Chapter 128

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"Pregnant?! That's-that's amazing!! My god! Hayley!!!" I exclaimed in tears as pressed my lips to hers with a smile. I pulled her into a joyous and gentle hug as I let out a celebratory laugh. "Did you ever think your life would come to this?" She asked. "To be honest...I thought my father would have found a way to kill me by now if he was still alive." I said letting out a breath. "This is bloody fantastic!! I promise you no harm or foul will shall come towards our child. I promise you that with my eternal life." I said seriously looking into her teary eyes. "Wouldn't expect anything less." She said with a smile kissing me. I pulled away. "I'M GONNA BE A DAD!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs happily, lifting her into the air and spun around in a circle as Hayley let out a ring of laughter.

H    A     Y     L     E     Y

As more months passed, you could tell I was very and obviously pregnant. Scott's mother, Melissa, was staying in the compound taking care of me, with help from Keelin. Foxy was away doing an appearance at the world premiere of his movie, American Assassin. Scott and the rest of the pack were also in the Quarter staying near the compound. I was currently sitting on the sofa across from Scott, Malia, and Derek while Hope sat beside me. The rest of the pack, Freya, Keelin, Vincent, and Cassius were gathered around us. "So...have you thought of any names yet?" Lydia asked. "Yeah. A few actually. For both boys and girls." I answered leaning my head against my hand. "Like?" Keelin questioned. "Well...If they're a girl...probably Faye or Kara." I said. "Kara? Like Supergirl?" Derek asked with a smirk. "To be honest...Derek you kinda look like Superman." Liam said. "What? What does me looking like Superman have to do with anything I just said?" Derek shot back. "Felt right. Supergirl is Superman's cousin. And I'm saying that you look like Superman." Liam said. "What--" Derek started. "Babe. Just take the comment and move on with your life." Braeden said slinging her arms around his chest. "I like those names. But what if they're a boy?" Hope asked. "It'll be Cassius obviously. No question." Cass answered standing up as he raised his hands into the air with a smile. "Keep telling yourself that, Spider-Man." I countered as Scott pushed him back into his seat. "I was thinking of something like Oliver." I said. "Oliver, huh? Oliver Marshall-Mikaelson. Oliver Mikaelson-Marshall. Oliver Marshall. Oliver Mikaelson." Scott stared repeating the name with variations of our last name. "Mikaelson. Just Mikaelson. Can't let him/her be the odd one out." I said. "Odd one out? Honey, your family is already the oddest one of all. It's filled with witches, Original Vampires, an Original Hybrid, a Hybrid, a Tribrid, Werewolves, and an immortal Upgraded Original Chimera. That has an unbreakable bond with his best friend that happens to be a True Alpha werewolf that has a potluck pack of supernatural creatures we never even knew existed. And finally...whatever that bundle of joy is gonna be that Mother Nature got cooking up inside you." Vincent rambled. I raised a brow with a smirk. "Point is. Your family is about as odd as it gets. If she or he comes out with a different last name...they'll fit right in. Because not a single person in this large extensive family is normal. Hell, even the four humans here aren't normal." Vincent stated. "One was formerly trained to hunt werewolves, the other does medical operations on supernatural creatures and a mother to a werewolf. Another was a mercenary that was once attacked by an Alpha and later on in life got married to a werewolf, and lastly a guy that went out with a dude who could turn invisible. If someone tells any of you people that you're normal then they have lost their damn mind. Because there ain't no way in hell any of you are normal." Vincent finished shaking his head and wagging his fingers and hands in the air. "Can someone make this man president?" Keelin asked. Laughter followed as the entrance to the compound opened. Stiles walked into the square and looked around. "A party? For me? You shouldn't have." He said mockingly. "Couldn't be more wrong, genius." Lydia told him setting down her empty wine glass. "It's for your lovely wife." Cassius said gesturing to me. "And child." He added. Stiles looked at me. "Jealous?" I asked with a smirk squinting my eyes. "Jealous? What would I be jealous of? This wonderous party of yours? The beautiful daughter sitting next to you? Your naturally beautiful looks? Wait--I can't be jealous of that I already have that." He said walking over to me step by step after each question until he reached me. He placed a kiss on my forehead and stood up. "I'm not jealous at all. But I sure hoped you saved me some wine." He stated. "Sorry about your luck, Wonder Boy. I didn't have any. And neither will you." I stated. He groaned dramatically in a mocking manner as he placed his head against the crook in my neck. "Why must you torture me?" He murmured against my skin, sending chills down my spine. "If I can't knock back shots of whiskey, then you can't." I explained playing with his hair. He groaned into my neck. "Question. Who is living proof of the impossible?" I asked him. "Me." He mumbled against me. "Right. Which means you can go one more month without having any alcohol. Besides, not like you're the carrying around another person in your body." I stated. "That is very true." He replied his voice completely muffled by my neck and the cushion of the sofa. I shook my head. "You're such a dork." I told him. "I know." He murmured.

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