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When I first heard Peach had an accident, I couldn't believe. But when the doctor told me that she's lost her memory I was shocked. But reality hits hard. There she is now sleeping on a hospital bed and honestly I don't know if I should be happy or sad. I mean, obviously a good mother should be devastated by now. But is it bad that I'm feeling  light?  I'm looking at her now and she seems peaceful. She's not frowning or crying in her sleep which is something I've missed for the last three years. I mean, maybe forgetting is the best thing that has happened to her since so long. 

Suddenly, she started to stir, and her eyes fluttered. Good, she's waking up. 

_Oh, dear God, my baby's waking up, I said excitedly.

I was standing there in front of her waiting for her to be fully awake. My poor baby. She had a pale face and tired eyes. Her lips were slightly parted and colorless, and her black hair  was messy on the pillow. She seemed weak and that crashed my heart.

_Mom, I've missed you, she said arms wide open for a hug.

_I've missed you too, I replied welcoming the embrace, how I missed your smell, I smiled at her.

_Mom stop being so sweet,this is the hospital's smell, she chuckled.

At least Amnesia didn't take away your sense of humor.

_ But yours is breathtaking actually, she added.

No, I smell death and sadness over here. The perfume I'm wearing is just a way to hide that awful smell, just like these smiles and this calm face I'm putting on as a mask to hide the truth.

But I can't tell you now. "Keep your conversations simple" the doctor said.

So, I pulled away and sat on the chair next to her still smiling, still hiding behind the fake calm face.

_Where's Calum by the way? She asked.

Oh no! Please don't ask. I can't answer. I want to tell you the truth. I really do. I want to tell you that your little brother is dead. My little son is dead. But no. "Just remember the good old days" the doctor told me. I'm sorry.

_I mean I know that he doesn't like hospitals and everything but I missed him so much, she sighed.

I miss him too.

_And what about dad? He didn't show up either, she stated.

_He's a little bit sick so he stayed at home. You'll see him later, I said.

A little bit sick? No! Your dad is seriously sick. He's not the same person anymore.

Since Calum's death, he became a ghost. He aged like crazy, became thin and weak. He's always locked in your brother's room watching his old videotapes. Listening to his music, looking at his pictures. And when he leaves the room, he takes care of the garden like Calum used to do. He doesn't talk anymore. I became the man in the house.

_ This is not like him! She started to say and thanks God she was interrupted by the doctor's arrival.

_Mrs Peach, how are you feeling now, the lady asked smiling.

_ I'm good I guess, she said.

_Well that's great because I have good news for you, you can leave the hospital tomorrow, the doctor grinned.

No! No! She can't leave tomorrow. I mean, these would be great news if I were in other circumstances but I don't think the mood in the house will help.

_ And how about her treatment doctor? I intervened hoping this could make a difference.

_ Well for starters, in most cases amnesia resolves itself without treatment. However, Psychotherapy is really helpful too, along with the medication needed of course. So I can suggest some names if you want. Besides, family support is crucial along with a targeted nutrition, the doctor explained.

While the doctor was speaking, I was one hundred percent sure that Peach was getting suspicous. As hard as I was trying to play it cool, I knew that my daughter won't buy it easily because I'm not used to lying to her.

But I'm so sorry Peach. I want to scream and shout and let it all out but "Stay calm" was the doctor's most important instruction. 

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