Chapter 20

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6 days later

She has just sat down with her third cup of coffee when Bruno walks into the office grinning and he stops behind her desk, kisses her and takes her cup of coffee from her hand and places it on the coaster on her desk and despite her protests he pulls her from her chair and kisses her and tells her, i've got something better than coffee for you and Leila not feeling amused tells him, forget it, after last night i'm beat, my kitty is beat and I need that coffee that you took from me to help keep me awake and Bruno laughs and tells her, sex between us is great and much better than coffee but that's not what i've got for you right now, just come with me Leila and she sighs and tells him, don't I always and she lets him lead her into the kitchen where he pulls out a chair and sits her at the table where 2 bottles of water and 3 large cake boxes are sitting on top of the table and Leila looks from them to Bruno as he sits down beside her and tells him, you know that cup of coffee that you took off me would go great with a slice of cake and Bruno tells her, you can have coffee later and it's not all cake and he opens the cake box nearest to them and hands her a mini cheese burger from it and he tells her, these are samples that were just delivered from the caterer in nice time for lunch.

They both agree that all the food the caterer has sent over tastes great and Bruno tells her, i'm going to call them and let them know and Leila asks him, when I asked you last week you told me wait and see, will you tell me now what you need caterers for and she's surprised when Bruno tells her, to celebrate us living together and Leila tells him, but what if I had said no to moving in with you and Bruno tells her, I would have been disappointed and I would have cancelled the caterer and I still will if you don't like the idea of celebrating us living together and Leila cups Bruno's face and kisses him and tells him, I think it's a great idea but when is it happening and Bruno tells her, 3 weeks today which gives us time to invite who we want to come, which we should probably do today.

He is driving her crazy with the way he's looking at her and when she turns from putting the last cake box in the trash she tells him, stop looking at me like that and Bruno tells her, I can't help it and Leila groans and tells him, at least you're not trying to act like you don't know what i'm talking about and she moves to walk by him and Bruno pulls her into his arms and tells her, I want you so fucking bad baby and he strokes his hands down her back and grabs her ass and presses up against her letting her feel his hard on and Leila gasps and looks at him and tells him, you're such a horn dog and unable to resist him she clasps her hands behind his neck and kisses him and as their kiss goes on and they touch each other their need for each other rises and they start undressing each other roughly, quickly, not caring about tearing clothes or where they land and Bruno lifts her up and walks with her in his arms and he stops and puts her down and then in a move so smooth he has her back against the fridge and her legs wrapped around his waist and he slides his dick inside her and starts to thrust in and out of her hard and fast and all Leila can hear is their others moans and the slap of skin against skin then Bruno changes the angle of his thrusts and her eyes roll back as with every thrust into her he hits her G spot and breathlessly she tells him, fuck yes, right there Bruno and then Leila feels like she's flying as her orgasm hits her and she scratches his shoulders and screams his name as she comes and a couple of minutes later Bruno calls out her name as he reaches his own orgasm and he leans heavily against her breathing hard and sweating just like her.

She feels so tired and she tells Bruno, lets grab our clothes off the floor and go have a quick shower then have a nap and he kisses her and tells her, yeah, we definitely need to shower and a nap would be good, you look tired baby do you want me to cancel us going out to dinner with Eric & Cindia tonight and she tells him, no i'll be fine after a nap and maybe another cup or 2 of coffee and Bruno lets her go as she unwraps her legs from his waist and tells her, go get in the shower and i'll get our clothes and come join you and Leila smiles and tells him, thanks, don't even think of doing anything other than getting washed in the shower because my kitty is off limits for the rest of the day and Bruno smirks and tells her, we'll see, just remember you ended up against the fridge because you kissed me and she laughs and tells him, well you shouldn't have been fucking me with your eyes or woken my kitty up and Bruno laughs and tells her, you call me a horn dog baby but we're as bad as each other and Leila says nothing because she knows he's right.

He can't help laughing as he picks their clothes up off the floor because both their tops and Leila's thong are torn but instead of putting them in the trash Bruno decides to let Leila see the state they're in for herself and he's looking forward to her telling him off for ripping yet another thong off her but before he shows her their clothes, he's going to have her again in the shower which is her own fault for telling him not to and for saying that her kitty is off limits for the rest of the day before she left him in the kitchen and Bruno smiles as he goes up to their bedroom and he decides that he's going to have her ass this time.

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