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it's been a day since I went to Levy's. The text messages have stopped. "A" was probably giving me time to think about the clues. So, I needed to make use of my time. 

I started by trying to remember the details of the scene I've witnessed. But what I specifically needed was any tiny detail about that man in the suit.

So, I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate. I was trying to replay the moment when he took off his mask. Again and again like a boomerang. 

Then all of a sudden, I opened my eyes. There was something I didn't notice from the beginning. Back there, I caught a glimpse of a tattoo on his neck. Just above the collar. Not too big or too small. Probably, a spade. And the weird thing is that I felt like I've seen it before. I don't know where or when but it was familiar. 

I took a pen and on a legal pad I scribbled some notes. So first I needed to know the meaning of the spade tattoo and the stanza. And I wasn't sure if the bottle of jack was just for show but I put it on the list anyway.

I put out the piece of paper that "A" has given me to read it again. Then half an hour passed by and the only explanation I came up with was that prudence meant caution which wasn't surprising because I was alway bad at litterature. 

I almost gave up when I suddenly remembered that Evelyn, Luke's girlfriend, worked in a library. That means she's good with books and she's probably read this poem before. 

And luckily, she's told me where the library was because that was where she's met Luke for the first time. So, I took the piece of paper with me and got out of the room.

Fifteen minutes later, I was in front of the library. I opened the door and stepped in. And there she was behind the circulation desk busy reading a novel.

_ Evelyn, I said to catch her attention.

She raised her eyes and opened her mouth probably surprised that I showed up here.

_ Hey...Peach, she smiled putting the book aside.

_ Do you have some time to talk? I asked.

_ Yea, sure... she answered knitting her eyebrows confused, is everything okay? She demanded.

_ Yes, everything's fine, I lied. 

She called her colleague and told him she was leaving for a bit then we went to the café nextdoor. 

_ So? she asked as soon as we sat.

_ Okay, so I want you to help me with something but I want this to stay between us, I said.

_ Sure, she ensured.

_ So here's the thing, I want you to explain this stanza to me, I said as I handed her the paper.

She took it and a few seconds later she looked at me confused but I pretended that I didn't get her confusion to avoid questions. 

_ Well, this is quite a wonderful stanza! She stated, it's deep, meaningful and strong for there are two possible explanations for the prudence, probably more. So, one, has a spiritual sense. Here, prudence stands for wisdom that one uses to cross the boundaries of the soul or in another way, to cross what we sense physically. That's the immortal, she explained.

So Calum wasn't wise enough to be immortal? No, that doesn't even make sense.

_ And what's the second? I demanded.

_ Two, stands for caution. So he said that people of all ages tend to be reckless which pushes them to mortality, because "Prudence suits immortality", she started to explain.

_ Reckless? I asked.

_ You know, when they live dangerously, they trust easily, ..., she said.

Trusting easily? Is "A" trying to tell me that betrayal has something to do with Calum's death? If so, then who's the traitor?  And who has been betrayed? 

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