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Everything was all so clear all of a sudden. This man standing in front of me, he was 'A'. The polaroid camera, the stanza.. everything links him to that mysterious fellow tormenting me for a while. God even his name. the A stands for Ashton! My whole body shivered. Everything I stood for, for the last couple of months was getting dramatically destroyed right before my eyes. First my family, then Luke and now Ashton.

_Peach? What's happening? he asked snapping me out of my bubble.

_Don't you dare come any closer! I said through gritted teeth backing away, trembling.

_What? Peach come on, he pleaded while taking a step towards me.

_I said don't come near me! I screamed waving the first thing I could find to defend myself in his face.

_Okey..okey, he backed away putting his hands up. Is it better like that? Can you tell me who's 'A' now? he asked softly.

_You! It's you! I screamed pointing at him.

I was sobbing uncontrollably at this point.

_Peach, please explain to me, he implored not knowing what to do.

I stopped sobbing. That's it. I was sick of people taking advantage of me and lying to my face all the time. I was tired of everyone fooling me. I was the one that needed explanations! 

_No! You explain to me. Who are you?How do you know me? I shouted.

_ Baby, it's me.. 

_No, no ,no, no,no...don't you dare baby me! You don't have the right to. 

_Ashton Irwin. My name is Ashton  Irwin.I'm a doctor. My mother died when I was a kid and I was raised by my dad. when I became a resident I moved out and got an apartment close to the hospital I work in.I lived alone until recently. A while ago when I was back from work, I had an accident: A car crash. At the hospital, I knew that the other driver's condition was bad so I waited until she got better and that's when I went to meet her. We became friends afterwards and now she's my...rommate. This roommate is you Peach, He fidgeted with his fingers while he spoke as slowly as possible.

My heart was racing. It's true. My car crashed his. That's how we met. If I knew him before the accident, Luke or mom would've told me. So he couldn't possibly know anything about me, other than the things I told him, let alone know the details I missed about my own life. But, that's not enough. I mean, so many things related to 'A' point out to him. 

_Baby, he started and I glared. Sorry, Peach...What's 'A' doing to you? You're scared. He approached me gently.

No answer, no budge. He's making me doubt myself. What wicked game is he playing? I shouldn't give in. If he were 'A' he'd do the same thing. He'd play dumb, try to look innocent.

_ Are they blackmailing you? or.. or threatening you in any way? he guessed when all he's got was silence.

He was still far from me. He couldn't dare to come close. I studied his face. But, I can't read him. He wasn't like anyone else. I really don't know anything about him besides the random facts he blurted out seconds ago. Maybe he was the way he was for all the years he had to play tough to outlive his mom's death? He was an only child. His mom killed herself. That must've been hard.  Maybe that's why he approached the world with cautiousness. No emotions or secrets revealed. Does that make him suitable to be 'A'? To mess with someone's mind and life. To throw potential threats at people. 

Silence.We're both staring at one another. Then a beep. Where? I looked aroud. It's my phone. Could it be..? I grabbed it, a text. 

Uknown number. 

No stress. This time is different. Some kind of relief. I didn't read the text but I already knew who it was from. I looked up just to check one last time. He didn't have a phone. His hands were in a place where I could see them. He was confused but he wasn't guilty. 

I clicked on the screen. 

*wrong A*

How? Just how?

_Peach,please listen to me. I am not "A", Ashton tried again.

I stepped forward. I put my hand on his shoulder, looked in his eyes.

_I know. I believe you... But I have to go. Now! I said and ran to the door.

_What the hell? he was puzzled.

I had no time to explain. I wouldn't be able to even if I wanted. A's still a threat. And they should be here in this house. We were too loud. Anyone could hear us and the house was full of people. Perfect cover for anyone who wants to spy. A was definitely one of the staff. I could still catch them.

Just as I reached the end of the hallway I stumbled in Sam.

_ Honey what's happening are you okey? I heard you shouting, he asked concerned.

_ Yes, yes sorry.. thank you we're fine. It was nothing. Are there still people in the house? I brushed off any following questions.

He studied my face. Obviously, it was a mess from all the crying and the shouting. He would never buy my lie but fortunately he didn't comment on my looks or asked for further details.

_ No, everyone left minutes ago, he answered.

Fuck no!

_ Do you know who left last? 

_ Is everything okey?

_ Do you have the list of people who worked for the party? 

_Peach dear have  you lost anything? 

Perfect lie.

_ Yes, I dropped my breacelet and I thought maybe someone had it, I lied.

_ Well the only direct contact I have is with the agency I'll see if they got anything reported, he reassured me.

No, this isn't going to work. A's always one step ahead. I'm always too close yet too far to catch them. And now maybe I'll get someone innocent fired if I insist.

_No. It's okey. Actually the bracelet is not worthy it's fine, I lied again.

Sam seemed so confused with this conversation. I was acting so weird damn it.

_ Peach, we need to talk. Ashton's determined voice came from behind.

_Sure, I smiled following him to the room avoiding any eye contact with him or with Sam.

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