Chapter 50

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Sat the next day

Las Vegas

She groans as she hears her phone ping with a message alert and Bruno shakes her shoulder gently and tells her to wake up and he shakes her shoulder again a bit more firmly and says, Leila please wake up and she sleepily tells him, let me sleep, sex later, love you and pulls the sheet over her head and she hears Bruno laugh and he pulls the sheet off her head and tells her, you know I love having sex with you baby but that's not what i'm waking you up for right now, especially not by shaking your shoulder and she hears her phone ping again with another message alert and she opens her eyes a little and looks at Bruno and he leans over and kisses her gently and he pulls back and strokes her hair and asks her, let me arrange our honeymoon and her phone pings again with another message alert and she sighs and Bruno tells her, ignore it baby and she asks him do you really want to arrange our honeymoon all by yourself and he grins and replies yes, and i'll pack for you too and she ignores her phone that continues to ping with message alerts and opens her eyes properly and asks him are you serious and he replies well I want to surprise you and since you won't know where we're going on honeymoon until we get there, i'll pack everything you need and she sighs and replies that's sweet of you, but I don't know, there's things a girl needs to pack and Bruno replies I know that, so just make a list of anything you can't go without and i'll pack it for you, the only thing you'll need to make sure you have on you when we leave our reception is your passport and Leila asks him have you arranged our honeymoon already and Bruno replies no, i've made a few enquiries but i've not booked anything and I won't unless you agree to let me and she sighs and replies ok, if you really want to arrange our honeymoon then go for it and he kisses her hard and quick and tells her thank you baby, you won't regret it and he gets up off the bed and runs out of the bedroom and she shakes her head amused at his excitement and closes her eyes wanting to go back to sleep when her phone pings again with another message alert and she groans and sits up and yawns as she picks her phone up from her night stand and she sees that she has 42 text messages and she wonders what the fuck is going on and she reads through some of the text messages and is shocked that her friends, family and Bruno's sisters and sister in law Cindia are all asking her if she and Bruno have gotten married or are getting married in Las Vegas and if they are or have without them, then they'll never forgive them and she feels confused and she gets up and thinks fuck it, she's going to have a shower, then she'll try and sort this mess out.

He looks over as Leila walks out the bedroom towards him dressed in black jeans and a pale pink sweater and seeing the pissed off look on her face Bruno ends his call with his dad and puts his phone down on the sofa beside him and she stops in front of him and asks him what the fuck were you thinking, everyone is blowing up my fucking phone because of what you posted on your instagram and twitter accounts late last night and my mom was crying, she was crying damn it and all Bruno can think is shit and he gets up from the sofa and tells her, i'm sorry, I can explain and he reaches for her and she steps back from him and folds her arms and he sighs and runs his fingers through his hair and tells her, look, I thought by posting 1 of the photos from when we got engaged with your engagement ring clear for everyone to see, that my fans and the fucking paparazzi will back off and give you some space, but when I posted the photo saying what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, I never thought anyone would think we're getting married or we've gotten married while we're here baby, I swear I didn't and she sighs and tells him I appreciate your intention but our families are all singing the same tune to me this morning, that if we have or if we get married in Vegas without them, they'll never forgive us and he moves closer to her and rubs her shoulders and tells her i'm sorry, i'll call your mom and i'll explain and apologise to her, I just wanted people to leave you alone baby and she asks him why didn't you tell your sisters and Cindia that and he blows out a breath and replies because I was enjoying getting under their skin and letting them think we got married here and Leila shakes her head and tells him well that's over as i've told my friends and our families that we're getting married as planned on the 11th of November and she unfolds her arms and Bruno tells her, i'll delete the posts from my social media if you want me to and she replies what's the point, they've been up for hours and have been screen shot by everyone and anyone who cares to, so just leave them, but please be more careful with your captions when you post about us because my head is splitting from having to reassure my friends and our families that we're not married yet and we're not getting married in Vegas and he wraps his arms around her and tells her, i'm sorry I let it get out of hand with my sisters and Cindia, I only told Eric and my dad that I was trying to be funny with what I said online with the photo and she sighs and replies well that explains why they didn't blow up my phone and you should know that your sisters and Cindia are seriously pissed at you and he grimaces and replies they'll get over it, what's important now is to get you feeling better, so how about I go get you a couple of painkillers for your headache and i'll order breakfast from room service for us and Leila replies I took 2 painkillers before I came out the bedroom but maybe eating something will help and he asks her what do you want for breakfast and she tells him she wants scrambled eggs, toast and green tea and he kisses her gently and tells her you've got it, go lie down and i'll go call room service and she goes and lies on the sofa facing away from the window and Bruno goes and calls room service and places their breakfast order and he hangs up and goes over to Leila and sits on the sofa by her feet and tells her room service won't be long baby and she smiles a little at him and replies good and closes her eyes.

