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_ Peach... it's... it's me...Evelyn, the voice wavered on the other end.
It's like she was crying or something.
_ Ev, is everything alright? I asked concerned.
_No... Everything is not alright, she answered crying even harder.
_ What happened? I insisted.
_ I... she paused taking a deep breath trying to calm down, we need to meet right now, she continued.
_ Okay. Should I come to the library? I asked.
_ No, stay there. I'll come. Just... just tell me where you are, she sniffed.
_ I'll text you the address, I said.
_ okay, she mumbled and hung up.
I sent her the location and stared at the phone screen zoning out completely.
What's wrong? Why was she crying?
I raised my head to see Ashton looking at me with questioning eyes and I felt the urge to explain.
_ It's Evelyn, I said but he looked more confused.
Ah, sure he doesn't know who she is.
_ Luke's girlfriend, I added.
When the words came out of my mouth I realized that I may know why Evelyn was freaking out.
Maybe Luke told her about the kiss!
Holy shit! She must hate me now. That's why she wants to meet me, to confront me!
_ Should I be concerned? Ashton's voice took me back to reality.
_ What? No... why? I stammered not able to take my mind off the fact that minutes later I'd probably be fighting with the girl who helped me keep some of my secrets.
_ Because the blood drained from your face, he stated.
_ It's fine... She just seemed... she has an issue, I said.
_ Can I help with anything? He suggested.
_ No, she's coming here. We're going to talk, I informed him forcing a smile.
_ You know if you need me, I'm here, he said his eyes softening.
I nodded and my phone buzzed in my hand.
_ She's waiting for me downstairs. I should go, I told him returning my phone in my back pocket, wearing my shoes and rushing to the door.
I was scared for what's to come so I took the stairs to take longer to get there and with every step I was trying to calm my nerves and it partially worked because when I saw her I wasn't as stressed as I was when she first called me. She was standing next to her car, her hair sticking to her forehead from sweat, her eyes were puffy and her cheeks were slightly red.
When I found her like that, I stopped thinking about the kiss. Instead, I was worried about her. I ran towards her and took her in my arms.
_ What happened? I asked her pulling away a little.
She sucked in a breath and tried to stop her sobs.
_ Luke... was in an accident, she said.
_ What? I gasped my eyes widening, oh my god! Is he okay? I asked concerned.
_ I don't know... she answered the tears continuing to roll down her cheeks, I... I want you to come to the hospital with me, she added making eye contact.
_ Why? Why me? I asked confused.
Doesn't she know about the kiss?
_ Because... because he needs you more than he does me, she sighed.
_ That doesn't make sense! I'm sorry but... I really can't, I said frustrated the scene of Luke kissing me playing in loop in my head.
Suddenly I felt guilty. But why? It wasn't my fault!
_ Please, she pleaded.
_ I told you I can't come, I repeated trying to stand my ground.
_ Why? She asked frowning.
Maybe it was time for her to know the truth. I couldn't hold myself back anymore!
_ Because Luke kissed me! I exploded.
I was waiting for her to slap me or to do something about it but she didn't even budge. She didn't look shocked or angry. Is this her way to express her feelings or does she know already? I'm confused.
_ I know, she finally spoke answering the question in my mind.
_ You do? Then why aren't you calling me names? Why aren't you pissed off about it? And why on earth do you want to go see him? I asked surprised.
_ Because I love him! She whispered looking down.
_ But he hurt you! He cheated on you! And he dragged me into this! I reasoned out.
_ Luke isn't mine. He never was, she mumbled.
_ I don't even know what that means, but it was just one kiss! That doesn't mean he needs me more than he needs you! I said trying to control my voice and keep it down but I was losing it.
_ It's not only a kiss! She snapped and I was caught off guard. Luke... Luke was your boyfriend before the accident but you forgot due to Amnesia! She yelled wiping away the tears with the back of both of her hands.
_ That's not true, I said denying everything she's just confessed, he told me you were his girlfriend, I added the tears forming in the back of my eyes.
_ That's a lie! He said that to protect you. We didn't even know each other when he came up with that lie. Why do you think he kissed you? Why do you think he doesn't stand that Ashton guy? She screamed the words and I was already crying.
_ I... I don't remember... I can't remember! I cried my hands pressing on the sides of my head.
It's spinning. I guess I'm going to throw up!
_ You want proof? Get in the car. I have a lot to show you, she said.
I looked at her, hesitant. But she was looking at me her eyes softening encouraging me to follow her inside the car.
I took a deep breath and got in the passenger seat next to her. She turned on the light and handed me a box.
_ He showed me this when I visited him once. He told me where he hid it and I've never thought I'd use it, she said looking straight ahead.
I looked at the box posed on my lap and I slowly opened it to find multiple pictures. Pictures of Luke and me.
This version of me that I don't recognize anymore.
Picture after picture, my tears never stopped.
There we were, cuddling, kissing, dancing, biking, eating ice cream...
Now I know why the walls were empty, why the house was lacking memories.
_ Let's go, I said my voice filling the small silent space of the car.
Evelyn looked at me studying my face then she nodded and started the vehicle bringing it back to life.

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