Chapter 1

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It is so easy and hard at the same time being Bruno's friend and Leila had accepted that they were just friends and he was her boss and nothing more for 2 years now, but sometimes like now she wonders what if... and as always she reminds herself that if they got involved and it didn't work out she would lose him as a boss and more importantly she'd lose 1 of her best friends and there was the fact that she didn't want to be in another relationship yet, her ex Damon was to blame for that and herself for letting him get away with being so controlling and possessive for so long and in all honesty since she had broken up with Damon 6 months ago she was enjoying being single and free to do what she wants when she wants.

They get on great and she loves spending time with Bruno, he makes her laugh like nobody else and he's so easy to be with and talk to but as usual like now he's keeping her waiting in their favourite Italian restaurant while he was probably doing his damn hair, giving her too much time to think about things Leila knows she shouldn't.

There was no point wishing that she was like some women who are able to have one night stands, it wasn't her style, never has been and thinking about Bruno as anything more than her boss and friend really was pointless and Leila can admit to herself at least that her thoughts have been drifting into them being more than just friends more and more lately but she blames the fact that she's sexually frustrated and Bruno is sexy as hell, she wasn't dead or blind after all.

It's a relief when she sees Bruno finally arrive and he sits down beside her while apologising for being late and Leila gives him what she hopes is an evil smile as she tells him, while you've kept me waiting yet again for your ass i've been thinking I should shave all your hair off, then you'll never keep me waiting again because of it and she can tell by his expression that he's considering what she has said and then he gives her a shit eating grin and he tells her, girl c'mon now, you know you don't mean that, not really, you love my hair and Leila laughs at his cockiness and tells him, you're lucky you're cute, now lets order because i'm hungry and cute only gets you so far.

They stuff themselves with pizza and ice cream and are talking about what movie to go see, debating over the new films that are showing in the cinemas when Bruno surprises her by saying, how about we just go to your place, kick our shoes off, curl up on the sofa and watch something there and she likes the idea and tells him, ok lets go and when they get to her place Leila tells Bruno, go pick something for us to watch while I go make us a bowl of popcorn and grab sodas for us and she joins Bruno on the sofa, placing the bowl of popcorn and sodas for them on her coffee table and she asks him, so what have you chosen for us to watch and Leila is shocked when Bruno tells her, 50 shades freed and she must look as shocked as she feels as Bruno tells her, c'mon Leila, don't look at me like i've grown two heads, it's suppose to be good so lets watch it and she feels unsure and surprised that he's chosen that film and she bites her lip and tells him, I don't know Bruno, it's not the kind of film you watch with...a friend really and Bruno tells her, I don't see what the problem is, we're both adults and we both want to see it, you said a while back that you wanted to watch it since you still haven't seen it like me and what Bruno's said is true enough and Leila's surprised that he remembers that and although she still feels unsure she tells him, ok, lets watch it but Leila can't help thinking that this might not be a good idea.

The film was a slow starter and Leila is comfortable leaning against Bruno who has his arm hanging loosely around her shoulders but it the scenes of Anastasia and Christian having sex in the kitchen and in the car has her seeing not them but her and Bruno, making her horny and praying for the film to end already and Leila breaths a sigh of relief when it ends, wanting nothing more than fresh air and to get the sex scenes out of her head.

I have never known you to be so quiet girl, are you ok Bruno asks Leila as he follows her into the kitchen carrying the empty bowl and empty soda cans and she starts making them hot chocolate and she tells him, i'm fine, just tired is all and he asks her, what did you think about the film and she tells him, it was ok but not the best of the three 50 shades films and Bruno tells her, yeah, I agree, but I think it was worth watching since we've seen the previous two films.

It's while sitting on her sofa drinking the hot chocolate that she has made for them that Leila knows Bruno has a weakness for because she makes it from scratch that she wonders when will this night end and she has never wanted their time to end before but she's still feeling a bit horny and awkward after the film and Bruno has been looking at her like he wants to say something to her since the film has ended but instead of calling him out on it she's letting it go because something was telling her that she didn't want to know what he's thinking or wants to say to her and she's glad when he leaves when he finishes drinking his hot chocolate and he tells her, you make the best Leila and they say goodnight to each other and hug.

As she's getting into the shower Leila's hoping that getting herself off since she's still feeling horny and a shower will relax her enough to go to sleep and she's surprised when she hears the doorbell ring and she gets out of the shower and puts her robe on and ties the belt and her doorbell rings again and she wonders who the hell can be at her door after midnight and then she hears Bruno shout open up Leila and she opens her front door and asks him, did you forgot something and he tells her, yes, this, and he shuts the door and pulls her into his arms and kisses her and Leila can't resist kissing him back and she wraps her arms around his neck and their kiss goes on and on and Bruno pulls back and kisses her lightly and looking into her eyes he tells her, i've wanted to kiss you from the moment I met you and he kisses her again and tells her, think about that and he leaves her standing there wondering where the hell had that come from and where do they go from here.

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