Chapter 152

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I sat on the first floor waiting for Dad and Klaus to come back down. I looked around at all the dead vampires at my feet. A few seconds passed before I felt a sharp piercing pain in my stomach. I let out a yelp before the pain erupted throughout my body. I collapsed to the floor on my hands and knees. I groaned before looking up and noticing my vision was now golden-yellow in color. The vision lingered for a while before disappearing before I completely fell to the floor into darkness. The last thing I saw was a blond man...probably Uncle Nik...running to me.

S   T   I   L   E   S

I looked at the sleeping figures of Hope and Oliver. I let out a sigh biting the nail on my thumb. "There's only one thing that comes from this, Niklaus." I said crossing my arms and pacing nervously. "I'm well aware of the consequences, Stiles. I went through it before. And so did you." He answered. "Then you'll understand me when I tell you...we need to get the Hollow out of them before their first full moon." I explained. "And how do you suppose we do that? Hope doesn't want the Hollow out of her if it means I get to stay with her. And Oliver doesn't it out of him if it means Hope closes herself off from him." Klaus said. "Then we put the Hollow into something else. Or someone that can handle it." I said. "That didn't exactly work out well the last time, Mieczyslaw." Klaus said. "Mieczyslaw...It's been a while since I've heard that name." I said. "I assure you...we will find a way to get this dark magic out of them. I promise you that." Klaus said placing his hand on my shoulder. "How do you know that?" I asked him. "You're right. I don't. But I know you...I know how you operate, Mieczy. I'll be damned if we let anything happen to these kids." Nik stated. "I can't lose them. I can't. Not after I nearly lost Hayley." I said. "Sometimes it's easy for me to forget that you're still my younger brother. Over the centuries, you've grown wiser and matured...somewhat. I've gotten used to you solving problems with your fists and your magic. Or your fox or whatever other Chimeran tricks you got hidden in your sleeves. But you've taught me...that you can't always solve your problems with violence...I wish I had learned this sooner." Nik explained. "And what's that?" I asked him. "A hug goes a long way." Klaus answered before pulling me into a hug. I returned the caring hug, clenching my jaws shut refusing to let out the sobs that wanted to escape my mouth. "If we are to get the Hollow out of them...then we need to act fast-- Klaus started coming up with a plan. "Niklaus..." I said breaking away from the hug. Nik looked at me confused. "For once...please...can you just shut up and be my big brother?" I asked. Klaus pursed his lips nodding his head. I stared at Oliver and Hope with teary eyes. I know what I have to do...but the thing is...I don't want to.

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