Chapter 104 Part 2

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She watches Ted and Lucy leave the lounge and Bruno tells his family, I don't know about all of you but I found this an interesting experience and Bruno puts his arm around her shoulders and tells his family, since you all passed the lie detector and nobody will be getting fined, Leila is putting up 100k and it's up to all of you to decide which charity it's to be donated to and i'm going to match Leila's 100k and Bruno's sister Tahiti's husband Billy laughs and shouts at him, tell the truth Bruno, it's your money Leila's donating and you're just doubling down bro and Leila sucks in a breath, she's shocked and some of Bruno's family laugh except for her, Bruno, Bruno's dad, Bruno's brother Eric and Eric's wife Cindia, she feels so fucking hurt and insulted and Leila wouldn't have thought it was possible to feel either more than she already did and Bruno tells Billy angrily, shut your fucking mouth Billy, it's not all my money, you dumb fuck, Leila and I are going to give 100k of our own damn money and Billy laughs and tells Bruno, yeah right, whatever you say bro, but I think you should get your wallet back from Leila and hide it before she spends all your money and Bruno tells Billy angrily, that's it, you stupid, insulting son of a bitch and Bruno moves quickly towards Billy and Leila goes after Bruno and she grabs his left arm and tells him, Bruno stop, don't do this, please don't fight with Billy and Bruno's dad and his brother Eric come over to them and stand in front of Bruno, blocking his view of Billy and they try to calm Bruno down and Bruno tells his dad and Eric angrily, get the fuck out of my way, Bruno's livid and Leila cups Bruno's face with her hands and she asks him, do you trust me and Bruno looks into her eyes and tells her angrily, more than anyone, you know that Leila and she kisses Bruno and tells him, I love you for defending me, but I don't want you to fight with any of your family because of me, what i've got to say should clear up what some of your family seem to think about me, i've got this Bruno and Bruno tells her, fine, but if Billy makes anymore cracks about you or insults you again Leila, i'll kick his fucking ass and Leila knows Bruno means it and because he's so angry Leila knows she has to reel her anger in.

She looks at Bruno's family and Leila tells them, some of you seem to think that i'm a fame hungry gold digger and at least 1 of you thinks I could have cheated on Bruno and Bruno shouts angrily at his family, what the fuck, that's bullshit, how can any of you fucking think that and Leila strokes Bruno's back to try and calm him down and Leila looks at Tiara who looks away from her quickly and she tells Tiara angrily, I know from the way you've been acting around me tonight and by how guilty you look and how you reacted to hearing the results of my lie detector that you drew my name out of the hat Tiara, you had the nerve to ask me 2 insulting and hurtful questions for the lie detector, so have the fucking nerve to look at me now damn it and Tiara looks at her and Leila tells Bruno's family, I passed the lie detector just like everyone else did and Tiara asked me if I love Bruno because he's rich and famous and Bruno tells Tiara angrily, you couldn't be more wrong if you fucking tried sis and Leila fists her hands, she'd love to slap Tiara and Leila tells Bruno's family, although Ted and Lucy told you all the answers I gave and that I answered no with no deception found to both of Tiara's questions, I want to clarify my answers, especially since some of you laughed when Billy said I was donating Bruno's money and I want you all to know that I don't help myself to Bruno's money, the only person that spends Bruno's money is Bruno, i'm not a fucking fame hungry, gold digging cheat, I love who Bruno is as a person, he's my best friend and a great man, he's also hot as fuck and Bruno's the only man i've ever loved and I don't want or need his money, i've got plenty money of my own and i've never wanted fame and Bruno being famous is great for him, but it hasn't been great for me, i've been cornered by paparazzi twice and I know you've all seen the video that TMZ posted of the first time it happened but I don't know if any of you know about the 2nd time when Bruno, Lonnie and Dave got the paparazzi guy away from me just as he was about to hit me, I got so much abuse online when it got out that we were engaged, I knew i'd get abuse but I didn't expect it to be as bad as it was, people were saying things like, Bruno and I were probably only getting married because i'd trapped him by getting pregnant and when TMZ raked up what happened to me when I was 14, people were saying amongst other things that Bruno probably didn't know that my oven isn't working so I can't cook any buns for him and isn't Bruno lucky that he doesn't have to marry a barren bitch like me and Bruno can find a real woman now and Leila feels choked up with emotion and can't talk, she has a painful lump in her throat and can feel tears prickling her eyes and Bruno puts his arm around her waist, pulls her close to him, kisses her head and tells her, those mother fuckers are clueless morons, forget about them, I love you Leila and you're all the woman I want and need, remember that.

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