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Darkness was slowly dissipating, turning into lighter blackness. I could feel the heaviness of my eyelids as they fluttered under the white light. But I could also feel the mixture of the blanket's warmth and the coldness of the room as I tried to gather my senses. 

I opened my eyes, finally able to welcome the spotlights' brightness. As I blinked multiple times the ceiling above me became clearer and my vision was no longer blurry. 

When I turned my head to examine my surroundings I found Evelyn sitting on a chair next to my bed. 

Her face lightened and a big smile appeared on her rosy lips making her eyes close a bit and her eyelashes brush the upper part of her cheeks.

_ Hey, she whispered.

It was my turn to smile at her. Somehow I felt lighter, although I was still weak. 

_ Hi, I managed to say.

_ I thought I told you not to get yourself killed, she scolded me playfully.

I grinned remembering the last conversation we had on the phone.

_ Well at least I tried, I shrugged my shoulders.

_ If you die I'll kill you, she threatened trying to sound scary but her emerald eyes failed her.

_ Thank God I survived, I said widening my eyes to look terrified.

_ Luke Hemmings, are you making fun of me? She raised an eyebrow and I swear I could picture her putting her hand upon her hip like a sassy little girl.

_ I wouldn't dare even if I wanted to, I laughed but I quickly winced as pain struck in my side.

Evelyn's face immediately dropped and her eyes filled with concern.

_ Are you okay? She asked cautiously.

_ Yea, I'm... I'm fine, I grimaced, just a little pain, I said smiling again to comfort her.

_ It's the wound. A piece of glass penetrated your side. The doctor said that you pulled it away which made things more complicated because the damage was done twice. He said that once the glass was inside, it provided a substance to stop the hole from bleeding continuously. So when you removed it, the tissue started to bleed again. You could've bled to death, Luke! She frowned.

_ Next time I won't pull it out. I promise, I joked.

_ Is it me or did the accident give you a severe sarcasm attack? She asked narrowing her eyes at me.

_ Well I couldn't care less because it gave me back a friend, I smiled and she nodded flushing.

_ How did it happen anyway? she questioned and my memory took me back to the scene.

I could clearly recall the madness of the situation but I couldn't tell her that. She shouldn't know.

_ I don't know... I don't really remember how, I cleared my throat to cover up the stammering.

_ Who knows about it? I added in an attempt to change the subject.

This time she was the one who cleared her throat. She looked nervous, staring at her hands as she twisted her fingers.

_ I... Um... I told Peach, she stuttered.

_ Is she here? I asked my heart pounding against my chest almost breaking my rib cage.

I was even stealing some glances at the door waiting for her to magically appear but she didn't.

_ No, she's not, Evelyn answered quietly.

Disappointment flooded through me. 

What was I expecting? Maybe I shouldn't have had my hopes up, after all.

_ She came here but she soon left before getting to the block you're in, She explained in Peach's defence.

_ Why? I asked almost unconsciously.

_ I don't know, she mumbled.

She stayed silent not able to look me in the eye. Then, she shook her head slightly and raised her eyes in my direction. They were red. 

Was she holding back tears? 

She inhaled sharply.

_ I lied, she said, I wasn't saying the whole truth. The reason why she couldn't make it here is... is because I told her who you truly are, she confessed and I almost choked on my breath.

_ When I heard that you had an accident... I... I thought that you'll need Peach more than you need me. I... I thought that her presence would help... But... She wouldn't come. She was mad because of the kiss... She kept saying that you were a cheater and I couldn't hold myself back... It just came out of my mouth all of a sudden... I only wanted her to be beside you because I know that it would mean the world to you..., She explained still fighting to block the tears from falling.

_ What did she say? I couldn't help but ask.

I knew that the answer will ruin me but I needed to know.

Evelyn stopped talking and stared at me probably thinking about the nicest way to tell me the truth.

_ She said that... that she couldn't remember, she answered her voice barely audible.

My jaw tensed, My hand turned into a fist next to my side.

_ She needed proof. So, I showed her the pictures you hid, she added and I wasn't looking at her anymore. I couldn't.

_ When she saw them she accepted to come with me. But... but when I got out of the hospital's elevator, she..., she continued but didn't finish.

My eyes were burning. My whole body was aching. It was like I had flames in the chest. My heart has probably turned to ashes by now.

_ Do... do you want me to get out? Evelyn asked timidly.

My head was turned to the other side where all I could see was the white wall. My teeth were clenched and my nails were digging into the bed, clutching at the blanket.

Evelyn sighed and stood up. When I couldn't see her from the corner of my eye anymore, I could hear her light steps towards the door. It opened and the footsteps stopped. 

Everything was quiet for a while except for our heavy breaths melting in the room.

Then the door closed and a single tear escaped, burning her way along my skin.

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