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I was sitting in the dark, with only a small amount of light coming from the street lamp. 

Suddenly, I saw a shadow moving. My heart started pounding fast. I was hoping it would be Michael's. I was waiting for him to show up since the last time he behaved weirdly. I needed to know what's going on. When he finally stopped by the lampost I could see his face clearly. It's Michael. I stood up to go to him without him noticing but he turned his face towards me. No, no,no. He started walking away quickly adjusting his hoodie so it could cover his face. 

_ Michael, wait! I yelled. 

But he didn't listen to me and started running. No way I'd let him escape this time. I started running after him.

_ Michael, stop running away. It's me Peach!  I yelled again. 

But he didn't even look at me. Instead, he kept running even quicker. I can't believe I'm chasing him. My body was aching but I didn't stop. We enetered a dark place. And I couldn't see anything. Michael disappeared. I stood there looking around me, but he was nowhere to be found. This place was scary. Dark and quiet. If we were in a horror movie, this would be the moment when something really bad happens. 

_Michael Clifford! This is not funny. Where the hell are you hiding? I asked trembling.

No answer. I closed my eyes trying to catch any tiny sound that can lead me to his hiding spot. A breath, a step anything. But nothing came out. I guess I was alone. This place started to give me the creeps. There was a cold breeze and I was starting to get cold. When I was about to leave, I heard leaves cracking then I saw a shadow moving quickly changing his spot. I walked slowly towards the sound. Michael was ready to run away again but in a quick movement I put my leg on his way to make him stumble and when he fell, I pinned him to the floor and hooked his hands on top of his head in a swift motion.

Wow, I didn't know Karate lessons would help me this much.

_ Ow, what the hell, he screamed in pain.

_Sorry, but you left me no choice! I apologised still pressing his body to the floor afraid to let him go.

_ What do you want from me? He asked wincing.

_ I want to know why you're running away from me? What happend to you! I demanded.

He didn't answer. He just looked away.

_Look even if you run away again I'm not going to leave you alone, so speak! I snapped.

_ I can't okay! I really can't, he snapped back.

I was really angry now. So, I pulled his ear hard with my free hand. He screamed in pain but I didn't care.

_ Tell what the hell is happening? Now, I yelled at him. 

He refused to tell me anything again and he started to move wildly.

_ If you try to run away again, I'm going to cut your fucking dick off Clifford, I warned him.

His eyes widened and he stopped moving.

_ Now tell me! I pressed.

_ After the accident Mrs Abigail and Luke asked me not to tell you, that's why I was avoiding you the whole time, he sighed.

_ Tell me what? I asked confused.

_ That... That Calum died, he finally said.


_ No! That's not true, I stuttered.

_ Why do you think he didn't visit you in the hospital? He asked.

_ Because... because he hates hospitals, I answered but it came out like a question.

_ Did you think that after such an accident, he wouldn't be there for you? He said.

I was sweating. My heart was aching. This cannot be true.

_ Wait, then how come he's in London with his band? I pointed out, Luke showed me the newspaper article that day.

_Did you read the whole article? That was a performance to his memory. He wasn't there Peach! He wasn't there to see the crowds singing to his beautiful soul in his favourite country, He corrected, I'm sorry Peach but Calum's gone.

My head was throbbing. My temples were sweating and stinging. I loosened my grip on Michael and he sat next to me. 

_ Come on, let's go to the house. It's getting cold, he whispered offering me his hoodie.

I couldn't hear him. My ears were ringing and my brain coudln't process any of this. Calum cannot be dead. No he's not. But Michael's voice wouldn't leave my head. "I'm sorry Peach but Calum's gone"  

_ Leave me alone, I screamed putting my hands on my ears.

Michael backed away. 

_ Peach please don't do this, he begged.

_ I said go away! I shrieked.

He was not sure what to do but when I started throwing things at him he left unwillingly.

And I just sat there, in the middle of the dark. rocking back and forth my hands still covering my ears and my face drowning in tears.

The place was empty and dark. And even though it was summer, there was a storm. Rain started to pour, the thunder was deafening and everything was a mess, just like my head. The migraine was killing me and I was nauseous. Only that one sentence was playing in my head and it was driving me crazy. 

So I started repeating to myself "Calum is not dead" hoping this would bring him back to me. If he only coud walk to me now and tell me everything is fine, I'll be just fine.

But now, my head was tricking me. I'm seeing Calum standing in front of me, a guitar on his back, smiling. Then I was seeing him in a different spot, palying with it. After that, I was hearing him singing, then laughing, chuckling until it started to fade. No, please don't go. Stay with me.

But there was only the sound of thunder along with my sobs. I was weak now. I was feeling dizzy. I picked my phone and sent a message to Ashton begging him to come here. Then I lied on the floor already wet, and closed my eyes letting the rain melt with my tear drops.

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