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A smile plastered on my face, I stood next to Ashton as I listened to him talking to an old man named Ryan about,for what I could understand, the new operating techniques in the medical field. Ashton introduced him as one of the best neurosurgeons and also the CEO of one of the biggest hospitals in town. He was a man in his forties he looked so prestigious and classy and he seemed to know exactly what he was talking about when it comes to surgery. Although, I couldn't understand much of their conversation I knew it was interesting and really important. As I sipped down on my drink, my attention diverted to Ashton. The music playing and the chatter were nothing but echoes in the back of my head. And the people around us turned to a blur. I was only seeing him.
The way he used his hands to express himself when he talks... the way his lips curl up as he listens carefully to what Ryan has to say...and the way his body sticks to mine as a reminder that he was still here with me even though he was talking to someone else... And although I had nothing to say, although I couldn't really follow I felt...involved...
I sighed at the beauty of the feeling, at the beauty of the moment, at the beauty of Ashton...
Somehow I didn't even notice as a middle-aged woman appeared next to me and whispered in my ear
_Jesus Christ! They never get tired of talking work don't they?
Startled, I turned to face a pretty lady with an overwhelming smile displayed on her lips.
She was so elegant I nearly opened my mouth with awe at her beauty.
_ Laura Clarke, she said extending her hand out for me to shake.
_ Peach Hood, I smiled at her almost unconsciously.
Her hands were so soft against my skin even though she was older than me.
_ That's a brilliant name! I love it, she beamed and I blushed.
_Honey you're here again! Ryan's deep voice cut through the background music.
Laura got closer to him and put her palm on his chest the smile never leaving her lips and suddenly the composed man from seconds ago looked more like a foolish teenager in love. A grin on the face and his hand joining hers happily.
_Well, I, unlike the poor girl here, can't stand and listen to you rambling about work when there are other fun things to do, she said shrugging her shoulders.
Ryan shook his head and laughed as if she said the most hilarious joke ever.
_ Laura, my wife, he introduced her to me between two laughs.
I smiled silently. I mean of course she was! Ryan's eyes scream love and adoration for her.
_ Like seriously you guys! Can't you spend two minutes without talking work! And Ashton shame on you! Peach here was dying of boredom, she scolded and they both looked down.
_Men! She sighed shaking her head.
_Laura, honey. Each one's fingers master something different. Ours master surgery so that's what we talk about, and yours master playing the piano, he said kissing the tips of her fingers.
_ You play the piano! I asked in disbelief.
_ Well yes! I'm a pianist, she smiled at me, but see! I don't go around talking about it, she added raising an eyebrow at her husband.
_Okey so don't talk about it. Instead go and show us how it's done, Ashton spoke for the first time since she showed up.
_ You got that Irwin! She beamed at him and she quickly disappeared into the crowd until she reached the deejay.
She whispered something in his ear and pointed to the piano left on the right. And when he nodded she walked towards the instrument with steady steps even though I could feel her whole body vibrate with excitement.
She sat behind it and approached her lips from the microphone as the music that was playing stopped.
_Attention please, everybody! Her sweet voice rang through the speakers and the chatter faded.
She smiled with confidence and carried on.
_ There's a new couple between us tonight. And I'd like to play something for them. Yes! I'm talking about you Ashton Irwin and Peach Hood, she said and I almost gasped.
The whole crowd clapped looking in our direction and Ashton took my hand in his.
_ C'mon! I want to see loving couples here. To the dance floor everybody! She pressed. Not you Ryan. Don't you dare dance with another woman, she threatened and everyone laughed.
_ That's my wife, I heard him say just before Ashton led me to the dance floor where numerous couples were.
_ One last thing. All the lights off, please! She added and immediately the clarity turned into darkness with only small lights coming from the few candles on the tables.
Soothing notes started to play as Laura's soft fingers pressed the piano keys with such grace. And to my big surprise, she started singing with an appeasing voice too.
Ashton's hands were wrapped around my waist and mine around his neck. Our spot was dark and it somehow was more calming. Not even the slightest light disturbed the serenity that was enveloping us like a dove.
Ashton made me swirl and I stopped with my back sticking to his body. His hands were now on my hips and I could feel his breath flaring my skin. Slowly, we were swaying to the melodies coming out of the piano.
I closed my eyes as he nibbled on my ear and placed a trail of kisses on my burning skin. I could feel my pulse quicken at the contact of his lips as the pleasure spread all over my body so I tilted my head to the side giving him access to my neck. Our bodies were so close that I felt something poking at the lower end of my back. My eyes opened big at the realisation and I almost gasped but I didn't have much time to react as I felt his lips moving against my ear.
_Peach... he whispered with a husky voice.
My whole body shivered...
_ I...want you, he said and I nearly shuddered.
My heart was beating fast and loud...
_Do you feel that? He asked through sagged breaths sticking his body to mine in a way I didn't know was possible.
I was barely able to stand. My feet were fragile under me. My mouth was suddenly dry.
_Do you? He insisted and I nodded vigorously all words escaping my mind.
Without even looking I knew he was smiling. And as if what he did wasn't enough, his hands that were once on my hips started to move on the thin fabric of my dress, caressing my thighs, massaging the skin between them, following the music that I almost forgot was playing, getting closer...there, but just as I felt the misery was finally ending, he moved them away...
