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_ This way, Mr.Heemings, the nurse said.

I was following her as she made her way into the hallways of the hospital.

 Dr.Stinson was busy with another patient so he couldn't show up this time. But I felt good knowing that he can't join us because I have no idea what to tell him when he finds out that I'm here alone and that Evelyn's not with me.

We were walking silently inside the building but we were not taking the same directions we did the first time I came here. Where were we going?

_ Um, aren't we going to the open area? I asked quietly.

_ No, you're going to meet Ms.Reed in her own room. Given the fact that the last visit caused some disturbance it'll be better to avoid the other patients. But don't worry I'll be near the room the entire time if anything happens, she smiled and stopped in front of a white door.

I nodded and muttered a small "thanks" then put my hand on the handle and got in the room.

Classical music was playing as I entered. Ella was sitting on a chair looking at the opposite direction. I closed the door behind me and took some quiet steps.

_ Hi, I said trying to get my voice heard through the melodies of the piano.

She turned her head slowly and her  eyes widened.

_ You! What are you doing here? She asked through clenched teeth.

So she does remember me. And she seemed pretty mad. I guess she was even thinking about jumping on me again. I'd better stay near the door to run away because my voice will be muffled by the music if I tried to cry for help.

_ I came here in peace, I answered putting both my hands up.

_ I don't care! I don't want to talk to you. I liked your girlfriend better! she pouted narrowing her eyes at me.

_ Okay, first she's not my girlfriend. We're just friends. And second, I believe you. What you said about the murder. I don't think it's a lie anymore, I explained.

She stared at me without answering.

_ Not interested, she said curtly turning to the opposite direction again.

_ But I made some researches and I may know who did it. I even have a name! I blurted out desperately getting closer to her to have her attention.

_ Listening, she raised an eyebrow.

I let out a breath of relief.

_ Jack Hood, I said looking straight in her eyes.


As the air filled my lungs, I knew that I've stopped breathing for a while back in the room. I was standing in front of the hospital for several minutes now. The night has fallen and I needed to go back to my place. But what I really wanted to do was to go to Peach and hold her tight in my hands to hide her. 

I got in the car and started driving absent-mindedly. At this point, I was carrying too much. Feelings, information, memories but still no plan. I had no idea what to do next. 

I tried to stay focused on the road for the moment. So, I just looked in front of me. The streets were almost empty aside from some cars. But as I took mile after mile I noticed something strange. One of the cars was right behind me for a while now.

 Was I being followed?

 I looked in the rearview mirror to see who was driving but I couldn't make out the face because of the dark. 

I stepped on the gas to speed up trying to lose them but since there was nowhere to go and there were no other trucks in sight I failed. 

Maybe they're not following me. Maybe we're just heading the same way.

I slowed down and waited for the other car to overtake but it didn't. I saw a turn on the left so I turned hoping that the driver doesn't follow but he did. Okay, so obviously I was being followed.

I checked the rear-view mirror and this time the car's headlights became too bright. I kept driving trying to ignore the other driver until we reach the city but the van started to come closer almost sticking to mine. My hands hardened on the steering wheel and I accelerated but they caught up and hit the car from the back slightly.

I fumbled for my phone and dialed Evelyn's number but it went straight to voicemail. Dammit!

Suddenly the car hit me on the side again and the phone fell from my hand. I tried to avoid the bumps so I stepped on the gas to get far from this mad driver. I was driving so fast now. But the other car overtook and stopped suddenly in front of me. I pulled the steering wheel on the left to avoid the crash but I lost control on the car. The next thing I knew, the tires were squealing and the glass shattering. My head hit the airbag as it inflated when the car rolled over making me dizzy. The door opened due to the contact with the concrete. I felt numb for seconds but then a severe pain striked in suddenly. My whole body ached especially my side. I touched the spot that hurts the most to find a big piece of glass stuck in me. I pulled it out groaning loudly. Then I crawled out of the car with the energy I got left. As I layed on the cold floor I saw the car that hit me leaving then everything got blurry and the piercing silence was all I could hear until I couldn't feel anything at all and all I could see was pitch black.

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