Chapter 21

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     I walked into the compound and looked at Elijah. "Elijah we're going to need help." I said. "Yes, I realized this. Francesca and her wolves will stop at nothing until Klaus is dead." Elijah said. "We need to get those moonlight rings before they find a way to kill Klaus. Luckily for us, I'm not affected by the moonlight rings. So, I'm going to tear those wolves apart without hesitation, if it means that my family will be safer." I said. Elijah put his hand on my shoulder and smiled. "I appreciate the enthusiasm, Stiles. But, I hate to say that is easier said than done, Brother." Elijah said with a scoff and a smile. "We don't know if we don't try, right?" I asked throwing my arms in the air. "We'll need Marcel's help if we are to survive the onslaught that is to come." I stated. "I agree. Klaus is going to recruit Marcel at the moment." Elijah said. I nodded and sighed. I walked away and headed to my room. My phone rang. Derek 'The Sour Wolf' Hale. I answered. "Derek." I stated. "Stiles. I found some information on the tattoo but all I get is information about pack tattoos. Like the Hale Triskele and Scott's pack symbol of the two circles. The tattoo on your pack is a pack symbol. Finding out which pack is going to be the hard part." Derek said. "You need a picture?" I asked. "That would be helpful. Thanks." Derek said. I pulled my phone away from my ear and took my shirt off and stood in front of a mirror. I turned my back towards it and snapped the picture. I sent it to him. "Did you get it?" I asked. "Yeah. Thanks. I let you know what else I find." Derek said before hanging up. I put the phone in my pocket and turned around to see Klaus. "Klaus, you're back. Marcel helping?" I said pulling my shirt over my head. "Who was that?" Klaus asked. "Friend of mine. You didn't answer my question." I stated. "Something interesting?" He asked ignoring me. I rolled my eyes. "He's looking into something for me." I said. "What would that be?" Klaus asked. "Something that does not concern you." I said. Klaus smiled. "If that's what you want. And yes. Marcel is going to help us. My hypothetical death means the hypothetical death of all my sires." Klaus said walking away. I furrowed my eyebrows and squinted my eyes. I shook my head.

  3 Hours Later

     The time came for Elijah, Marcel, and Hayley help Klaus get the moonlight rings from the werewolves

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     The time came for Elijah, Marcel, and Hayley help Klaus get the moonlight rings from the werewolves. I stood inside the compound next to Hayley. "Ready?" She asked. "I'm about to fuck up some werewolves." I said with a serious face speeding away. I found 3 werewolves. I ran at them and jumped onto the wall and bounced off grabbing the head of one werewolf and pulling it off. I threw it at the head of another and decapitated them. I sped to the last wolf and tore their arms off. I slammed my foot into their chest with brute strength, my foot went through them. My eyes glowed purple. I sped away my white t-shirt splattered with blood. I stopped inside a hallway and found 6 more werewolves. "Gentlemen. You've made the biggest mistake of your lives." I said turning to the left finding Hayley tearing apart a werewolf at the opposite end of another hall. She looked up at me with a bloody severed finger in her hand. I grabbed two swords off the wall behind me and twirled them around in my hands. I stalked to the werewolves as they ran at me. I broke into a run and slid down to the ground. I slammed the blades of the swords into the ground pulling myself up. I flipped upward, my momentum pulling the swords out of the floor. I spun midair decapitating two wolves simultaneously. I landed with a smirk. I threw the sword at a wolf. He caught. I sped behind him unnoticed. I slammed the second sword into chest and sliced upward splitting him in two. I dropped the sword to the floor. I looked at the last three. They tackled me to the floor. I growled. I morphed into my own 8 foot tall wolf form and threw them off me. I grabbed one with my giant canine jaws and flexed my jaw muscles. The man fell to the floor in two as I growled at the last two. They looked at each other unsure of what to do. I roared thunderously. I bit the head of one of them as they tried to run away. I grabbed the last werewolf with a moonlight ring. He jumped over the banister trying to get away. I jumped down to the first floor and landed in front of him. They others arrived just as bloody as me. Staring at me confused and shocked. "What the hell is that?!" Marcel asked. I walked slowly to the werewolf. My eyes glowed furiously. "It's Stiles." Elijah said shocked.

     The werewolf tried to run away, not before throwing a piece of table leg at me

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     The werewolf tried to run away, not before throwing a piece of table leg at me. It fell to the floor in front of me. I looked at it and back at him with a growl. He ran. I ran after him and pounced onto him. I pinned him to the floor tearing him to pieces with my teeth. He screamed as his arms and legs flailed about struggling to fight. I chomped on his head with a crushing force and shook my giant wolfy head and tore it off. I stood up to my full height and I spit the decapitated head out of my mouth. I morphed back into a human and fell to the floor. My glowing purple Chimeran eyes returned to their normal brown. My face was covered in blood. I slowly stood up. I looked over my shoulder and glanced back at my older brothers, Marcel, and Hayley. "Damn Stiles. You've been holding out on us." Marcel said with a smile. "That tattoo." Klaus said pointing to my bare back. "It's the same as my birthmark." Hayley said. "Where's Fransceca?" I asked ignoring the others as Elijah handed me clothes. "She escaped but I don't think for long." Elijah said. I turned around after putting pants on to see Hayley was gone. "Only right that Hayley is the one that's going after her." I said looking down at an injury on my abdomen that I hadn't noticed before. It had already begun to heal. I sighed. "Stiles. Why do you have a tattoo of Hayley's birthmark?" Klaus asked. "I have had this for 1006 years. I never knew how I got it until I saw Hayley's birthmark a few months ago." I said. "1006 years ago?'re first kill was a werewolf." Klaus said. "Yeah. And what about it?" I asked crosssing my bloody arms. "You inherited a tattoo of a wolf pack you aren't a part of." Klaus said. "Well, our father was a werewolf, Klaus. Maybe that has something to do with it." I said looking at my older brother. "You guys weren't supposed to see the tattoo until Derek got more definitive information as to how I even got it." I said. "Who's Derek?" Elijah asked. "Good werewolf friend of mine from Beacon Hills."  I said before speeding away to my loft putting my bloody leather jacket on.

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