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That night I slept alone in the hospital. Mom went back to the house to bring me some clothes for tomorrow. The nurses kept checking on me every once in a while. They were trying to make me feel comfortable but honestly, I couldn't sleep well. I kept thinking about the weird stuff that happened to me today. From the weird saviour to my charming victim, to the strange behaviour of my mother.

Technically, I didn't think a lot because my head was killing me but it's okay because the doctor said it's normal to have a migraine. So, I stayed up until morning when I heared the door opening.  I thought it was mom because the nurse was here minutes ago but to my big surprise Ashton appeared. And this time he was not in a hospital robe. He was wearing black jeans and a black T-shirt showing off some muscles, and he was caryying food too.

_ Good morning sweet killer, he chanted.

_ What are you doing here? I asked surprised.

_ I thought we can be friends, Peach Hood! He winked.

He winks a lot. But Gosh how cute this makes him look.

_ I thought you didn't hear that, I said biting my lip embarrassed by the foolish way I introduced myself yesterday.

_ Well, I'm sure I did, he said posing the food on the nightstand.

_What's that for? I asked changing the subject.

_Aren't you hungry? he looked at me surprised.

When I didn't answer he said:

_ Actually, this is how I catch a girl's attention usually. I don't know if that works for you

_Nice move, I noted smiling. 

Then I grabbed a muffin and asked:

_ You're leaving too?

_ I left last night actually but I came back to see you, he answered drinking his coffee.

_No way, I can feel my eyes getting bigger with surprise.

_ Yes way, he said.

And then we both bursted into laughter. And suddenly, I saw mom standing behind me.

_ Ow, hi mom, I started to say when I saw Luke standing right behind her.

_ Hi Luke, I said surprised.

Mom hugged me while Luke just waved at me. Wait how does she know Luke?

_ You two know each other? I asked them both.

_ Yes we do, mom answered simply 

_So you know Luke is the one who brought me here, right? I asked again.

_ Sure. Luke is like family honey, mom said looking at him.

_Really? You didn't tell me that yesterday, I pointed out eying him.

But he didn't get the chance to justify himself because Ashton coughed drawing the attention to himself.

_ Ow sorry guys, This is Ashton Irwin. I hit him with the car. Ashton this is mom and this is Luke, he brought us here, I introduced them.

_ Hello mrs Hood! All the pleasure to meet you. Thank you Luke for the rescue, he said shaking their hands.

_ Well, honey you should get ready now, mom said posing a bag on the bed.

_And I guess, it's time for me to leave, Ashton smiled.

I followed him with my eyes until he left the room. He didn't take the food with him. How classy.

_ I'll wait for you in the hall, Luke excused himself too.

When I was left alone with mom I started to take off the robe with some help.

_ Why did you bring him with you? I asked her.

_Luke? he's here to take you with him, she replied.

_What for? I urged.

_ You're going to spend some days with him in his house, she explained calmly.

_What? No way! I'm coming with you, I said.

_ Honey, you can't come with me. We're redoing the house. It's not good for your health to stay there, she reasoned out.

I can't find an argument to beat that. Ugh! Great!

 When I finally got ready, I got closer to the nightstand to take my muffin with me and to my big surprise there was a small piece of paper folded next to it. 

I opened it and read Ash written along with his phone number. 

This guy never fails to surprise me. 

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