Chapter 92

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"Why?" Elijah asked me. "What kind of question is that?!" I asked dropping Lucien's head to the floor. "I've never seen you commit such violence before." Hayley said. "You try dying and coming back an Upgraded Original with enough power to kill every Strix member in the world with a flick of my wrist." I spat. "Stiles. How are you alive?" Klaus asked with tears. "First...what the hell happened back there? Huh?! What the fucking hell did you think it was a good idea to against Lucien?!" I shouted. "He killed Cami...Stiles." Klaus answered. "What?" I asked caught off guard. "He bit her and killed her." He said. I looked at his head on the floor. I walked over to it and picked it up. "Did she suffer?" I asked staring at the head. "No. She went peacefully." He answered. Kol walked into the estate in tears. "You're a murderer!!!" He yelled pointing at Freya. I looked at Freya. "What's he talking about?" I asked. Freya looked at Elijah. "What. Happened?" I asked. "Davina's dead." She said. I crushed Lucien's head in my head closing my hand into a fist. "How fucking long have I been gone?!" I screamed. "Days." Hayley answered. I dropped the pieces to the floor. "You killed Davina?" I asked. "It was a necessary evil to stop Lucien." She said. I glared at her with blood red eyes. "Yeah...and who exactly ended him?" I asked. I shook my head. "I'm gone a few days and two people die." I said. I looked around. "You can clean this shit up. And I wouldn't argue with me right now." I said walking up the stairs to my room and slamming the door.

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