Chapter 102

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the next day

She can tell that Bruno is getting frustrated talking to his dad on the phone and since the call is on speaker she can hear what Bruno's dad is saying and Leila gets up from her desk and she walks over behind Bruno's desk, stands behind his chair, kisses his right cheek and starts massaging his shoulders that feel tense and after a few minutes Leila feels the tension in Bruno's shoulders go away and and he leans back in his chair and Bruno's dad asks Bruno, did you and Leila only come to Hawaii at the weekend to get the family to agree to do a lie detector test and Leila goes still and Bruno tells his dad, no Pops, it wasn't like that and Leila rubs Bruno's shoulders and tells Bruno's dad, it was my idea for the family to take a lie detector test Pops, which Bruno knew nothing about until I spoke to him about it on the flight to Hawaii on Friday morning and Bruno's dad says, I see and Leila sighs and tells Bruno's dad, from the moment you asked us to come for a long weekend Pops, we haven't stopped worrying about someone else in the family wanting to hurt Bruno like Jaime did and the possibility of that happening scares me.

He spins his chair around and Bruno can see that Leila is worried and he pulls her onto his lap, kisses her head and tells his dad, the family taking a lie detector test was Leila's idea Pops but she didn't have to convince me, I agreed straight away, I need to know if there's anymore venomous snakes in our family like Jaime and his dad tells him, I don't think there is Bruno but I never would have thought that Jaime could do what she did to you and Leila so I hope to hell there isn't and his dad asks him, what will you do if there is son and Bruno looks at Leila and tells his dad, if there is, then i'll cut them out of my life because as much as I love our family Pops, I won't risk losing Leila and us going through hell again and Leila hugs him and his dad tells him, lets hope there's not and we can be a family again son and Bruno leans his head against Leila's and tells his dad, i'd love that Pops, I miss being close to Eric and my sisters.

She shakes her head at the box of freebies from Nike that's she's carrying for Bruno, it weighs a tonne and she hopes she doesn't drop the box of Krispy Kreme donuts that's sitting on top of it and Leila regrets refusing to let Dave carry the box from Nike into the house for her and Leila stops near the office and puts the box down onto the floor and tells herself that she just needs to rest for a minute and she stretches her neck and Leila tenses up feeling afraid, confused and angry as she hears a voice coming from the office that she'd hope to never hear again and Leila tells herself, Jaime can't be here, there's no way she's here, this can't be real, i'm either having a nightmare or i've lost my fucking mind and Leila forces herself to walk over to the office and she stops inside the office door and sees that Bruno is alone in the office, he's sitting behind his desk looking smug as he listens to Jaime talk to him over the speaker on his phone and Leila starts to back away from the door, she doesn't want to hear whatever Jaime has to say, but what she hears Bruno tell Jaime stops her from leaving, but it's what Jaime tells Bruno that has Leila's mind racing.

He goes still as he sees Leila standing just outside the office door and Bruno groans silently, he can tell by the look on Leila's face that she's heard some if not all of his conversation with Jaime and he tells Jaime, i'm bored now and i've got better things to do than talk to you, so just do what i've fucking told you to do Jaime and he ends the call and gets up from his chair and Bruno smiles and says to Leila, hey baby and Leila walks away and he goes after her and he's almost at the office door when Leila walks into the office carrying a large box which has Nike's logo all over it and there's a box of Krispy Kreme donuts sitting on top of it and Bruno takes the boxes from Leila and puts them down onto the floor beside him and he reaches for Leila and she steps back from him and Bruno knows this can't be good, he thought Leila would be with her friends longer or he'd never have put Jaime on speaker when he'd called her and he asks Leila, how was lunch with your friends, are they still here.

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