Chapter 41

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Mon 2 days later

He watches as Leila walks down the stairs towards him in a tight knee length off the shoulder red dress and red kitten heel shoes holding a small black clutch bag and Bruno's breath catches and he clasps Leila's hands as she steps off the bottom step where he's waiting for her and stops in front of him and he tells her, you look amazing baby and she smiles at him and replies thanks, you look delicious and she eyes him up and down and asks him why don't we just stay home and celebrate and she leans up and kisses him and as much as he'd love to take her right there, he can't because tonight is an important night that he's managed to arrange since yesterday and he doesn't want to wait anymore and he pulls back from their kiss and tells Leila, we'll do anything you want when we get home tonight and she cocks her head at him and asks him, anything horn dog and the way she's biting her lip and looking at him has him swallowing hard and he replies yes and he clasps Leila's right hand and leads her out of the house to where Lonnie and Dave are waiting for them in the car and he keeps holds her hand as she gets in the car and he gets in beside her and as Dave starts to drive Bruno says a silent prayer that nothing and no one will screw up tonight and it'll go the way he wants it to this time.

She can't explain it but she feels nervous and all she knows is that Bruno told her this morning after he had surprised her with breakfast in bed not to make any plans for them tonight and he'd surprised her again by sending her and her friends to get their hair and nails done and have lunch and when she'd got home from her therapy session with Martha he had surprised her once more with a large heart shaped arrangement of red roses lying on top of their bed and with all that and whatever he's planned for them tonight Leila can't help feeling that the gift she bought for Bruno after lunch with her friends just isn't enough and she sighs and Bruno asks her what's wrong and she shrugs and tells him, nothing, i'm just wondering if you have anymore surprises for me and Bruno grins at her and tells her, wait and see and she shakes her head wondering yet again what Bruno is up to and Leila forces herself to relax as she can't change her gift now and despite her nerves she knows Bruno will love her gift and she looks out the window as the car stops and she smiles as she sees their favourite Italian restaurant and she looks at Bruno and tells him, we're over dressed for Mario's and Bruno kisses her and tells her, we're dressed just right for it tonight, trust me baby and Leila smiles and tells him, I do and Bruno tells her, good and he pulls a black silk scarf out of his right jacket pocket and tells her, i'd like to blindfold you, but if it makes you feel uncomfortable then I won't and she looks into Bruno's eyes and tells him, i'm not crazy about being blindfolded, but I trust you and Leila closes her eyes and Bruno kisses her gently and puts the scarf around her head covering her eyes and ties the scarf at the back of her head and he whispers thank you in her right ear and helps her get out of the car.

He smiles as he guides Leila into the restaurant and sees all their closest friends and family and Bruno nods his head at Mario who smiles and nods back at him and he gives everyone the thumbs up sign and everyone shouts surprise and Leila jumps and Bruno laughs and takes her blindfold off and he watches Leila looks around at everyone and sees the large heart shaped red roses arrangements through out the restaurant like the 1 he had waiting for her earlier on their bed and she gasps and turns to Bruno and hugs him hard and she pulls back and asks him how did you get everyone here, even my parents and my brother and sister, how did you pull all of this off and he grins at her and tells her, I swore everyone to secrecy and your family wanted to be here as much as I wanted them here and he leads her over to them and she kisses and hugs her family and Bruno shakes her dad's hand and they hear Mario asking everyone to please sit down and Bruno leads Leila over to 1 of the tables and pulls her chair out for her and she smiles at him and asks him as he sits down beside her, did you buy Mario's for the night and he tells her, yes and she kisses him and tells him, thank you, for all of this, for today and he kisses her and tells her, you're welcomed baby and they tell the waiter who stops beside them what they want to eat out of the few choices given, all of which are Leila's favourite foods and waiters and waitresses walk around the tables taking orders and offering glasses of champagne to everyone and after dinner he's laughing with Eric who is sitting beside him when Leila taps him on the shoulder and he turns to face her and she asks him, why is there a small stage set up with a piano and Bruno looks at the time on his watch and sees that it's just about time and he kisses Leila and tells her, you're about to find out and he gets up and walks onto the stage and he picks up a microphone off the piano and tells everyone, I want to thank you all for coming here tonight to celebrate Leila and I being together for 6 months and Eric shouts out how do you put up with him Leila and Bruno tells Eric, shut up bro and Leila shouts back with pleasure which gets a lot of cheers and some laughter and Bruno grins and says, it's a pleasure for me too Leila, listen, I want everyone to have a good time tonight and to give a warm welcome to the 1 and only John Legend and he shakes John's hand when he joins him on the stage and Bruno thanks him for doing this and he gets off the stage and goes and sits down beside Leila again and she turns to him and tells him, I can't believe you got John Legend here and she claps along with everyone else as John Legend starts to sing ordinary people and he breathes a sigh of relief as desert is served that so far everything has gone the way he wants it to and Bruno hopes his luck continues.

