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_ Peach, are you okay? My father's voice came through the locked door of my room along with small knocks.

I unplugged the pen drive violently and opened the door to find him standing in front of me. I could feel the fire burning in my soul, I could feel the rush in my blood. It was boiling inside. I was breathing heavily, eyes looking directly into my dad's. Usually, when I look at him I feel safe, secure, loved. But this time was different. I could feel the hate filling me. Here he was playing the role of the perfect father, checking on his daughter. Just like he did all these years. So disgusting.

_ You.killed.Calum! I whispered through my teeth.

_ What... what are you saying, Peach? Hy stuttered trying to act surprised, play dumb.

_ I know everything now, I said as I showed him the pen drive.

His eyes widened at the sight of it and I could feel him flinching. 

_ Surprised? I asked him raising an eyebrow.

But he didn't answer. Instead, he took my hand and led me to his office closing the door behind us. Of course, always hiding behind these soundproof walls and doors.

_ Ho...how did you...? He stammered turning to face me.

_ Does it even matter? I shrieked and he flinched.

_ I know... you're right... I'm sorry, he sighed.

_ Sorry? For what exactly? For fooling us all these years and making us live in a big lie? or for making a lot of other people suffer and destroying a lot of families? Or for causing the death of your own son, Father? Oh, wait I don't think this name suits you anymore. Or did it ever?! I screamed.

_ Please don't say that, it's mean, he said.

_ Excuse you? Does the devil have feelings now? May I ask where they were when a lot of people died because of you? When your son was murdered? When your whole family was suffering? I asked eyes filled with tears.

_ I never wanted this to happen, I... I thought  I was providing the perfect life for you. I... was an idiot... But I stopped... After Calum's... you know... I came clean. Guilt was killing me... I swear, he stammered.

Great! Was he faking tears now?

_ I wish it was me instead, he added.

_ Me too, because YOU deserve it, unlike Calum! I whispered.

_ Yes I do but I'm trying. I told you I came clean and I'm doing my best to be a better man... he started saying.

_ Well guess what, I don't care if you're making an effort or not because none of what you're doing or what you will do is ever going to bring my brother back to life! But what you did was enough to kill him! I interrupted him.

_ Plus, you're lying! You're not trying to be a better man. You're just a hypocrite. Look at you. You had this pen drive all these years, the only evidence that my brother did not commit suicide, that he's not a drug addict, that this was a crime. And what did you do? You hid it! Do you call this guilt, because I certainly do not. You only did that because you're selfish. You know that if you give this to the police, you'll go to jail, I huffed.

_ Do you think that's what I'm afraid of? I couldn't care less! My whole life is a jail! A change of location wouldn't scare me, he snapped.

_ Then come with me to the police station right now. We'll give them the pen drive and you'll give them all the information they need to catch that fucking asshole, I said.

_ I'm sorry, Peach. I can't let you do that, he whispered and a sudden pain rushed into my hand.

Then all I could see is the pen drive smashed under his foot.

_ What the hell did you do! I cried.

_ I saved you, he answered coldly.

_ Saved me? No you just saved yourslef! I said shaking my head furiously looking at the damaged evidence.

_ Stop saying that! You don't understand. If someone else had access to this ,espacially the police, your life will be in danger. He threatened me to kill you, Peach! he yelled.

_ I'd die happy if I bring Calum justice! Because I -unlike you- am not a coward, I uttered pointing my finger at him.

_ You don't even know what you're talking about! This is not how it works. Trust me, I'm trying to protect you and your mother, he sighed.

 _ Mum! Does she... know anything about this? I asked.

He shook his head no and I felt a little bit better. At least she's not in this with him.

_ Are... are you going to tell her? He whispered looking at me in the eyes.

I don't think I should it will only break her heart.

_ No,I sighed.

_ Thank you, he said quietly trying to come closer.

_ Don't thank me. It's not for you. It's for her, she's been through a lot lately. Losing Calum then almost losing me... I murmured, but you... I don't even care about you anymore. You're dead to me, I added.

I stared at him and something in his eyes changed. Is that hurt? I don't think so, he's certainly faking it to fool me again like he used to do. But I'm not falling for it. Not this time. God, I need to stay away from him! I took my phone and dialed a number.

_ What are you doing? He asked.

_ Going away from here, I answered.

_ You... can't, he stuttered.

_ Watch me! I said throwing him a  daring look.

Then the person I've been waiting for finally spoke.

_ Hey, I changed my mind about earlier, I'm staying this time, I said through the phone not dropping my eyes from dad's... Jack's face.

_ Please don't go, he begged when I hung up.

But it's too late.

_ Stop me if you can, I dared him as I turned my back to him opening the door and leaving. 

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