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_ Are you ready? I asked out of breath as if I ran a marathon.
_ I am, Evelyn whispered.
_ Are you sure you want to do this? I asked again.
_ As long as it is with you, she smiled.
Her emerald eyes were glued on mine and it felt like they were begging me to stop asking this kind of questions, as if she fully trusts me and wants to do this as bad as I did.
I took a deep breath then I opened the door getting out of the car at the same time as she did. I looked at the white building in front of me with a mixture of excitement and hesitation.
This is my only chance to prove to Peach that there is something off with Ashton and I couldn't possibly screw it up. I should do whatever it takes me to prevent hitting a dead end.
I felt Evelyn's body getting closer to me and her voice brought me back to reality.
" I sent him a text telling him that we're here. He should be waiting for us now" she said looking at the hospital from afar.
I nodded my head and started walking to the building's gates with Evelyn following my steps quietly until we got in.
_ Uncle Edmund! Evelyn cried running to a man in his fifties wearing the white uniform of a doctor letting me in behind.
_ My dear Ev! He beamed opening his arms to hug his niece.
Dr.Edmund looked exactly like the doctor in the pictures I saw on Evelyn's laptop, only much older. He was waiting for us in front of the reception desk like she expected.
_ Eddy this is Luke Hemmings, she said breaking the hug.
_ The guy you told me about! He stated his eyes scrutinizing me from behind his rectangular eyeglasses.
I wonder what she told him about me!
I gave him my hand to shake and he did, only this time he was looking at me in the eye.
I guess he was doing those things that therapists do to decipher people's minds.
_ Dr. Edmund Stinson, he said.
_ Nice to meet you sir, I managed to say and he nodded.
He was intimidating.
Evelyn cleared her throat trying to draw the attention to her and when he finally got his eyes off me, she hooked her arm on his turning their backs to me and I let out a breath of relief.
_ So where's the lady? She asked excited.
_ She's ready to receive you in the backyard, he answered, but before you meet her I want to make somethings clear. First you're not allowed to give her anything that she may use to hurt herself or others. Second you must be gentle with her because she's not used to dealing with new people. And finally, you must know that she may not talk to you because she's usually quiet especially since she came back again, he explained.
_ What do you mean she came back again? Evelyn asked.
_ She left the hospital years ago because she made impressive improvement but after her sister's death her mental state went down again and throughout the years she's been caught trying to escape so it became imperative for her to stay here to get the care she needs. Fortunately, she's improving so I'm trying to prepare her to be a part of the outside world again and that's why I accepted your request, he replied.
Evelyn and I listened carefully to what he said and every new information surprised us.
He walked us through the backyard and we looked at the people around us in awe. Some patients were talking to their families and some others were sitting on the benches. Sometimes, a nurse walks past us pushing a patient on a wheelchair.
After a long walk, Dr. Stinson stopped and turned to us.
_ That's her, he said pointing to a middle-aged woman in a weird position, I'm glad you guys could make it.

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