Chapter 31

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3 days later

He walks into the family room and he tells Lonnie, I need to talk to Leila alone and Lonnie tells him, sure thing boss and he gets up from the chair where he's been sitting across from Leila and walks out the family room closing the door behind him and Leila asks him, is everything ok and Bruno smiles at her and walks over to the sofa and sits down beside her and tells her, yes, the movers have just finished putting all the new furniture in the office and Leila looks away from him and he asks her, are you ok and she looks at him and tells him, i'm glad it's finished and she clears her throat and tells him, just let me finish writing this e-mail and i'll go take a look but Bruno can hear and see how nervous Leila is and he tells her, there's no rush baby and she tells him, I know but I want to see how everything we picked for the office looks in it.

She tries to smile at Bruno to reassure him and fails, but Leila is determined to go see how the office looks now, she owes it to herself and Bruno who had while the painters and the movers had been here had made sure she wasn't left alone because she'd told him that having men that she doesn't know in their home scared her and made her feel uneasy and Bruno had made sure that either he, Lonnie or 1 of his men was with her at all times.

He looks at Leila as she turns to him and she tells him, lets go see the office and she stands up and holds her left hand out to him and Bruno gets up from the sofa and takes hold of her hand and he stops as they approach the door and he asks her, are you sure you want to do this now and she tells him, I can't put it off forever, now is as good a time as any and Bruno knows Leila's right, but he can't help feeling worried about how she's going to react and Leila tugs on his hand and leads him out of the family room and Bruno feels nervous as they get closer to the office.

She feels nervous as they approach the office door and Leila stops outside it feeling tense and anxious and Bruno looks at her and she tells him, please, just open the door and he asks her, are you sure and Leila knows she has to do this and she tells him, i'm as sure as I can be and Bruno tells her, when we go in, just try to see how the office looks now and not how it used to look and she tells him, good advice and Bruno opens the office door and she tightens her hold on Bruno's hand and steps forward with him and from what she can see from the doorway of the office it looks so different now and Leila feels herself relax a little and she walks into the office with Bruno and looks around slowly and she looks at her new desk and Leila freezes in fear as the memory of Luke touching her, bending her over her old desk and pulling her shorts down fills her mind.

He tries to talk to Leila as she stands still looking at her desk, but the way she is shaking and the fear on her face that Bruno's only seen once before when he had come at her from behind tells him that she's having another flashback and he steps in front of her to block her view of her desk and he clasps her hands and tells her, you're safe baby and he strokes the back of her hands with his thumbs and looks in her eyes and tells her, come back to me now Leila and Bruno repeats what he's just said to her over and over again and when Leila blinks at him he tells her, lets get out of here and she tells him, I want to get out of here but I can't move and Bruno watches as tears fall silently from Leila's eyes and he lets go of her hands and wipes her tears away with his thumbs and tells her, i've got you baby and he lifts her up and carries her out of the office and takes her to the family room and he sits down on the sofa with her on his lap and Bruno rubs Leila's back and hopes the fear she was feeling has gone even though he can hear her crying and her body is still shaking.

She curls into Bruno and feels ashamed and stupid over her reaction to being in the office and Leila knows she has to do the right thing and she looks at Bruno and tells him, I don't think i'll ever be able to go into the office again, even though it's been redecorated and filled with new furniture that we chose for it... as soon as I looked at my new desk the memory of my old desk and what Luke did to me, was all I could see, i'm sorry Bruno but I can't go in there again so you should get a new personal assistant and Bruno interrupts her and tells her, I don't want a new personal assistant Leila and she asks him, but what good am I to you when I can't go in let alone work in the office and he asks her, what if I turn my music room into the office and Leila's surprised and asks him, you'd really do that for me and Bruno smiles and tells her, I love you Leila and there is nothing that I wouldn't do for you and she tells him, I love you too Bruno but it's not fair on you to do that and he tells her, no, what isn't fair would be losing you as my personal assistant, so just say yes and i'll see to everything and she tells him, if you're sure, then yes and he kisses her gently and tells her, i'm sure, so don't worry about it, I hate seeing you cry and Leila tells him, these are tears of relief now, i'm sorry i'm not strong enough to be in the office and Bruno shakes his head no at her and tells her, you have nothing to be sorry for Leila, you're strong baby, we both knew that there was no guarantee that redecorating the office and getting new furniture for it would make it possible for you to be able to be in there again, you tried baby, you went into the office and i'm so proud of you for doing that and Leila wishes she could feel proud of herself for going into the office but she doesn't, she feels bad that Bruno's going to turn his music room into the office because of her.

She looks at Bruno as they lie on the sofa after dinner listening to Lenny Kravitz and Leila kisses him and tells him, I want you to know that when I told you this afternoon that you should get a new personal assistant, I was thinking of someone who's gay and Bruno laughs, smirks and asks her, I thought you trusted me and she tells him, I do trust you, but I don't want another woman around you, drooling over you and I would feel at ease with a gay man and Bruno stops smirking and tells her, i'll always make sure that when we have a man that you don't know in our home that you're not left alone with him Leila and she tells him, I know that, just like you did when the decorators and movers were here and he tells her, yeah, just like that and she kisses him and tells him, good and she moves her hand that's been resting on his left shoulder and starts playing with his hair and he asks her, have you ever wondered why I don't wear hats when i'm with you and Leila shakes her head no and tells him, no, tell me and Bruno smiles and tells her, about 3 months after you started working for me I overheard you telling Jaime in the kitchen that you love my hair when I can be bothered doing it and don't cover it with hats and Leila gasps and remembers telling his sister Jaime that and asks him, why would that matter to you back then and Bruno kisses her and tells her, because I realised after you'd been working for me for 5 weeks that I was in love with you and I wanted to please you and Leila is surprised and feels touched and she smiles and tells him, you're too damn sweet and you should know I loved you then too but I didn't think I had a chance with you or that you were interested in me that way and Bruno strokes her hair and tells her, i've been interested in you that way from the moment we met, why else do you think I haven't had any dates or been with a woman since I met you and Leila's shocked and asks him, all that time... why didn't you ask me out and Bruno sighs and tells her, I was scared for a long time that you weren't interested in me and I didn't want to risk losing you as 1 of my best friends, just like you did and then I couldn't hold back how I feel about you anymore and I kissed you that night at your house and Leila smiles and tells him, i'm glad you did, I never knew I could be in love with anyone the way I am with you and Bruno smiles and tells her, me neither and he kisses her tells her, good things come to those who wait don't you know and Leila laughs and tells him, you're so corny and Bruno smirks and tells her, but you love me anyway and Leila looks into his eyes and tells him, yeah, I love your corny ass anyway and she kisses him and continues to play with his hair as they listen to music and Leila is happy that she can be like this with Bruno and she wishes that she could give him more.

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