. "I feel high." I said. "Hmm...Well...wouldn't be the first time if I recall." Klaus said. " it." I strained. "I have to agree with Stiles. I feel strangely euphoric." Finn said. 

Kol started clapping. "What a precious family moment. Pardon me while I go and gouge out my eyes with a hot poker." Kol said. "Do not confuse me writhing in pain to be a weakness, Kol. I can still kick your ass, werewolf bite or not." I said. "I thank even you Kol. You're little witch came through today." Finn said to him. "Today....I saw a glimpse of your coveted "always and forever."" Finn said. "Don't get sappy on us now." I said sarcastically before my eyes widened and I shot up and threw up black blood onto the floor next to me. As if mirroring my actions, Finn did the same. "Stiles!" Elijah shouted grabbing hold of me. "What's happening?" Kol asked as he held down my feet. "What's wrong with them?" Klaus asked. "Their's dying." Freya said. "No, no, it's not possible. I cured them!" Klaus shouted. "Hey, hey, hey. It's gonna be alright, brother." Freya told Finn as Kol held my right shoulder. "We'll fix this, you'll see. Okay?" Freya asked. "Get my pendant." Freya said to Elijah. "It won't work. Davina fused his soul this body." Kol explained. "We've got to try. There's no Other Side, no ancestral well if dies." Freya said. "No. Get your bloody girlfriend back here to undo what she's done. Finn. Stiles. You two will drink from the source until Freya can move you." Klaus said. "Klaus." I said weakly. "Deep down....I think...we all knew...this day would come." I whispered. I blinked my eyes multiple times. "We are not gods...Niklaus." I said with a fake smile and laugh. "Besides...I'd be ridding this world of a monster." I said. "You are NOT a monster, Stiles." Klaus said. "Niklaus, shut up and listen to me. It's called a 'Demon Fox' for a reason." I said my vision losing focus. "Do me a favor...Tell Hayley...Tell her...Tell her that I'll be okay...I forgive her. For everything. Will you do that for me? Promise me." I asked. "You can tell her that yourself." Klaus said. "Niklaus....Promise me. Please." I said as a tear ran down my cheek as my smile faltered. My head fell to the side as I felt my body become rigid. This isn't the end for you, Stiles Mikaelson. No...this is only the beginning. The Nogitsune's voice echoed through my mind before I was gone.  

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