Chapter 54

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Tues 4 days later

She yawns as she sits down at the kitchen table and takes a sip of the glass of white wine that she's poured for herself, drinking in the middle of the night isn't something she's done before or done by herself but she needs something to settle her nerves after the nightmare that she'd woken up from which had thankfully not woken up Bruno for a change and as yesterday had been such a good day with her and Bruno finally getting the keys to their new house and giving the contractor they'd chosen the go ahead to start work on it and they had gone out for sushi for dinner last night and had gone to see Hustlers at the cinema afterwards, then they'd come home and chilled on the sofa listening to music and had gone to bed, had sex and not even 3 hours later here she is awake because of another fucking nightmare, drinking white wine at nearly 3am by herself.

He walks into the kitchen and breathes a sigh of relief at seeing Leila sitting at the kitchen table and he walks over to her and sees an empty bottle of white wine and another bottle of white wine beside it with very little left in the bottle and he's shocked as he's never known Leila to drink by herself and he says hers name and she looks at him with tears falling silently from her eyes and she asks him why do so many people hate me and Bruno's heart breaks for her and he leans down and puts his arm around her shoulders and asks her what are you talking about baby, nobody hates you and she gives him her phone that he hadn't noticed in her hand and he scrolls through her Twitter notifications and sees all the horrible messages people have sent her that unfortunately seem more than the nice, supportive messages and he feels so angry but he pushes his anger aside for now and kisses the side of Leila's head and pushes her glass of wine away that he sees her reaching for and she tells him I need that and he forces a laugh and replies no you don't, you've had more than enough baby, lets get you back to bed and he lifts her up and carries her up to their bedroom and puts her down gently on her side of their bed and covers her up and he gets into bed beside her and holds her and she sniffles and tells him, i've not grown that old thick skin that I use to have in high school and Bruno rubs her back and tells her, ignore the haters, fuck what they think and he kisses her head and tells her it's time to sleep now and she yawns and tells him I don't want another nightmare and Bruno silently groans as he guesses that a nightmare is what woke her up and he tells her, no more nightmares baby, and he sings his song Count on me softly to her and breathes a sigh of relief when she falls asleep quickly but he finishes singing the song and grabs his phone from his night stand and posts a message on his Instagram account about why he loves Leila with a photo of them with Geronimo that he'd taken last night when they were lying on the sofa listening to music and he posts another message on his Instagram account saying:

to all the people who thinks it's ok to sit behind their keyboards and send anyone messages of hate, you disgust me, you're nothing more than cowards and bullies and to those of you who call yourselves my fans who have done this to Leila who means the world to me, i'm ashamed to have you as fans and i'm asking everyone to please stop sending horrible, mean messages to the love of my life, if you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all and Bruno shares both posts to his Twitter and Facebook accounts and he puts his phone back on top of his night stand and puts his arm around Leila and holds her and hopes that what he's posted online will make a difference and people will stop sending her nasty messages.

He can feel Leila move to get up out of bed and he pulls her to him and with sleep heavy in his voice Bruno tells her, it's still sleep time and Leila laughs a little and replies it's a little after 10am and I need to pee and she gives him a quick kiss and he lets her go and she gets up out of their bed and goes to the bathroom.

She quietly walks into their bedroom and puts the tray she's carrying with their breakfast that she's made down on her side of the bed and she leans over and strokes Bruno's face and tells him to wake up and he murmurs, come back to bed baby and Leila kisses him gently and tells him, i've got breakfast here for us so sit up sugar bear and Bruno blinks a few times and she picks up the tray and shows it to him and he sits up and rubs his eyes and she sits down carefully on her side of the bed and hands him a plate of pancakes and bacon and he takes it from her and she hands him cutlery and offers him syrup and he pours some over his pancakes and she adds a little syrup to her own pancakes and hands him a cup of coffee and Bruno asks her how are you feeling and she smiles and tells him, i'm ok and he asks her don't you have a hangover and she shakes her head and tells him no and he looks surprised and she tells him I don't have a hangover because I didn't mix my drinks and she takes a sip of her coffee and tells him i'm sorry about this morning, thanks for carrying me to bed and Bruno smiles at her and tells her, you have nothing to be sorry about baby.