My brain was foggy. My whole mind was concentrated on the movement of his fingers hoping they would settle down to release the delicious pain starting to form in the pit of my stomach. But they didn't. He was teasing and my patience grew thin and short. There, I was a mess... burning and aching for a sweet touch. So I decided to be the one ending my own misery. Without thinking twice, I took one of his hands and slipped it under the slit that showed my leg leading him to my intimacy. He didn't resist and when I was finally going to let out a deep breath as I felt the tip of his finger touching me, he froze and stopped stealing all the air from my lungs once again.
_ Peach...You're...not wearing...pan..ties!? He asked in disbelief.
Once again, I was left speechless. So I just nodded.
_Jesus Christ! You never fail to surprise me... He sighed and his fingers came back to life on my skin.
I didn't have much time to enjoy my small victory because the only thing that mattered to me in that moment was the contact between the two of us.
I was panting and sweating as he drew small circles around my center. And if it wasn't for his body carrying some of my weight I would've lost my balance.
Trying to keep myself from falling, I tried to focus on his other hand that found her previous position on my hip. But I lost all control when he entered his index in..me. I wanted to moan but as if he knew what I was thinking, I heard his voice again in my ear.
_ Shhhh... Be quiet baby... he murmured as if it was the easiest thing to do then he entered another, his middle finger this time, they may not see us in the dark..., he paused as another finger penetrated me and his other hand blocked the low whimper that escaped my throat unwillingly, but they might hear us... he finished in a low growl.
By the time his three fingers were inside, shivers were running up and down my spine making me tremble like a leaf. I was losing my senses... and the pleasure was building up, more and more intense... I threw my head back only to find his chest behind me like a wall board and strong and I tugged at his pants until my knuckles turned white.
That's when he got them out, ever so slowly that I thought my torture would never end. And when the warmth of his hand left my skin bare and fragile, he forced one finger in my mouth making my lips part.
_This is how you taste...he said with his hoarse voice as the tip of his finger made contact with my tongue letting the salty liquid mix with my saliva. Good... he whispered so close to my ear that all the hair on my body stood. Then he pulled the clean finger out and drew the outline of my lips with the other, wetting them behind and I followed with my tongue. So...good... he added swirling me again to meet his gaze and see him sucking on the last finger.
We were both panting. And somehow, regaining some of our senses. I was still fuzzy but I could distinguish the last notes leaving the piano.
When Laura hit the last key and the whole crowd stood in ovation, Ashton and I pulled away and clapped along.
_ I need to go the restroom, I excused myself before Laura could reach us.
Ashton nodded knowingly and kissed my cheek giving me the directions before releasing me.
As I walked past the crowds leaving Ashton behind I heard Laura squealing as she approached him and her husband bragging about her fingers which only made me blush and walk even faster when I pictured Ashton's fingers entering me once again.
When I finally found the restroom, I walked in thanking god to be alone. I turned on the water and washed my face trying to refresh myself and catch my breath.
I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I was all flushed with excitement. My pupils were dilated, my cheeks and nose were slightly red and my neck a little bit pinkish.
I smiled shaking my head at the effect Ashton had on me fixing my hear and trying to put some order in my clothes then finally leaving the restroom after I checked my makeup was intact.
I took the way back with steadier steps and a grin on the face. But soon enough, my whole body froze and my smile dropped. Just as I walked in the tent again, I saw the least expected person standing some feet away from me but only inches apart from Ashton. All the happiness and cheerfulness that were once filling me were replaced by anger and venom. There he was... Jack Hood... My so called father... in a tuxedo talking to Ashton. I couldn't figure out their facial expressions nor their body language so I didn't know what they were saying to each other but Jack threw some wary looks around him then quickly left the tent from the opposite side leaving Ashton behind with a glass of wine that he gulped down nervously.
Suddenly, the fury I felt inside of me could no longer stay in. I walked towards Ashton with quick steps my eyes still glued on the exit where Jack disappeared.
_ What was he doing here? What does he want? I asked through gritted teeth pushing my body towards the way he left from, only to be restrained by Ashton's strong arms.
_ Peach! Peach calm down, he said instead of answering which only made me more agitated.
_ Was he following me? I made it clear I didn't want to see him anymore! A whimper left my mouth as I spoke and Ashton took me in his arms trying to calm me down.
_ It's okay,Peach. He's gone now...He's gone, he repeated pressing me to his body and planting a kiss on the top of my head.
From the blurry scene in front of me, because of the tears that started to form, there were only few puzzled looks thrown in our direction that weren't curious enough to focus on us longer than ten seconds then turn to something else already forgetting about us.
Suddenly, I felt embarrassed for causing a scene in the middle of an important event to Ashton. So, I tried to push all my questions and my anger to the back of my head and I pulled away from him.
_ I'm...I'm sorry, I apologized pressing my hand against my forehead not able to look at Ashton, I didn't mean to burst like this, I mumbled when he lifted my chin up to meet my eyes.
_ It's okey baby, he whispered and leaned in to kiss my lips.
He only pulled away when we heard Sam speak through the microphone to throw a speech about the book.
_ Always ruining the moment, Ashton sighed his face only inches apart from mine and I smiled.

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