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Dr.Stinson left to check on another patient and we got closer to Ella Reed. She was standing bare feet buried in the dirt, eyes closed, and hands in the air on both sides. I wonder what she was doing! 

I looked at Evelyn confused but she threw me a calm look and turned her head to Ella. 

_ Hello ms.Reed, I'm Evelyn Stinson, She said.

No answer. But Evelyn didn't seem to mind, instead she looked at me to do the same thing she did.

_ And I'm Luke Hemmings, I said and Ev smiled.

Still no answer. She didn't even open her eyes to look at us. 

_ What should we do now? I whispered.

Evelyn slightly raised her hand and I shut up.

_ That's quite the tree you're making here ms Reed, she said. 

Even though I was puzzled and not sure if whatever this was would work, I kept waiting for Ella's reaction. Eventually, she opened one eye and then the other. Looking at us with accusing eyes.

_ Who are you? she asked moving towards us.

_ Like I said, I'm Evelyn and he's Luke, ma'am, Evelyn answered as Joy's sister came closer to her touching her face and body as if she was seeing a human being for the first time.

_ No, I mean who are you? Spies? Hitmen? She asked again, this time doing to me the same thing she did to Ev.

_ No ma'am, we're just normal people, Evelyn replied.

_ Then why are you here? She demanded backing away a little to take a look at both of us.

_ We're here to visit, Ev smiled.

_ Who? Me? she questioned surprised.

We nodded and she threw us a dark look.

_ Liars! No one ever visits me! She said.

Not even Ashton? Shows what a jerk he is!

_ Did he send you to kill me? She asked horrified taking few steps to the back ready  to run away.

Who does she think is coming after her? Or is she assuming things because of her mental state?

_ No! No one sent us here, ms Reed. We're not here to harm you, Evelyn tried to calm her but she didn't seem to understand.

_ We're here to talk about your sister, Joy Reed, I said out of nowhere. 

And that worked like magic. She stood still and looked at me mouth hung open.

_ We just want to know why she's commited suicide, I added getting closer to her.

_ She didn't commit suicide, Ella said.


_ Uh, yes she did. All my condolences, ma'am, I told her looking into her eyes.

_ I said she didn't! My sister's been killed, she said through her teeth.

No way!

_ That's impossible! I whispered.

_ Luke! Evelyn scolded me.

_ I'm sorry ms Reed but the police said... I started to say but I got interrupted by her.

_ I said she's been killed! Killed! She screamed jumping on me with all her strength strangling me with both her hands. My head hit the ground and I got dizzy.

_ Luke! Oh my god! Let him go! I heard Evelyn yelling at her as she tried to remove her hands off my neck but instead Ella pushed her to the ground.

Holy shit! She's so strong! I started choking fighting to take a breath.

_ HELP! HELP! Evelyn screamed.

People gathered around us and the nurses started to take the rest of the patients into the building to prevent the chaos. I only heard Ella's voice as she repeated the same sentence over and over again "She's been killed". Until finally, I felt her weight lift up. I started to cough violently touching my neck. Evelyn came next to me helping me to raise my head until my vision was finally clear. In front of me, I saw Dr.Stinson and some other nurses straining Ella and another one injecting some tranquilizer in her. 

_ Joy's been killed, she whispered before she passed out.

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