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Once the door was closed and Peach was out of the house, my rage grew inside and I started biting my knuckles like crazy. Couldn't help it actually, it's just a bad habit of mine. Mrs Abigail came towards me to calm me down. I could feel how sorry she was seeing me like this. She was like a mother to me. But at the same time I knew that she was relieved when I didn't tell Peach who I really am. I can't blame her. She didn't want to mess up with her daughter's head. Actually, this is the main reason why she refused to take her home with her. But my head was running wild and I needed to talk to Peach. I can't stand her being mad at me. So, minutes later, I walked out of the house to join her on the terrace. But she was gone. Before jumping up to conclusions I started looking for her around the house, yet she was nowhere to be found. I started panicking. Where did she go? Mrs Abigail was looking through the window and when she saw the fear on my face she joined me. 

_ Where's Peach? She asked eyes widening.

_ I... I  don't know, I answered honestly.

The rain started to pour and Peach didn't know this place very well. Plus it was dark and she could be lost. All these dark thoughts were haunting me and I knew for sure that's what was going in mrs Abigail's head too. We were about to go look for her further. But just as we were about to take the car, Michael appeared. Michael was Calum's best friend. So we used to hang out together sometimes. That's how I know him. He was running towards us, tottering actually. He finally stopped in front of me and bent down to catch a breath.

_ Peach... told her... death..., he was panting and I couldn't get a word.

_ What? You know where Peach is? Mrs Abigail stepped forward. 

_ Yes... And now she knows about Calum, he said looking down.

Hearing that, Mrs Abigail put her hands on her head whispering multiple "Nos" and I was already out of my mind so I jumped on Michael grabbing him by his collar and almost strangling him.

_ You told her? I made it clear to you that Peach shouldn't know about this, you bastard! I screamed.

_ Luke calm down okay? She hunted me down and forced me to tell her everything! He said raising his hands as a sign of peace.

_ Luke let him go, please, mrs Abigail intervened stepping between us.

I released Michael and inhaled sharply.

_ How much does she know? I asked.

_Not much. I just told her that Calum died, he answered adjusting his T-shirt.

_ And why did you leave her idiot? Where is she now? I demanded.

_ She's near Austin's old house, he mumbled.

_What? You left her alone there? I asked eyes wide open.

That's the most dangerous part of the block. 

I went straight to the car and got in.

_ Wait, I'm coming with you, Mrs Abigail said.

_ No! Michael take mrs Abigail into the house and wait there. If peach comes back here she sould find you here, I reasoned out and started the engine.

When I got there, there was no one but a soaked black hoodie laying on the floor. It was Michael's. I grabbed it and tossed it into the car. Dammit. Where did Peach go? If I just got here seconds earlier. Maybe she went back home? My phone started ringing. Mrs Abigail.

_ Did you find her? She asked nervously.

What? She's not there yet? 

_ I will, I said.

Then I got in the car again and started driving slowly. But she was nowhere to be found. I called her multiple times but she wouldn't answer that damn phone. Why? Why!  

I was really afraid. What if she hurts herelf? What if she does something wrong! I started dialing the numbers of the nearest hospitals and police stations. I couldn't stop thinking of how she became after her brother's death. One scene particularly got stuck im my mind. When, she touched Calum's hands and they were cold, she started kissing his face saying "everything will be alright". That destroyed me and still is. If that was her reaction the first time she found him dead I have no idea how it will be the second time. And to know that she's all alone! Oh my god! I was freaking out. 

I kept driving my car till the break of dawn without finding the slightest trace that could lead me to her. She wasn't home. And mrs Abigail was checking every two seconds. But I guess Michael finally got her to sleep because the calls have stopped. 

I was tired and my eyes were heavy. Black circles were appearing around them. My head was racing but my muscles were sore.

Suddenly my phone started ringing again. This time it was a private number. I was going to ignore it but then I realised it could be Peach so I answered.

_ Hey, it's me Peach, the voice on the other end said.

I couldn't believe it. Peach!

_ Peach, where have you been all night long? Why didn't you answer my calls? I asked.

_ Luke, please! I decided against calling my mom to avoid all these questions. I just called to tell you that I'm fine, she said with a hoarse voice. 

She was crying!

_ Tell me where you are. I'll come pick you up, I told her quietly.

_ No! I'm going to my house. There are some things I need to discuss with my parents, she announced.

_ Don't go there! I begged.

_ Why? You think you can hide more stuff from me! I know about Calum and I want to see my father! End of discussion, she yelled hanging up the phone.

Dammit! Dammit! 

I turned the car and headed staright to my house to pick mrs Abigail up and go to hers.

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