She turns to face Bruno as he whispers in her right ear come with me and he gets up and takes her left hand when she stands up and leads her to the stage as John Legend finishes singing all of me and he tells everyone that he hopes they all enjoy the rest of their evening, now it's time for Bruno and Leila and Bruno leads her onto the stage and they shake John's hand and he gives Bruno a microphone and Bruno uses it and says while looking into her eyes, tonight is 1 of the most important nights of my life and I feel like i've been waiting forever for it, I feel like i've waited forever for you baby and I feel blessed that you love me as much as I love you, you're my best friend and nobody knows me the way that you do and never will and he gets down on 1 knee and Leila feels her heart skip a beat and start to race and Bruno pulls a small black box out of his inside jacket pocket and opens it to reveal a gold ring with a large pear shaped diamond and Leila gasps surprised and Bruno asks her, will you make me the happiest and luckiest man in the world and marry me Leila and she gets down on her knees and looks into Bruno's eyes and tells him tearfully, you make me crazy sometimes, but you mean the world to me, all of me loves all of you Bruno and i'd love to marry you and Bruno puts the ring onto the ring finger on her left hand and kisses her, pulls her into his arms and everyone cheers and he pulls her to her feet and puts his arm around her shoulders and shouts, she said yes and John Legend asks everyone to raise a glass to Bruno and Leila as they head back to their seats where Bruno's family congratulate them and hug and kiss them and her mom who is crying just like her hugs her and her dad shakes Bruno's hand and tells him, welcome to the family son and Leila feels like she could walk on air and she wipes her tears away and turns to Bruno and tells him, I don't think I can handle anymore surprises tonight and he laughs and pulls her into his arms and tells her, i'm done for now baby and he kisses her and she leans up and whispers in his right ear, maybe i'll surprise you when we get home and she kisses him below his ear and pulls back and looks at him and Leila laughs quietly tells him, I know exactly what is on your mind and Bruno leans his head against hers and tells her, show me and she smiles and tells him, I intend to and she turns as her friends come over to them to congratulate her and Bruno on their engagement.

She is glad their home again as she's been dying to get Bruno all to herself and they walk in the front door and she kisses him and Bruno slams the front door shut and Leila pulls his jacket off and lets it drop onto the floor and unfastens the buttons on his shirt quickly and Bruno pulls back from their kiss and asks her, what's the rush baby and Leila strokes his erection through his pants and tells him, you want me just as much as I want you and now that we're alone again I can't wait to have you inside me and he kisses her and she pulls his shirt open and strokes his chest and Bruno lifts her up and carries her into the family room and sits down on the sofa with her on his lap and she unzips his pants and strokes him and he pushes her dress up and rips her black thong off and grips her hips as she guides him inside her never breaking their kiss and Leila rides him hard and Bruno pulls the top of her dress down and pulls his lips from hers and licks and sucks her breasts and nipples and she pulls back from their kiss and leans back and moans in pleasure and her body trembles and Leila feels her orgasm go through her and cries out Bruno's name and digs her nails into his shoulders and Bruno raises his hips and pounds into her fast and he calls out her name when he comes and she rests her head on his left shoulder and Bruno wraps his arms around her and Leila closes her eyes feeling satisfied and so damn happy.

She walks back into the family room after freshening up in the bathroom and sees Bruno sitting on the sofa with a plate of chocolate covered strawberries and a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket and 2 glasses on the table and Leila smiles and walks over to him and sits down beside him and she swallows hard trying to get her emotions under control and she asks him, I thought you didn't have anymore surprises for me tonight and Bruno smiles and tells her, I couldn't let our 6th month anniversary go by without our tradition of feeding each other chocolate covered strawberries on our anniversaries baby and I didn't want to share this with everyone at the restaurant, hell, I don't want us to share this with anyone and Leila smiles feeling touched at Bruno's thoughtfulness and tells him, I like that it's just our tradition and she kisses him and picks up her clutch from the floor beside her and she opens it and pulls out Bruno's gift and gives it to him and Leila bites her lip nervously as he opens it and sees the gold rolex watch she got him that afternoon and he looks up from it, smiles and tells her, thanks baby, I love it and she breaths a sigh of relief and tells him, i'm glad you like it, thanks for everything you did today and tonight and she laughs and tells him, it's a good thing my family are staying at my house tonight and Bruno laughs and tells her, i'll say or they would've seen and heard a lot more than they should ever see or hear of any of their kids and he kisses her and he opens the bottle of champagne and pours them a glass and they clink their glasses and take a sip and feed each other the chocolate covered strawberries and drink some more champagne before falling asleep curled up on the sofa together.

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