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I looked at my reflection in the mirror for the umpteenth time. My black hair was crowned with a loose braid that left some strands fall to frame my face which displayed simple makeup that made my light freckles show.
I looked again at the red material covering my body and passed my hands on the fabric that drew my curves well enough for me to feel them under my touch.
I spent the whole evening not sure on which item I was going to settle but after a long debate with my inner self I chose this red gown that went perfectly with the only pair of heels I got, because sure enough when I left my parents' house in the hurry of the moment I wasn't really thinking which was to bring and which not so I luckily ended up packing something useful.
The only details that I wasn't really sure of were the neckline that dropped to my cleavage slightly showing the curves of my breasts and the slit that was long enough to show my legs from thigh to ankle when I take a step to the front.
With a last look to the mirror I shrugged my shoulders and just as I was about to put my panties on, Ashton knocked on the door and within a minute I heard his footsteps inside the room.
Startled, I threw the panties on the floor and pushed them under the bed with my foot as I straightened myself and waited for him to show.
I didn't even know why I did that but I panicked.
By the time Ashton appeared before me, I was having a hard time keeping my jaw from dropping and my eyes from jumping out of my skull.
He was absolutely breathtaking.
His hair was neatly combed behind except for one single rebellious lock that didn't really abide by the rules and kept hanging on his forehead.
The shape of his body was marvelous in the black tuxedo he was wearing.
And the sight of the red rose popping out of his chest pocket made me smile.
His face was reflecting the same amount of surprise mine had.
He was standing there, lips parted and eyes wide open.
He was staring at me with awe and if I wasn't doing the exact same thing at him I'd probably burn with embarrassment.
_ You're so... gorgeous, his voice came out like a whisper filled with desire.
_ And you look amazing, I said matching his energy for I was craving him the same way he craved me right now.
As I stepped out of the car, my eyes couldn't leave the wonderful landscape I saw in front of me. The house we were about to enter, was where Ashton spent his childhood,only it seemed more like a castle than a childhood house.
I stared with awe at the green space that framed the mansion from both sides as I walked down the pavement.
The air was filled with splendid scents coming from the blooming flowers in the grass. Different kinds of flowers, kinds I've never knew of, with different shapes and colours shimmering under the mixed lights. There was even a fountain where the gushing water sparkled like Crystal pieces.
Somehow the scenery could appease me and stress me out at the same time.
When we crossed the door that reminded me of gates, I figured that the inside is no less beautiful than the outside and although we were just passing by to get to the other side of the house where two big tents were waiting for the guests' arrival, I could see the huge chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, the artistic portraits on the walls and the prestigious garments that filled the space.
Unconsciously, I pressed on Ashton's hand that was holding mine tightly so he squeezed it slightly.
_ When you said rich...I didn't get the vibe that you were THAT rich, I whispered looking around me uneasy.
_ My mom was rich. My dad is rich. I'm not, he whispered back scratching the back of his head feeling how much all of this intimidated me.
I didn't really know why I was so intimidated by all of this. Technically, my family is also rich ,maybe even as rich as his. I was used to this kind of events and parties. But the thing is I wasn't waiting for this. Ashton never gave the vibe of belonging to a rich family like this, not that I did but I never really pictured him in a house slash mansion like this one.
And I was already stressing about this whole thing where he presents me to his family along side with the fact that I'm sharing an important night with him, a night that he used to celebrate privately with his father for it was filled with memories and intimate feelings. And being in his childhood house doesn't make it easier.
I looked one last time at the inside of the house before making our entry into the tents that were already packed with people.
Everything looked intact and clean. Now I see why Sam spent this whole time at his son's apartment. When he said the maids needed time to clean the house again I thought he was just stalling to spend more time with Ashton but truth is they certainly needed a long time preparing all of this. And I think Sam is more than satisfied to be here again after all those years traveling around the world,it showed by the way he was beaming and smiling at everyone and everything.
As we made our entry into the tent, Ashton threw me a concerned look but I shrugged it off with a smile so we went on and started greeting people around us.
Not even ten minutes later, I didn't feel like an intruder anymore, I was more relaxed and I could easily keep the conversations going. I felt more in my element.
And maybe, the couple drinks I had helped.

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