She smiles as she puts her phone into her hand bag and she walks over to the bathroom and stands in the doorway and watches Bruno fix his hair and he asks her how do I look and she cocks her head at him and tells him, give me a twirl and he twirls around and she laughs and tells him you're looking fine sugar bear and Bruno walks over to her and wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her and he pulls back and she tells him I don't know what you said to my mom when you called her earlier and apologised to her but she was just singing your praises to me on the phone and he grins and replies your mom told me after I explained why I posted that photo last night and told her that I was trying to be funny with what I said that she appreciated me calling and apologising to her and for having your back and Leila smiles and replies yeah she told me the same thing and she gives him a quick kiss and tells him we should get going and she starts to pull away from him and he asks her, will you tell me what's bothering you and she bites her lip and replies nothing is bothering me, i've just been thinking about something and i've been waiting for the right time to talk to you about it and Bruno tells her, talk to me now baby and she sighs and tells him, I have a request and he laughs and replies you should've asked me before the show and she smiles and replies it's not a song request and he asks her what's your request and she tells him, I love you and I know it's taken some time for you to grow them and i'll understand if you say no but I would love it if you were clean shaven when we get married and Leila bites her lip nervously as she waits for Bruno's answer.

He feels surprised by Leila's request and asks her why didn't you tell me before that you don't like my moustache and goatee and she replies because I didn't want to hurt your feelings, I still don't and at first I really didn't like them but they've grown on me, I kind of like them now but I think you look better without them and you can grow them back again after our wedding if you want to and Bruno can see that Leila is uncomfortable and nervous and she kisses him and pulls back and tells him, look, just forget I said anything, it's fine and she pulls away from him and he pulls her back against him and tells her, I love you and I want to make you happy and if shaving my moustache and goatee off will make you happy then that's what i'll do and he kisses her gently and she tells him I don't want you to feel like you have to do it and Bruno smiles and replies I don't and he gives her a quick kiss and lets her go and walks over to the sink and unzips his toiletry bag and pulls his electric razor out and he plugs it in and shaves his moustache and goatee off and he unplugs the electric razor and cleans it quickly and turns around and sees the shock on Leila's face and asks her, how do I look now and she walks over to him and strokes his upper lip and chin and she kisses his upper lip and looks into his eyes and tells him, I can't believe you just did that, you look extra hot and i've just thought of another nickname for you and Bruno laughs and asks her what is it and she replies super sexy stud muffin and Bruno bursts out laughing and hugs her and he pulls back enough to look at her and asks her are you really going to call me that, don't you think sugar bear and horn dog is enough and Leila tells him nope but I think i'll stop at 3 nicknames for you, especially as you have more than enough nicknames and he replies good point and she tells him, lets go, my super sexy stud muffin and he can't help laughing again and they leave the bathroom and Leila grabs her hand bag from the sofa and he laughs at the shock he sees on Lonnie and Dave's faces when they walk out of his dressing room and when they walk onto the bus his band tease him about having a baby face again and Leila tells him to ignore them and tells his band to shut the fuck up and leave him alone or she'll shave them all bald when they're sleeping and his brother Eric tells him he thinks he looks better without facial hair but the only person's opinion that matters to Bruno is Leila's, and he knows she's happy that he's clean shaven again and that's how he's going to be for her from now on.

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