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Once I got in the house, I dialed Dr.Stinson's number. I needed to see Ella Reed one more time. She's the only person who can help me right now. She was so close to Joy so she must know how she was connected with Peach's father.
_ Hello, a deep voice came through the line.
_ Hi, Dr.Stinson? I asked.
_ Speaking, he answered.
_ It's me Luke Hemmings. I came with your niece Evelyn to the hospital for a visit, I said trying to sound collected.
There was a small pause before I heard his voice again.
_ I know why you're calling, Mr.Hemmings, he told me.
_ You do? I asked surprised.
_ Yes. You can come tomorrow for another visit as promised, he announced.
_ As promised? I demanded confused.
_ Evelyn didn't stop calling me to ask for another chance and I accepted by the end. She didn't tell you? He asked suspicious.
_ Um, no... of course she did. I just, wanted to check and to thank you, I lied.
_ I expect you to handle things better this time, Mr.Hemmings, he said but it sounded like a warning.
I don't blame him. Last time was chaotic!
_ I will, I promised.
_ Good, he hung up.
I blew out a breath of relief. Talking to this man makes me anxious.
So, Evelyn spoke to her uncle to get us another visit? Does this mean she forgave me? I can't believe it!
I pressed on her number and hold my breath waiting for her to answer.
_ Hey, she greeted quietly.
_ Evelyn hi! I beamed, I... I was on the phone with you uncle and... he... said that you talked to him about another visit, I stammered.
_ Yes I did, she affirmed.
_ So...um...tomorrow he said... do you... at what time should I come pick you up? I asked trying to stop embarrassing myself already.
God! What is wrong with me? I can't even form a coherent sentence!
_ I'm not coming with you Luke, she sighed.
What? Why?
_ Oh, I... I thought... this was your way to show me that you forgave me, I stuttered again.
_ Forgive you? She repeated and my heart started pounding.
She's not planning to give me another chance, isn't she?
_ I wasn't mad in the first place, Luke, she said and that confused me even more, not at you anyway, she whispered.
_ But I had no right to do that to you, I sighed.
_ You did nothing wrong. I did! I don't know why but I always end up doing the things I'm not supposed to do, like falling for... you know, she said.
_ I lied to you, I reminded her.
_ Stop blaming yourself. Even if you told me the truth I'd only hear what I want to hear, she explained.
I stopped talking closing my eyes to wrap my head around what's happening.
_ Then why... why won't you come with me tomorrow? I asked not hiding my sadness.
_ Because... I still need some space, she sighed.
I didn't say anything because this feels like goodbye all over again.
_ By the way, I also think that Sherlock Holmes' and doctor Watson's bond is too special to be ruined, she added referring to the speech I gave earlier this day and I smiled.
_ Is this a promise? I raised an eyebrow even though I know that she can't see me.
_ Yes it is, she said and I felt light as a feather, I only need some time, she breathed out.
_ I get it, I murmured.
_ I gotta go, good luck for tomorrow and don't get yourself killed, she joked.
_ I'll try, I laughed.

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