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I couldn't take my eyes off the tattoo. It was there staring back at me. All this time I was trying to remember where I've seen it before, and it was right there hidden under a shirt. My dad's shirt. So I was right. The clues that "A" has left for me were about my father. He has something to do with Calum's death. 

_ Peach, are you okay? Luke asked but his voice seemed so distant.

I felt nauseous all of a sudden. My heart was aching and my head felt so heavy. I needed to go away from here. I couldn't be near him right now. So, I ran back upstairs locking myself in my room again. Luke wanted to follow me but I heard my father stopping him saying that I needed some time alone. 

Just as I entered the room, my phone vibrated in my hand. "A"!

*Look under your bed*

Without wasting anytime I sat on my knees bending down to see what's under the bed. Nothing was there but an old wooden box in medium size . I grabbed it waiting for the feel of dust under my fingers but there wasn't any. "A" was here minutes ago. That's for sure! How come I've never been able to catch him! 

I read the words written on the box. Open me. And so I did. The first thing I found was a new folded piece of paper. I unfolded it to find a verse.

"Now I give you an inkling"

-Walt Whitman, Song Of Prudence, Leaves Of Grass-

An inkling? Of what? 

I looked inside the box again. And there it was, the next clue. Polaroid photos. I took the first one right away and stared at it. It was taken in a dark place because the flash was used. It was a photo of a pen drive hidden in a book. The second one showed a safe in which the book was hidden. And the third one showed the cupboard, where the safe was. But it wasn't any cupboard. It was my dad's. After I picked the last polaroid photo, I found a key under it. Unbelievable! How could "A" possibly get the key to my father's safe? Well who cares? I just needed to know what's in that pen drive.

I took the key and opened the door quietly. No one was upstairs. I looked down to see my parents and Luke busy talking in the livingroom. Great!

 I tiptoed to dad's home office and then snuck in. I opened the cupboard that was in the polaroid photo and found the safe. I put the key in and it opened. And there it was, the book "Tears of the devil". I took it in my hands staring at it. The pen drive must have important content if dad put it in a safe and then in a book. I reached for it and hid it in my pocket then I put everything back as it was. I got out of the office as quietly as I entered it and went back to my room. 

I locked the door behind me again and pulled out my old computer. I turned it on and  plugged  the pen driver in. There was only one audio document in it so I decided to use earphones. I clicked on it and started to listen.

At first, I heard men laughing loudly like they're making fun of something then I heard an echo of a punch and a groaning in the background.

Then a deep voice took over the laughter.

_ Don't hit him too much. Remember, we don't want any marks left on his body.

_ Okay then, I'll go for the balls, another man said then they laughed again.

_ No...no, please don't, another guy begged and then he started to cough.

Oh my god, the voice! Is that... Calum?

_ Is the baby going to cry? a new voice mocked him, well daddy's not here to shut your fucking mouth, he almost roared.

Then I heard Calum screaming in pain. What was he doing to him? 

_ Who...Who are you? What do you want from me? He asked with a shaking voice.

_ I'm glad you asked son, the deep voice said and I could imagine the mischievous smile on his face, are you recording? he asked one of the other guys.

_ Yes sir, someone answered.

I bet the deep voice was the man's in the suit. But how many guys were there with him?

_ I'm your dad's best friend, like the brother he never had, his partner in crime. Or so I was. Right Jack? The man started to say, but now we're more like... enemies, he continued. You want to know why, kid?  Because your father is a son of a bitch, he screamed hitting something, for years we worked together, I was beside him in ups and downs. I worked hard to earn his trust and when I finally got it I worked even harder to never lose it and to never disappoint him. I gave him all I got, I swore to be loyal and I kept my promise for years. I never let him do the dirt work, I always protected him and his family. I never let him down.  I was like Doby in a way, always making sacrifices, faithful to death. But what did your father do in return? He humiliated me, he showed me no respect. He despised me and never acknowledged  my hard work. Over the years, I didn't feel like a best friend or a partner in the business, instead I felt like a servant, a slave. But I've had enough! So I decided to start my own business and when your dear father found out he sent people to kill me. It didn't workout ,Jack!  I'm still alive! 

_ What business are you talking about? How come we never knew you if you were dad's best friend? Calum asked.

_ Oh wait sorry! I forgot that you konw nothing about your father! Pardon me, Jack. I guess your son will hear it from me. But you know there's no difference because I'm like an uncle to him. Come on, son. I'll break the news for you. Your dear father is a drug lord. So, yes he sells drugs to people and yes he ended so many lives but who cares? You're still alive and you're leading quite a good life aren't you? He said.

_ What? Calum and I said at the same time.

My heart was pouding against my chest. My mouth hung open. With every new information I went nuts. My father is a drug lord? How come? This cannot be true! I mean, that's dad whom I'm talking about. The man who taught me to have principales in life, who taught me the difference between the bad and the good. My whole life he was my angel. But then again, even Lucifer is an angel! Evidence was everywhere. The tattoo and everything.

_ What surprised?  Well you shouldn't be. Everyone has secrets, the man said, well I guess that now you have the answer to your first question. As for the second, you know when people say that every traveler should repay his debt? Well, your father hasn't done that yet. But, today I decided to do it for him. That's why you're here, he explained.

_ What do you mean? Calum asked.

_ "The tyrant grinds down his slaves and they don't turn against him; they crush those beneath them" Emily Bronte once said. And that, dear son, is exactly what I'm going to do. Today your father's going to pay for everything he did to me, through you, the man said through his teeth.

Then I heard people moving in the background.

_ What is that? What are you doing? No, no! Stop! Calum screamed.

No, no,no,no! Calum! Don't hurt him. Stay away from him. Calum!

There was some agitation for a bit and then everyone went silent and the audio was done.

The tears burnt my skin as they rolled down my cheeks. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. I just posed my hand on the screen like it was the only thing standing between Calum and me. They took my brother away from me. He was fighting for his life but they ended it. And it was all my father's fault!

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