He watches Leila walk back into their bedroom and she gets onto the bed and leans against him and he tells her, thanks for breakfast and she kisses his neck and tells him it's the least I could do and Bruno tells her, there's something I want you to do and she looks at him and asks him what is it and he tells her, I don't want you getting upset again like you were earlier this morning in the kitchen because of what people who don't know you are saying about you so I think you should make your Twitter and Instagram accounts private and Leila sighs and tells him, I shouldn't have looked but you're right and she looks at her nightstand and tells him, I don't know where my phone is and he smiles and pulls her phone out of 1 of the pockets of his sweatpants and hands it to her and a few minutes later she throws herself at him and wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him and she pulls back and tells him, I love you so much, thank you for what you said online about me and for asking everyone to stop sending me horrible, mean messages and Bruno strokes her hair and tells her, I love you too baby, I couldn't not say something after seeing you so upset and she kisses him again and goes on her phone and a minute later she tells him, ok, i've made my Twitter and Instagram accounts private and Bruno smiles and tells her good and kisses her and he pulls back and asks her how about we go shower and see what comes up in there and she laughs like he'd hoped she would and he tells her, afterwards we can cuddle up on the sofa and watch a couple of DVD's and she tells him that sounds great but i've got work to do for you in the office and he shakes his head and tells her, fuck it, lets take the day off and he does his best to look sad and Leila kisses him and pulls back and tells him, alright you win, now stop with the sad puppy eyes and Bruno grins and hugs her and he gets up out of bed and picks Leila up and carries her into the bathroom and they get into the shower where they have a water fight that has them laughing which leads them to having sex that has them moaning in pleasure and calling out each others names when they climax.

He smiles as he watches Leila watch The Little Mermaid and he's happy that she looks happy and relaxed which is what Bruno wanted for her, especially today after how upset she'd been when he'd found her drinking and crying in the kitchen earlier that morning and she looks at him and asks him why are you looking at me like that and he strokes her hair back from her face and tells her, i'm just enjoying looking at my beautiful fiancee and she smiles and he kisses her and pulls back and tells her, I can't wait for us to get married in 6 days Leila and she strokes his jaw and tells him, I can't wait either and she kisses him gently and he wraps his arms tighter around her and they go back to watching The Little Mermaid and Bruno knows that some people might think adults watching a cartoon film is silly but he likes them and he wanted Leila to watch something that he knows has a happy ending and he sings along with the film in funny voices which has her laughing and she tells him when the film is finished that if there's ever a remake of The Little Mermaid I hope you're involved somehow, you know the film so well that you could play all the parts and Bruno laughs and tells her i'll keep that in mind baby and he gets up and puts on another DVD and he sits down behind Leila on the sofa and pulls her back against him and wraps his arms around her and she turns her head and looks at him and grins when she sees that he's put on Jumpin' Jack Flash which is 1 of Leila's favourite films and he gives her a quick kiss and enjoys the film with her that he's watched countless times with her before and no doubt will watch countless more times with her in the future but Bruno doesn't mind how many times they watch this film because it's become 1 of his favourite films too and it always makes him and Leila laugh their asses off like now.

He watches Leila sleep and he calls Ryan and asks him quietly to go on twitter through his account and look for any nasty, mean posts about Leila and block whoever's posted them because he wants nothing to do with people like that and Ryan asks him are you serious, that will take forever and Bruno replies I know i'm asking a lot but I don't trust myself to do it without responding and losing my shit and Ryan sighs and tells him I get it, i'll do it but it's going to take a while and Bruno tells him i'd appreciate you doing as much as you can by Friday and i'll post that i've blocked people and why and Ryan asks him why do this when I noticed earlier that Leila's social media accounts have been made private plus I saw what you posted about Leila and about the messages she's been getting and Bruno tells him, because I can't make my social media accounts private and I want nothing to do with those who have been talking shit about her and putting her down, name your price man and Ryan laughs and tells him, lets call it an extra wedding gift and Bruno laughs quietly and tells him thanks and he ends the call and lies down beside Leila on the sofa who had fallen asleep after dinner and he kisses her head and rests his arm over her waist and closes his eyes and hopes that the anger he feels towards those who have been cruel to Leila online will go away.

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