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After Peach's accident, I felt like my world fell apart. Some days, I wished that it was me instead. Sometimes, I wished that I could wake up with Amnesia too. Other days, I wake up feeling that everything's over, that she's never going to remember who I trully am and that maybe all my attempts are pointless. But that never stopped me from believing in her and I've never stopped trying to win her back, trying to make her fall in love with me all over again. As the days passed, fear was creeping inside my head though. I was like sugar-coating it by pretending that everything will be alright. And everyday the feeling grew bigger inside of me. 

But after the dinner with Peach's family, I realized something. And it's that I wasn't able to forget about her, I'll never be. She was my fate, my destiny. It's like she's been tattooed inside my brain. So getting over her was not an option. And nothing was a better proof than Evelyn. The fact that she looked exactly like Peach. It was like a sign from the universe to try even harder.

So, I went back to my researches with Evelyn's help. We met almost everyday. Studying Joy's book together. And with every progress we made, it became clear that Evelyn's theory was right. Everything led to the conclusion that it's an autobiography. Even though she didn't reveal the characters' real identities, the events were most likely true. Not only that, but we both noticed that the shady watercolors formed actually a two of swords reversed in the dark. Eevelyn said that it's the equivalent of spades in tarot and that the meanings of this symbol are indecision, confusion and stalemate. It also suggests that the main character is stuck in the middle of two competing sides. In this case, it means that the writer was confused between two men. The first one was her ex-husband and the second was her mysterious lover to whom she wrote the book. 

The new information were astonishing and to be honest I would't be able to do this alone. Evelyn was a great help and our time together made us friends. We started hanging out in different places. Today, for example, we went to a restaurant to have dinner. 

We were sitting at a table chatting waiting for our food to come when suddenly my phone started ringing. The word "Abby" appeared on my screen. I excused myself and answered the phone.

_ Luke, where are you? she asked me with a shaking voice.

_ Is everything okay? Did anything happen to Peach? I demanded in a row, concerned.

_ I don't think so, no! Peach is going crazy. She came to me agitated asking for the key to Calum's room. She took something from there and locked herself into her room. She wouldn't let me in. I'm really scared. What if she does something stupid. You know what her therapist said. Peach is unstable right now and it's not a good idea to leave her alone, She explained out of breath.

_ There must be a trigger or something, right?  So what did happen before she had this emotional response? I asked.

_ I don't know. She... she was with Ashton, she mumbled.

As I heard these words, I bit my knuckles. That asshole! She was with him? Of course he's the one behind such a reaction. I wanted to chop his head off. 

_ I'm sorry Luke, I couldn't stop her, she added when I went silent.

I inhaled sharply to calm my nerves.

_ I'm coming, I said hanging up.

I couldn't let Peach alone. I should be there for her. She needs me. I looked behind me to see Evelyn smiling and waving at me. Oh crap!

What am I supposed to do? I'd be a jerk if I abandon Evelyn here but Peach! 

I walked to our table slowly looking down not sure what to do.

_ Are you okay? Evelyn asked knitting her eyebrows.

I looked at her in the eyes and took a deep breath.

_ I know I'm a jackass to ask you this but can I leave? Peach is not feeling good. I need to be there for her, I said.

I was waiting for a slap or cold water to hit my face but instead I felt her hand on mine.

_ Of course you can, she's your girlfriend! She said smiling.

_ Really? I asked surprised, you're not mad or something?

_ What are you talking about. I'm as concerned about Peach as you right now, so I want you to leave the restaurant without thinking twice, she answered.

_ But what are you going to do? I asked again.

_ Are you kidding? There's food in here, and with you leaving that means I get to eat what you ordered too, she answered shrugging her shoulders.

_ Thank you, I said looking at her grateful.

She's really a wonderful person. I didn't think she'd be cool with this.

_ Go! she smiled pointing her finger to the door.

I paid the dinner without her knowing then I left the restaurant in a hurry.

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